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Roost It

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Posts posted by Roost It

  1. i can't let that go without comment ri

    anzac day is a day of remembrance not celebration

    australia day was not a day of destruction and death

    you seem to be illogically fighting revisionism with a revisionism of your own

    Ah yes that is correct. Change that word

  2. thankyou..I rest my case...you have no idea

    Actually i'm 100% correct.

    Having had a father, 2 grandfathers and a Grandmother involved in Wars I don't need you telling me what it means to me or anyone else peanut.

    None of my family members celebrated anzac day and saw the day as typical warmongering by the elites.

    Now jam that in your pipe and smoke it

  3. you obviously have no understanding of what Anzac day is actually about. More the pity

    It's celebrating those who gave their lives for their country, or in our case our colonial powers

    • Like 1
  4. Try reading a bit harder. Keith W has done a good deal of research. For someone such as the shrill LG to attack the poster referring to his research is absurd as your entering this interlude with such stunning clarity.

    Having stopped reading 3/4 of the way through his book as I was sick of tasting my own vomit I dare say following his words would take a strong stomach, not to mention an excellent revisionist view of Australia's poor and sorry history. i mean FFS we celebrate Australia Day and Anzac day. Senseless death and destruction in the name of progress. Go Figure!

  5. So whats the link, you are quick to retort but slow to explain, come on, put me in my place and explain the link, my dumb brain needs to be righted.

    Actually it needs to be lefted, just back to the centre. Right out there you start to believe your own dribble

  6. i have a son who works in it for a bank, does that make him a "true leach(sic) on society"? :o

    on the other hand, i have a brother in law who works for a stockbroker, who could be described as a leach(sic) :)

    nice to see you are at least free of bigotry, ri

    By banker I'm not talking customer banking. I'm talking the Morgan Stanley's of the world. Leaches is actually a kind word for such folk

    I never said i wasn't a bigot It's just that my bigotry is aimed at folk who have been justifying genocide, environmental destruction and other such atrocities in the name of progress

    • Like 1
  7. I wonder how JnrMac and Prodee would feel if they lived in a country dominated by a people who stole the land and racially abused them on a daily basis. Then one decides to stand up and show some passion and pride for his people and gets shot down for it. This level of hypocrisy can only be shown by uneducated, sheltered folk with little sense for the world as larger than their own postcode.

    • Like 2
  8. There's no doubt that the Left is alive and well on Demonland...

    Pt 1.
    You say it’s “public record” and you may be right, but please provide evidence. as I don’t remember there being any record of her saying she was parroting family members, or other supporters. I do remember however her saying she didn’t even know Goodes was Aboriginal and was merely referring to his appearance.
    Link me to your evidence.
    You talk of a “community gravy train” ? Half of the country is on welfare. Half of Australians families pay no net income tax. Australians have to rid themselves of the mentality that governments owe them a living.
    You then speak of discrimination against Aboriginals. What discrimination are you referring to ? And when will this country be mature enough to end the racial divide so that all Australians embrace being Australian.
    You say indigenous Australians are “massively excluded”. In what way ? Where is this deliberate “exclusion” you refer to ?
    Pt 3.
    The “stolen generations” are a myth perpetuated by politically motivated historians. Have a read of Keith Windschuttle's The Fabrication of Aboriginal History. Here’s an excerpt:
    Yet recent historians and commentators have persisted in describing this proposal as "a massive exercise of social engineering" and an instrument of genocide. Robert Manne, professor of politics at La Trobe University, described it as commonwealth policy: "The officials in Canberra and the minister, J. A. Perkins, gave support to Cook's proposal for an extension of the Territory policy to Australia as a whole."
    This is false. The truth is that Perkins, minister for the interior in the Joseph Lyons government, in a carefully worded statement to the House of Representatives on August 2, 1934, denounced the proposal. He said: "It can be stated definitely, that it is and always has been, contrary to policy to force half-caste women to marry anyone. The half-caste must be a perfectly free agent in the matter."
    None of the historians of the Stolen Generations have ever reproduced Perkins's statement. Nor have they reported any of the other critical reactions made by Lyons to the press. On June 23, 1933, the Darwin newspaper, the Northern Standard, quoted Lyons government sources saying: "It is all a lot of rot." But you won't find that quoted in any of the academic literature on this topic. Manne is not the only offender here but, as a professor of politics, he had the greater public duty to tell the full story.
    Seeing as you find Bolt an anathema, let’s also read his exchange with Stolen Generations Alliance co-patron Lowitja O’Donoghue in 2001,
    (My father) didn’t want to be straddled with five kids,” the former Australian of the Year said, sobbing. “I haven’t forgiven him…
    “I don’t like the word ‘stolen’ and it’s perhaps true that I’ve used the word loosely at times… I would see myself as a removed child, and not necessarily stolen.”
    Asked whether it would be better to state clearly that she wasn’t a member of the stolen generation, Dr O’Donoghue said: “I am prepared to make that concession.”
    I note you’re from Canberra Goffy. A great haven of the Left. I doubt you’d like our border protection policy either.
    Here’s a link to Keith Windschuttle's The Fabrication of Aboriginal History
    Pt 4.
    My ancestors lived on their land in a young settled country. Settlement took place 60 odd years before their journey. I accept that you have personal guilt, but that’s your choice. I have none. I don’t have an ounce of guilt for something that had nothing to do with me. And I feel no guilt on behalf of my ancestors. Explorers discovered a new land on the other side of the world and established new lives. I’m bloody glad they did. You ? Not so much. My ancestors have nothing to feel ashamed about. I have no doubt Aborigines were treated appalling in many cases, but I take no ownership over that. Many indigenes also wish their brethren would leave their animosity behind, as it holds their community back.
    People, such as you, don’t help their cause and nor do you help enrich their future. But rest assured fellow lefties will rejoice in slapping your back. For seeming is always far better than doing.

    Wow, just wow.

    You call for end to the racial divide and then spout this nonsense.

    It's precisely because of views like yours that we have a racial divide.

    maybe put yourself in their shoes and maybe your skewed opinion will change

    Let me guess you work in Banking or are a stockbroker? A true leach on society

    • Like 2
  9. Great rebuff from you LG. I suspect Keith W has done quite a deal more research that you. But then again thats fairly typical of you Canberra lefties when they don't like something, they attack it with nonsense rather than a reasoned argument. That's all you have done in this thread. I suspect you also shout a lot and stamp your feet if your Milo isn't warm enough.

    Wonder how you'd feel if your ancestral lands were stolen and your ancestors slaughtered. If it made you money you probably wouldn't care you small, shallow little peanut

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  10. I haven't been much of a fan of Goodes since I was at a game at the SCG and he snotted Simon Godfrey behind play. I'm also not much of a fan footballers, actors and other "celebrities" becoming Australians of the Year. But that isn't his fault

    As for the war dance, it seems fairly provocative at first glance and people will no doubt have differing opinions but it would be good to wait to find out the circumstances that prompted it.

    Generally small minded, weak, little scared people don't like Goodes. Not so much for his race but his passion, intelligence and pride are too much for them to bear. The fact he's indigenous just makes it worse for them as they crawl around taking shots at him
    • Like 3
  11. Watching the bulldogs and saints play the way they do reminds me of Bailey era of 2010 and early 2011.

    Say what you want about him but on field he had us on the right track. We were playing some of the most exciting footy i had seen during my time supporting this club. Its no coincidence guys like Frawley Trengove Jurrah Gysberts Scully Grimez were developing really well and all looking like bona fide stars, we were all applauding what a young gun Jordie Mckenzie will be because he was tearing the competition apart with his tackle count. We were heading in the right direction on field.

    But thanks to the board administration led by Chris Connelly Cameron Schwab they killed of all the soul and positivity of this club. Im not going to go right into it as i will probably get a couple of weeks if i write on here what i really thought of those two.

    But if your board level doesn't support the coach and what he is trying to create you will have your hands tired behind your back which Bailey did unfortunately.

    I think they call that revisionism

  12. Maybe he's just getting dumber (was going to say stupider but thought that was even less of a word than dumber).

    His comment regarding Hogan was totally unfounded and I have no idea what made him say it. Maybe he just couldn't find a negative thing to say about Hogan and that was the best he could come up with.

    Hogan is a champ and I would happily dig into my own pockets to keep him at the club.

    Leigh Matthews as long hated Melbourne. He often spouts that we didn't earn our flags and whines about our tanking

    First rate [censored] jockey. Time for Mr. King it to [censored] off

    • Like 1
  13. Finals by 2018, that’s improbable, two drafting's and 20 players to go.

    Roos –retired





















    And which player has any relevance to our future beyond next year?

    You remain an imbecile

  14. Neitx was a much better CHB than a FF

    Moving TMac would be a disaster

    Good offence starts with a good defence. It's then the midfield that helps to win the game

    You don't need a particularly strong forward line to win a Premiership. Hogan, Garlett, Dawes and Watts is easily good enough. Just fix the midfield. Bluey you are a [censored] moron

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