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Roost It

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Posts posted by Roost It

  1. Personally I think Roos meant his veil of negativity related to the whole club. I also believe he is completely correct. He was forced to back-pedal by a spineless board. They should all suck up the truth and help Roos do what he's doing. I'll say it again but you put another preseason into these guys, add Petracca, Kent, a fully fit Salem, Frost, a new recruit and a top 5 pick and our list will look 100 times better, I am astounded people are blaming Roos for speaking the truth about the wretched club he joined.

    • Like 6
  2. Really disappointed with some of the carp that comes out of our coaches mouth.

    He blames everyone and everything except himself.

    He said that even after the Geelong win people were coming up to him and saying, well you'll never do that again.

    What a load of rubbish....after the Geelong win most of us were rapt and saying how great things were looking and hoping we had turned the corner.

    Believe us Roosy when we tell you, we do not want to be negative at all, in fact we are sick to our stomachs of being negative....please please please, give us a reason to be positive, like win a couple of games in a row, or beat a bottom side, at least.

    Ne constantly blames himself. He often refers to the fact that it must be him and the coaches. Listen to his interviews and stop making [censored] up

    • Like 1
  3. The whole place is negative, how can it not be after the wasted opportunities of the last 8 years.

    The fact remains though the media jump down his throat every time he says something

    Of course we play a defensive game style.

    Until we can do that what's the point in moving on.so much better off than we were 2 years ago it's not funny

    As of round 1 next year Petracca, Kent, a fit Salem, Frost, a top 5 pick, possibly Trengove and an A grade draftee will

    start on the ground. No more Bail, Jones and a host of other nqr's will be playing.

    The light is on and the tunnel is illuminated.

    The fact that most on this site can't see this and bemoan Roos is proof of the very negativity he speaks of.

    Roos hasn't been just sorting out the coaching, he and Jackson have been rebuilding this club.

    Listening to SEN this morning made me laugh. 2 more commentators trying to stir the pot.

    In a couple of years Goodwin will take over a solid list and we'll be back playing finals

    • Like 2
  4. I wouldn't even consider trading Toumpas and our 3rd rounder for Lynch and their second rounder. Let alone throwing our second rounder in WITH Toumpas, that is crazy.

    Lynch isn't that good. Toumpas has more upside. He will take time to develop mentally, but when he does, he will be an important player.

    Toumpas is a dud

    I knew that the moment I saw him interviewed on draft day. He's a mummies boy, How the fark we missed on Wines is unknown.

    • Like 2
  5. Might be as much a case though that other's cards are now marked.

    I reckon Viv could turn out as an ok meat and three vegs workmanlike mid. Not a star just a week in week out kinda player. Hasnt played as i had hoped. ( he's not alone there though )

    Why would we keep such an average player on the list. Makes no sense.
    • Like 1
  6. Just as long as they scrap the debacle that is our current logo

    To think we spent money so some school kid could stick all our emblems together and call it a logo

    If it was t true it'd be funny........actually I find it amusing anyway

  7. Well yes DC if he has Swanny's ability to read where the ball is going to be but that is what I was trying to say in the first place. I best give up my point, that was that Petracca's extraordinary build is no real advantage in modern footy unless you have half a dozen other tricks in your kit. Anyway let us move on he is going to be a gun, its obvious, just look at him.

    He's over six foot and incredibly strong and that's not an advantage?

    • Like 4
  8. Thanks to the drafting of Morton, Scully, Trengove, Gysberts, Maric, Strauss, Tapscott, Cook during previous administrations we have no talent in the 23 years plus age bracket. Of those draft picks you would expect , possibly 2 to be A grader's, then 3 others to be holding down senior positions within the team., That's 5 solid players we simply don't have and that more than anything is the reason we are [censored]. Blaming game style or Roos is just plain wrong. You add 1 or 2 A graders and 3 or 4 competent others and we are playing finals. Simple as that.

    • Like 4
  9. "I can't understand why people would boo Goodes, he's a champion ect."... "So therefore it must be racism" So worse players can get booed? Worse, dark-skinned players?

    If none of these people can understand why Goodes is being booed then how can they also understand it being racism? I just find endless arguments flawed on this matter.

    It's a game, it's a pack mentality from the opposition supporters. Why not put off Goodes, why not put off anyone? Goodes' spotlight in the media is just fuel for fans to put him off his game. Ridicule? Probably. Racism? Not so much (although there's always a few racist supporters at the footy, Swans fans included).

    It might be a disappointing look but it's just heckling you get accompanied with a sporting contest. I wouldn't get involved, (unless he's having a shot on goal or something) but either way I can't wait until either the outrage or the booing dies down

    "I can't understand why people would boo Goodes, he's a champion ect."... "So therefore it must be racism" So worse players can get booed? Worse, dark-skinned players?

    If none of these people can understand why Goodes is being booed then how can they also understand it being racism? I just find endless arguments flawed on this matter.

    It's a game, it's a pack mentality from the opposition supporters. Why not put off Goodes, why not put off anyone? Goodes' spotlight in the media is just fuel for fans to put him off his game. Ridicule? Probably. Racism? Not so much (although there's always a few racist supporters at the footy, Swans fans included).

    It might be a disappointing look but it's just heckling you get accompanied with a sporting contest. I wouldn't get involved, (unless he's having a shot on goal or something) but either way I can't wait until either the outrage or the booing dies down

    Goodes gets booed because he stood up for his beliefs and little white folk don't like it when gifted black folk do that,

    We remain a nation of poorly educated bogans

    • Like 2
  10. Goodes said his celebration was a show of pride to the visiting team's fans.

    "There was nothing untowards to the Carlton supporters. It was actually something for them to stand up and go 'Cool, we see you, we acknowledge you, bring it on'," he said.

    Well we see you Goodes, we ackowledge you, bring it on.


    Do you reckon your small minded, insular, racist booing is because you were poorly raised by your parents or because they were as simple and racist as you?
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