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Roost It

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Posts posted by Roost It

  1. The why hasn't he been consistently boo'd for the last four years by fans from all teams at all games? It seemed to start with him standing up for Indigenous rights, why?

    I have asked this too many times on here and no one as yet can answer it. If you can then great, but I can think of no other reason that people didn't like the stand he took.

    People don't like the stand he took. How dare a black man show passion and point out the atrocities inflicted on his people.It's just not right.

    • Like 2
  2. he's acted like a complete [censored]. i don't see Rioli, the Jettas, Yarren, Garlett, Betts getting booed. He's a petulant sook pulling the racist victim card. Fans can see it for what it is and hence the booing.

    Yeh we wouldn't want a black man showing any passion or pointing out the atrocities of the past would we. You are a d i c k h e a d

    • Like 1
  3. It would be very hard for any coach to coach a group of players with such skill deficiencies as I saw on Sunday.

    Dawes, Tyson, Jones, Dunn, Garland, Jetta, Viney all caused St. Kilda goals or ruined a chance for us to score one with atrocious disposal.

    That's the 6 goals we needed right there.

    The gameplan appears problematic but the disposal is so often sub standard.

    I heard we were going after Wines. I hope we get some clean disposers into the cub as well.

  4. Ultimately there is little pressure on Roos because he has the money in the bag and an end date in sight. He won't be sacked.

    There doesn't appear to be fire in his belly the way there was when he coached the Swans.

    Just when you think someone's posted the stupidest post on Demonland we get yet another contender

    • Like 1
  5. hard to see, roostit, how your irrelevant and extraneous characterisations added any validity to your argument

    if you are trying to convince or educate someone to change their position it seems a pretty unproductive way to go about it

    I've no interest in trying to reeducate the uneducated swill. I just like exposing him and his peers for what they are. That is all

  6. Facts and logic ? That's a laugh.

    Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children are NOT the only children removed from dangerous situations.

    Right now there are less Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children in OOHC than non-Aboriginal. Although their percentage is greatly higher.

    This link may be of interest to you. Thank me later.


    yeh and these conditions have nothing to do with whiteman do they.

  7. didn't know neo-con meant racist

    just love demonland, learn something every day

    seems private school educated means racist too

    any other epithets i might have missed?

    if racism is stereotyping i wonder what your post is

    It's certainly stereotyping. But Prodee fits in there so well there's no need for me to look elsewhere. He's no different that so many of his kind

  8. Goodes is not portraying him or his people as perfect, far from it, He's standing up for what he believes. He believes his people were wronged and continue to be. He believes racism must end however difficult that is.He puts his view forward with passion and pride. Something I know Prodee has none of. He wouldn't know true connection to a people or a place if it bit him on the arse Prodee you're basically a neocon complete with the white supremacist, money is all, power is everything bolony that was probably shoved down your throat like a good little boy by your parents and the private school you went to.Time to get your snout out of the trough and realise how wrong you and those like you have got it.

    • Like 2
  9. Thank you for your kind words binman, I feel the warmth of your comments I really do!

    Despite your claim that "Adam" has the super- abilities to hurt and heal lost souls I cannot be swayed from my assessment of Goodes :

    "A highly conflicted narcissistic boy-man working out his oedipal issues in some kind of public Shakespearean psychodrama".

    Put In simple form: your idol has feet of clay, your emperor no clothes, immature and a bully in need of considerable "work" before

    becoming a credible spokesman for lemonade let alone Indigenous Australians!

    But these are just words, I have another gif (as you call them) to help illustrate my point . . Enjoy!

    Adam Goodes picks on someone his own age . . . . .


    Adam Goodes pointing out the girl who racially abused him. He cracked after copping the same abuse for his entire life. He later spoke of compassion for the girl. It was a hard lesson for sure but not as hard as the [censored] he and his people have had to edure for over 200 years

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