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Roost It

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Posts posted by Roost It

  1. While it's tempting to agree, the problem with that model is that the clubs lose incentive to do anything to encourage their own supporters to attend as the clubs' only get one eighteenth of the revenue of any extra attendees. Or, to put it another way, some clubs would become freeloaders living off the more strongly supported clubs.

    Wrong.. What it does is give all the clubs the same amount of money to invest in football thus helping to further even out the competition. This brings back the supporters of poorer performing small clubs.

  2. It's time we got home games against Essendon and Carlton

    When did we last play Essendon as the home side

    The fixture is a [censored] disgrace and continues to push supporters either away from the game or toward the bigger Victorian clubs

    • Like 1
  3. I knew Toumpas was the wrong pick from his first interview and said so at the time. He's a total mummy's boy. Unbelievable error by the club but there is zero point going on about it now. Brayshaw, Salem, Hogan, Tyson, Viney, are all players we can build a club around. We need 3 more A grade mids, Petracca might be one of them, a ruckman and possibly one more key back. From there we really should see improvement. That's not too much more. We're not miles off top 4, but who k owe what happens from there

    Now stop worrying about Toumpas he'll be gone soon enough

    • Like 2
  4. All clubs "waste" more draft picks than they get right. Everyone had Scully and Trengove at 1 and 2 Watts was 1 or 2 in everyone's opinion

    Let's just hope Brayshaw and Petracca break the cycle

    Asking Todd Viney 2 years later is a waste of breath and the question of an imbecile

    • Like 5
  5. Where the hell do you start?

    We have tried to play catch up over 8 years rather than reinventing ourselves Roos is now just continuing the past . Just Pathetic and I cant blame him because obviously he is not allowed to drop under performers like Jack.

    Dropping Watts is not the answer. His problem is confidence. Roos is showing belief in him and pushing him to regain confidence in the seniors. Dropping him will kill what little self belief he has after becoming the worst handled high pick in AFL history. He is one player that the club owes more to than he does to the club
    • Like 2
  6. Funny coming from Duck....he 'owned' the footy field. So arrogant that just didn't care. On the field. .amazing player...off...:rolleyes:

    Sorry Duck...you're quackers mate if you cant see Jacks shortcomings

    Your posts have long been some of the most moronic and difficult to read. Carey knows Watts shortcomings. He just knows how ridiculous it is to continue to lambast him over every incident. You could do well to unplug your keyboard and and just type your quackery to yourself for awhile. Your readership will only drop by 3 or 4 and it will save us all from scrolling past your countless posts

    • Like 3
  7. Newman is a tool. Attack Clark for having depression is ridiculous. Clark has declared himself fit to play, he'll cop it over the fence but he shouldn't have to cop it from players. You wouldn't sledge a player for having any other illness. I doubt anyone is laying in to the several diabetics in the AFL or Tom Lonergan who lost a kidney.

    Anyone who attacks Clark on part of depression is a gutless wonder. If you want to criticise his move from Melbourne, the retirement etc then you can but have some class and leave the depression out of it.

    FFS can some of you people move on. Aligning yourself with the views of Sam Newman is not a smart idea, this isn't the 1960's.

    Garbage. Clark manipulated the system. Roos got rid of him under the no [censored] policy. Zero sympathy

    • Like 1
  8. Surely that's the best side we've listed since 2007.

    Young, good mix of experience, some potential A graders. A genuine forward, developing midfield, settled coaches and admin and probably another top 3 or 4 pick coming at years end. Throw in a couple of decent trades and it's not unrealistic seeing us move up the ladder next year. Wow footy may actually interest me again

    • Like 3
  9. Carlton, they are just an average side with some less than average players.

    I think Richmond will be a flop aswell, they are talking finals, I don't think they will make the finals, to me that is a fail for them.

    St Kilda will be bottom 2, they haven't bottomed out yet, they still have some ways to go, I'd have them bottom 2 for the next 2 years at least.

    I don't think it will be a good time to be down the bottom from here on in, just as we are seeing the same sides play off in the top 4, we'll also start to see those down the bottom of the ladder - stay there. I think MFC will avoid this due to a raft of young talent on our list, rebuilding sides can only dream of having a young brigade like the MFC.

    Dreaming of another list.

    We have 1 forward

    Maybe 3 midfielders

    And little offensive ability in our defence

    We're bottom 2 or 3

  10. Toumpas is slow, an ordinary disposed of the ball and frightened n to hit a pack

    Cale Morton Mark 2

    Watts is quick when he's not running at a pack or a disputed balla beautiful disposer of the ball and also frightened to hit a pack

    The only reason both have a chance to rise above their current state is Paul Roos.

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