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Roost It

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Everything posted by Roost It

  1. Sheedy doesn't like Melbourne. A few years back when the Roos looked to be heading North he penned an article about their "shinboner spirit" In the article he found room to praise Richmond's and the Doggies spirit as well. Then he commented on Melbourne, stating that we had nothing to offer and lacked any spirit. It really [censored] me off. watching him over the last year or so makes me laugh. He's a walking embarrasment. His rants no longer hold any substance and his opinion is rarely sort. as for his alignment with richmond, They can have him, he fits right in!
  2. I'm not bagging him for his age or his injuries. In fact I commend him for coming back from those injuries at his age. However when a senior player puts on a performance like yesterday he deserves all the scrutiny he gets. I give him credit for his career contribution but only because he comes from a time when his indiscretions were left unnoticed, Daniher must share in the blame on this front. His inability to consistently do the team thing has long been a source of dissapointment to me and I'm sure many at the club. But hell they put up with Travis for 10 years so who's faults that. I think the club is changing and I'd be very surprised if Russell is offered another contract. I
  3. I've been calling for an end to his career for awhile now and some of the things I hear in response are as follows "He'll be able to teach the young ones a few tricks" "He straightens us up" "He's exciting and brings people to the footy" "His defensive pressure isn't that bad" "He's the heart of the club" Now after his last few efforts is there anyone left who actually believes any of this rubbish. Yesterday against the reigning premiers he was back to his very worst. I actually think it was the most selfish, disrespectful and sad display from a Melbourne football player I've ever witnessed. On several occasions he leapt for the unmarkable ball only to be found lying on his back as Tassie swept the ball out of defence. His attempted goal whilst lying on his back is not something a 19 year old who's busting his gut for the "TEAM" needs to see from a so called experienced player. His "defensive" game involves a 50 metre chase to an opponent who always hears him coming and is never tackled. In any other team in the comp, beside Richmond, none of this would be tolerated. I'm hoping Bailey and co. think the same and he is delisted at year's end. A key forward in the modern game needs to have a reliable 50 metre kick, great defensive pressure and an ability to inspire others around him. Robertson holds none of those traits.
  4. If talking [censored] gets you kicked off then you're going to be very busy!!
  5. Minus his first few, Col's whole year has been better. Let's hope it continues
  6. Bennell - battled on gamely - far from disgraced Mclean - almost finished at this level Robertson - you must be kidding McDonald - hates the Hawks as much as me Rivers - moving freely Warnock - very game Sylvia - best on ground Martin - can play Petterd - don't believe the hype Maric - will be very good Bate - not enough impact - we will persist Jones - the most tackled player in the comp
  7. 100% agree. Would swap him for a top 15 draft pick in a heartbeat. Too slow, too slow, too slow.
  8. The consensus view amongst recruiters was that Grimes was a top 5 draft pick before he injured his back. The fact he slipped to 14 was a total bonus for Melbourne. Doctors were always confident that with improved training and conditioning his problems could be overcome. So far, so good. Criticising Morton and Grimes makes you look really silly.
  9. Too many big guns coming back for Valenti to stay. Them's the breaks.
  10. Did anyone go last night? I couldn't make it but I'm looking for a report.
  11. The club's alot smarter place than it was 2 years ago. In saying that let's say we win 6 games and end up with pick 4. Chances are this will also be a very talented player who will be able to add to our already impressive list. We'll be just fine whatever happens. After this draft it's all upto the coaches and players we've already got and on that front we're looking very good.
  12. With Watts, Grimes, Scully. Butcher, Morton and possibly Frawley, do we need anymore A graders. Cotchin would probably get a run off the bench
  13. I know of many good people who have had serious disagreements with people in positions of influence. Some of them yell and scream, some of them sort it out behind closed doors, others seek reconciliation. None of them have, or ever would, resort to going to the media because they know that in the end this hurts everyone. That is where you and I will always differ. You see Coglin as saving the face of the club by talking to the Herald Sun (I know I'm not the only one who laughs at this very concept) and I see the club losing face by him going to the media.
  14. There are no winners in a difference of opinion. From the way I see it I'm right. From the way you see you're right. The only real loser is the club for having this put into the media.
  15. You have failed to give a meaningful response to my points (and instead have rambled on) and you have abused me. So going by your logic I win.
  16. I'd say there would be very few people on earth who, at one level of their being, don't do things "for the good of themselves" I certainly don't think Stynes is club chairman just for the good of the club, he would certainly be "getting" something out of it. HSOG can write his little essay's on the topic and berate others for not writing and/or reading as much as he does but it doesn't change the fact that his reasoning for Coglin going to the media is weak, even if he wants to call it "direct, relevant and cogent" And Hannabal I'd say that Coglin does a fair job of grand standing and chest beating on this issue.
  17. So are you suggesting Stynes has an an alterior motive in all of this. This is a guy who has spent the last 10 months attempting to unify the club. Why would he puposefully slander a previous board with it's members in the room. I very much doubt this was his intention and your alluding to this and some bigger conspiracy is ludicrous. I've no doubt that if Coglin and Stynes could spend an hour together then this would all be sorted out. Let's hope they do. Unfortunately for the whole club we can't take this out of the Herald Sun.
  18. Blah blah blah And a good reason why he went to the Herald Sun?
  19. Instead of rubbishing other posters just give us a reasonable reason why anyone with the club's best interests at heart would take their gripe to the Herald Sun. Explain how this benefits the club. Please don't peddle out the same lines you've been using. You know the ones "Doing the club a favour" "he was using the Herald Sun for the club" Step back and have another look. He should not have gone to the Herald Sun, it's not how to do things and those who think it is also don't have the club's best interests at heart
  20. I have shown no hatred nor have I condascended Coglin in anyway. I just don't think he should have gone to the Herald Sun, and as yet you have failed to show why he needed to. If talking/abusing/yelling/whatever at Stynes at the football constitutes exploring avenues other than dragging the club into the Herald Sun then things have changed for the worse. As far as having it arse about have a look at your comments. "Coglin went to the Herald Sun because he was worried about the club's reputation" I mean, please this very sentence makes you the "nuffie"
  21. I'd go to the Herald Sun!! -For starters I don't believe it entirely false. I think this club has fostered an "exclusive" and elite image way after it became anything but. With successive past admnistrations hanging their hat on the name Melbourne and what they thought that represented and precious little else. -A heated discussion in front of other fans is not the place for it. -I think it's pretty clear that Coglin was angry and if he was so worried about the club's reputation why go the Herald Sun. -I have little doubt that this will be sorted out by those involved. But it won't be because he went to the Herald Sun. It will be because the two of them will thrash out together away from the media.
  22. Rubbish. "Doing the club a favour" is not a reason, it's an off hand remark by a poster who doesn't have a valid reason why someone else would go to the media instead of seeking to settle this with Stynes. I stand by my comment that strong clubs settle these things in house. I haven't called Coglin self serving but I will continue to question why he would go to the Herald Sun on this. I certainly am listening but what I'm getting back is hsog's political agenda against Stynes.
  23. Did you read the lsat 2 sentences. And anyway what did you win exactly. You don't confront the pertinent point with any meaning or substance in any of your posts. By the way if you feel the need to apologise try being man enough to do it properly.
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