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Everything posted by george_on_the_outer

  1. You just know Razor Ray can't wait for the first game in which he officiates to be able to use this.....
  2. Also on the doubtful/unknown list: Joel Smith...hasn't been sighted outside the rehab group Hibberd....much the same AVB....where is he?
  3. Was never going to happen because of reserved seating arrangements already locked for each of the clubs, and covid restrictions. The clubs are going to have more than enough problems allocating and spacing that reserved seating at the grounds they already use as "homes". Marvel doesn't fit into MCG because of Medallion club, and MCG doesn't fit into Marvel, because of Medallion club.
  4. Because we now are 4 players short on our list, with the 2 list gaps and now Neitschke and Hore out for the season. They have had a good look at Deakyn Smith and Farmer....perhaps they have decided they won't be offered a spot. Better to look at further options, even if Smith and Farmer get spots, we still have 2 holes to fill.
  5. Daisy only hit 1 target the whole game. Stop kicking short!
  6. Stinear still coaching the same as 2 years ago. Stop the handball and short kicks.!!! The girls can kick far enough today.
  7. I spoke with Membership today. There is a staff meeting on Monday, where the ticketing arrangements will be explained, with hopefully all the nuances which will arise. Then there will be a general email to members to explain what is required. In a nutshell, it will be something similar to what was done at the cricket. You will need to get another ticket for an allocated seat. If you want to sit with your mates, then make sure you have their barcodes from their membership ready to go on the one application. This won't be perfect, but it will be better than last year, and if various governments get their act together, should improve as the season progresses.
  8. I'm glad someone else saw that....resulted in 3 goals and a poster. Running and bouncing looks great but if you can't defend....
  9. That was the best part.....commentary about the football and commentators who knew who the players were. Simply refreshing when compared to what we get served up from BT and his washed up compatriots during the season proper.
  10. The trouble is that I have been hearing the same story from a succession of Boards for 30 years at AGM's. At least the Stynes board got us into AAMI, but which only solved part of the problems. The Kate Roffey group has been " in discussions with State Government" we have been told at the past 3 AGM's of the Bartlett Board. Once again we are told that building will commence in 2023. That means plans, approvals, finance etc all have to be completed by 2022. That is NEXT year. This current Board has to announce an outcome by the next AGM or they are out the door!
  11. It all depends on what the Government will allow at the time. Let's hope they lift the current numbers e.g. QLD is letting in 100% of capacity. Richmond with 80K members are still limiting entry, with a ballot for tickets. Higher ( more expensive) memberships are getting priority. There is a good chance the lowest members will not get a seat at the first game.
  12. On the contrary. IF this is true it means the current area being used by Victory ( 2 or 3 soccer fields alongside Olympic boulevard) becomes available. If the rugby pitch used by Rebels is included it opens up a huge area for development. Is it true, is it possible? However, I'm also getting tired of the "it's under discussion" line. Bartlett has been on the board for 7 years. To be commenced by 2023 means all the planning and design has to be completed within the next 12 months. If a definitive plan/design is not available by the next AGM, out will go this Board and we finish up where we have been for the past 60 years...homeless!!
  13. ....he can't be trusted then: Collingwood interstate membership ( from their website) includes the following add ons : Exclusive 2021 Lanyard Personalised Membership Card Bumper Sticket Set Years of Service Pin & AFL Patch AFL Scarf ("sticket" is straight from their site, which only proves their spelling capabilities) i.e. NO hat or Polo. They have to buy that separately...same as us!
  14. Against the big bodied FB's Cunningham is all at sea. Stinear should have moved her further up the field to take away the Dogs advantage, and Zanker to FF. He finally took her off with 10 minutes to go...too late. If he leaves her there next week, Livingstone will have a party. Daisy in the HB line is wasted. 6 touches in a game from such a talented player is telling. Mithen playing forward instead of the middle? Get real! Again it wasn't fixed until 10 minutes to go. Once again, we reverted to trying to handball instead of kicking. Unfortunately, it appears this was drilled into the girls pre-season as a way to gain ground. But the game has changed and kicking it now is better, as the new group of rookies have more strength and skills.
  15. We will miss Goldrick big time. She saved the bacon a couple of times last week on her own. Welcome to Lauren "speccie"McGee for her first game. If she plays as well as what we saw in the All Ireland final, she will fill the gap left by Goldrick.
  16. Couple of things deevotee. As Betterdaysahead has noted: The revaluation of the Bentleigh club and its land would have been done through current valuation channels. That it came out at $22M is also reasonable given it is about 3-4 acres of land, buildings and carpark in the middle of Bentleigh i.e only $550,00 for a block of land. What isn't reasonable is that it hadn't been revalued since purchase in 2003. To quote from the annual report: The accounting policy for the treatment of the Club’s land holdings has transitioned from the Historical Cost method to the Fair Value method. This has resulted in the land being recorded in the Balance Sheet at year end at $22.500m, in accordance with its independently assessed fair value. The Club has made this accounting policy change given the significant discrepancy between the Historical Cost of $8.700m and its current fair value – continuing to retain the Historical Cost method did not allow the financial statements to reflect the underlying financial strength of the Club. Revaluing assets is a good way to make a Board look good, but it doesn't put food on the table. And you are right.. What has been done about replacing the lost income from the Oakleigh club after sale? And from the Bentleigh club post 2022? There was a loss of $2.8M last year alone since both were forced to close due COVID, so is indicative of the amount that needs to be replaced. The Bartlett Board has to come up with something definitive about a training centre THIS year. They have been in the job now for 5 years. I have been hearing the same story about promised locations now for 30 years....Caulfield racecourse, The MCG carpark, Junction oval, all have been thrown about usually just before elections and AGM's. To date NOTHING.
  17. When BB is kicking for goal, most of the opposition defense will need to be on one side of the ground!!
  18. Majak has been invited to train with us, because as Alan Richardson has said they think he will be available R1. We didn't look at McCartin because he won't be available R1. We only invitedMD after Weidemann and BB were slated as being unavailable. So if Majak proves to be what we need over the next couple of weeks...he WILL be playing in the forward line sans Weidemann and BB.
  19. In 2017-8.... 61% of TOTAL Tasmanian income was from Federal government and GST sources( from other states essentially). With a population of just over 500,000, they have zero chance of supporting an AFL side from their own resources. The couple of million they sling to North and Hawthorn represent about 10% of the cost of running an AFL side. The AFL will not support another club, especially to the tune of 90%, when there is no prospect of improved TV income. More so in the current environment ( the effects of which will continue for some years)
  20. Let's get KP up there at least.....especially since Demonland sponsor her!!!
  21. Great game of football, and a fantastic display of the talent that is coming through now. This justifies our recruiting policy of getting in the young talent this year. Bannan & McNamara already playing regular games. But WOW is Goldrick fantastic! McEvoy similar, but wasn't involved as much. Cannot wait to see Lauren "Speccie" McGee play alongside them...... Equally important was the contributions of Mithen and Hanks in the middle. Everyone sees Paxman ( and she is fantastic), but this group was pitched against probably the best mids in the competition and held their own with close to the same number of touches each as Paxman. Hanks is just turning 21 tomorrow, and Lily is 22. They will be playing for another 10 years! We are sitting at the top of the table, and have banked 3 games. And apart from Petrevski we haven't suffered the injuries which crippled us last year. And we have more players to return. All looking good.
  22. ..that's the truth. Post Covid, we have 12 teams on AFL support. Port, St.Kilda, North, GC, GWS all up to their ears in debt. There is not the slightest chance the AFL will bankroll another team. Tassie's biggest chance is GC. They have no supporters and operate in an area where no-one cares about any sport. Rugby and basketball have failed there, AFL will be the same. Just have to wait until Gil has gone, so that everyone can see the folly of throwing millions in an area with no market. At least GWS is in a decent population base....
  23. @dazzledavey36....Dazzle...we saw how the team agonised over Rosman or Carroll....what are your thoughts given your knowledge of the underage players?
  24. Another great win by the girls. It also showed the difference between top and bottom sides, where the ones at the top have that group of seasoned campaigners who don't stop for the whole game. Paxman was superb again, but not as noticed this week, but she was always in the scrap in the middle. Hanks was also fantastic, and has also learnt to put the ball on the boot to clear the pack in the middle. Simply appalling umpiring decision to award a HTB against her in the first seconds of the game. No prior at all. Still she stuck to her guns and along with KP just ground the likes of Conti into the ground. Lauren Pearce was fantastic again. She does more than just hit the ball out, she has great ground skills, and this was telling when having to play against Sabrina Frederick. Richmond needed her ( when she was in the ruck) and Conti to provide drive, and they didn't get it all game. Take away the first minute and the final couple of the game, and Richmond would not have scored a major. Don't you just love Goldrick. She just has one approach...see ball get ball...and heaven help anyone who gets in her way. Can't wait to see McEvoy and McGee out there with her, that will be one tough unit. Fortunately, we cut down on the handball this week. Kicks off the ground were used instead of trying to pick it up like last week, and the result was the ball just gets to the scoring end. We still have a propensity to go for short kicks, and against a better side, we would have paid heavily a couple of times. Bannan is a real find. She is what the recruiters were looking for. Someone who has played the game all her life, and has that background of knowing when to go and when to hang back. And has good overhead skills to boot! Loved McNamara again, she will be, and has been in her 2 games another great find, being a natural footballer. Can't go past the efforts of Lily Mithen. She has stepped up to a different level, and her ability to get ball to boot in tight situations was critical. With Hanks and KP they make a first rate on-ball brigade. We have 3 talents in there and most teams struggle to have one at that level. Up forward Bannan and Hore were the major scorers, but a shout out should go to Eden Zanker who gifted Hore one of her goals with a smart tap, and then she fills in the ruck position and still does a great job. 2 from 2. Much better position to be in than we have found ourselves in past years, where we were not winning the winnable games, and we had an injury list which limited chances. With only the hamstring loss of Petrevski, we still have a host of both experienced and newer players ready to go, so we can only get better.
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