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Everything posted by Tricky

  1. It rounds down to zero so can't be shown.
  2. Sounds like such a misguided choice would be moot in any case: "It's believed that one of the conditions associated with an AFL bail-out of the stricken Demons is that they employ an experienced head as senior coach to take over on a permanent basis from the sacked Mark Neeld." http://www.sen.com.a...emons-job/60008 (thanks Bazza226)
  3. Nope, no pass for me...your magical link got me straight in!
  4. FYI - no digital pass was required for that link
  5. Thanks for that. Unsure why the const. isn't readily available as it is for many clubs... A search for "constitution" on the MFC site returns the Carlton FC constitution - lol.
  6. Any member can obtain a copy of the constitution from the club - I did this week. I'm finding it harder to locate this "open letter" from JK - was it not published online anywhere?
  7. In the online version? Can't see it easily - any chance of link BB?
  8. Let's not forget he was coaching the Easts Bulldogs under 16s in 2011 people!
  9. My personal opinion is that there is far less certainty surrounding a "rookie coach". Experience counts for a lot and we can't have someone learning on the job. Having tried this route twice, consecutively and failed miserably, and given our predicament, I think it would be lunacy to go around again. There are no guarantees even with a proven coach, but surely you can be more confident.
  10. Pretty much agree, although I'd have Ratten in front of Eade & Williams. Sorry, I know you said no assistants...
  11. Don't be so easily dissuaded, they are not journalists.
  12. Same as mine, although Ratten & Woosher would be in there somewhere Edit: + Ayres
  13. I was told it was only 100 members... As an aside I was also told the cost of such an election is around 10K Curious, does anyone have a copy of the constitution? I note that other clubs have theirs readily available online, yet a search on the MFC site returns the Carlton FC Constitution.
  14. I could try the Gatwick, sounds cultured.
  15. You guys are brilliant. Seriously awesome banter!
  16. I think anyone of any political standing should immediately be disqualified from consideration purely to save us from the inane political bickering. In other news, Cardinal Pell is rumoured to be gathering support for a ticket.
  17. I think he was reading Bailey's old directives.
  18. I agree player/CEO is not the same thing, but I don't agree that money is the only possible factor that could overcome any conflict created by "barracker allegiance". How big a conflict would that be really and why does money neutralise such a thing? We are looking for a proud professional. I quote Peter Jackson below: "I think that Melbourne being the centre of the universe for AFL footy. Its a big challenge. Its a founding Club. Its a proud Club. I think that people will want to come here and get it back up where it should be. The whole of the competition want Melbourne up and about. The AFL want Melbourne up and about. No-one wants this footy club down where we are at the moment. So people will get behind it and we will make it work." "Ive been asked numerous times today How will we entice anyone here?. Easy. Its the biggest and best challenge in football at the moment and there are a lot of people out there who like those sort of challenges. Fundamentally thats why I am here. I cant say no to a challenge. So there will be others who will say the same thing."
  19. I like your take on things Biff. Ever thought of running as an independent? The Teabag Party has a nice ring to it?
  20. Of course not - we don't know your age
  21. I'd say it's a pretty fair correlation on mjt's part. But you are correct - "correlation does not imply causation."
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