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Everything posted by Tricky

  1. Playing it smart all round. Just a pity that damn knee is holding him back. It's great value
  2. Yeah and that presser wasn't ever going to tell us anything else. I'm not buying any predetermined outcome on this either way. Let the unbridled speculation continue!
  3. Why? Because he stated in March that he hadn't been approached yet? He also stated: "Well if the time did come and it hasn't ... I mean I'd have to look into it and I'll leave all that stuff to my management and the club to sort out" Fair enough if it turns out any of this was untrue at the time, but otherwise, no need to cast aspersions on his character.
  4. Try this... Dated 9th Feb and I can't see how it "looks like he's going" from this at all.
  5. Haven't you heard, he's "languishing in the reserves"... Wow Jon Ralph, quality journalism. I suppose by languishing he means being named in the best, with 28 touches & 5 tackles, pleasing the coach with his attitude. Morton will and should stay.
  6. Just a hunch but I reckon DC was hoping you would pass comment on the Egyptians being in agreement with OD's mother...
  7. For those who don't follow Stats Incredible - Wins and Losses
  8. So glad you put the second part of that sentence in.
  9. Fair enuff. Still it is an interesting choice of word - wonder if it was a direct quote from Gotch. The Rnd 7 player review from Gotch certainly mentions Cale needing to be more physical - which I think many would agree with.
  10. I believe WYL was probably quoting from the article... Hun link
  11. Interesting point, personally I don't think he had time - hence no PO. My understanding is that PO occurs before the tackle, not during. Quote from Gieschen "Certainly didn't have prior opportunity" Agree you don't have to look far to see worse decisions.
  12. Yes laughable. No prior opportunity, not holding the ball - anything else is open to interpretation and will result in inconsistency. If players are encouraged to stand up in the tackle (a la the Didak example) then I believe that the tackling player is left with little choice but to try and bring the player to the ground (a la Dangermouse - Trengove). Please stop f*&%!ing around with the game!
  13. Yeah that too Daisy...
  14. Likewise. I will be happy with 4 Qtr's of effort given the circumstances.
  15. Could not agree more Artie. Just so I'm clear - does this make me an apologist? Sorry for needing to ask
  16. Add Tinney to this list (slap him first, then sack him)
  17. I'm with you kallioota. It's a real problem when you can't find the hole!
  18. He says racking up his 8,555th post
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