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Everything posted by ding

  1. This is brilliance from Collingwood.... they know it will be their home game, and that so many MFC supporters will be wanting revenge, it practically guarantees a 70k+ crowd. Great for both teams actually. Must happen.
  2. I would ask for a refund on our pre-season commando camp. That was supposed to set us up for close contests like Saturday. Serious waste of money that would have been better spent on a ball-skills course.
  3. They are all carying one of these.... oh look, NO TACKLES
  4. Harmichael.
  5. Hasnt Goodwin said on multiple occasions that we dont look at the past? Players forging their own history or rubbish like that. Well, we now add to our inglorious history of the past 50 years ,the title of smallest margin ever to miss finals. Maybe he will now change his tune.
  6. Dunno about the rest of you, but i have spent the last couple of days regularly clicking on 'Land....................... I was hoping for answers..... no idea what that was even going to look like. I was hoping i would read something, ...................ANYTHING that would make me feel better about how our year finished. Clicked on the interview Nate Jones did today... closed it before the footage started. Dont care what was said. Words..................... Im over words. No longer expect actions either.................. Actions are what other clubs do. We do words. Not getting much solace out of seeing how upset the rest of you are feeling either. At least i know im not alone i guess. Still not making me feel any better. I have no idea how to feel, or what to think. Next year means [censored] all to me right now. The players could do a video with all of them making a blood oath to each other and the fans, promising..... well, they could promise anything right now and i just wouldnt believe it. Thats where im at. All my trust in this club is gone. How on Earth can anyone believe we will be better next year just as a matter of faith? Im going to go into next year not believing ANY positive news coming out of the club and its players. Have been burnt by MFC too many times to take them at their word any more. The veil of negativity will be covering my face like an old Italian lady at her husbands funeral. So flat about the footy right now i wish i could just forget the past 40 odd years and care about something else. Problem is i was indoctrinated by my father as soon as he had the chance. What choice do i (we) have but to front up next year and do it all again. [censored] you MFC...... Its well overdue you repaid the faithful with some success. If we ever win another premiership the players should stand back and let the fans collect the medallions. Players come and go... members and supporters are generally MFC until they die. FFS even this rant didnt make me feel any better.............................................................. I hate Melbourne right now. Gonna take quite some time to repair the damage. Boy am i gonna make them earn my trust this time. No more free rides. Damnit, they have reduced me to a jilted lover. You Bastards.
  7. Started the year fat and unfit. Finished the year as one of the top few inside mids in the comp. Already doing at 20 what most good mids cant do until they turn 25 (if ever) Hands so fast the umpires have to guess how he got rid of the ball. Watch his possessions in slow-mo.... most are a work of art. Yeah, i would like him to kick more often as it get us more meters gained, but im not the one smashing into hardened bodies to lay my hands on the pill. Seriously, if this kid doesnt have a brownlow within 3 years i will eat my MFC cap. Best draft pick in my lifetime, considering he came as such a surprise. Essendon did really well with Parish. Looks like he will be a gun. We did even better with our pick. Get around him, and the recruiters. I heart Oliver.
  8. Stepping down as captain is my guess.
  9. The club has completely shut up shop. Zip, zilch, nothing on the MFC site. What i hope is happening........ Management is absolutely tearing the team a new [censored] behind closed doors, before finding a way to apologize (without caveats) to their long suffering fans . What i suspect is happening..... Players are being given a cuddle and pat on the bum so as not to hurt their feelings, before management finds a way to put a positive spin on a disastrous finish to the year for their long suffering fans. OFC i have no evidence that any of this is true, but right now it suits my mood so im running with it.
  10. So many members and supporters wont gave a flying F who wins. Best in ANOTHER failed season? WGAF.
  11. Essendon made it and we didnt. Essendon. MFC = limp squibs Again. Choke on your Mad Monday beers you pathetic bastards.
  12. lol always someone who will cherry pick. Goodwin stated that he didnt make any mention of our record against Norf going into either game. I knew each time we would lose as there was zero emphasis placed on our abysmal record, and the need to do something about it. His empty rhetoric about making our own record or whatever [censored] he sprouted was proof enough that he doesnt have the skills to motivate our players to win against supposedly weaker teams. Watch the next few weeks and you might notice that there is no MFC playing finals when there bloody well should be. He is as much to blame as the players, and currently i have no confidence in his ability to make us a serious threat.
  13. Goodwin will probably not win a premiership with MFC, He has no idea how to motivate a team to perform against opposition it SHOULD put to the sword. So far he has been a huge mistake. Give me Northey or Danners any day of the week.
  14. One year you get 40% on an exam that has a pass of 60%.... that's a fail. Next year you get 50% on an exam that has a pass of 60%... you improved, but still failed. If the pass mark = finals and you dont make it, you have failed no matter how close you get. This season was yet another fail. MFC = FAIL.
  15. 100 x 100's If they all get pizzed i hope they have a hangover that lasts their entire break. HURT YOU BASTARDS
  16. sorry bud im so pizzed off right now i cant see daylight for the sun. Best i sign off for 6 months.
  17. lol not so much rubbish now hey Doc? You owe someone an apology, like our team owes its supporters.
  18. OFC it would have made a difference. Anything else is dreamtime.
  19. Club will find Sponsorships and trades harder to negotiate than they might have been after this weekend. Take the players out behind the back shed and give them all the cat-o-9-tails. Goody can have a few as well. Any coach who ignores history deserves a flogging too. FU MFC. Have a [censored] off season with my best regards.
  20. Read the other thread... i have already cancelled my auto-renewal. Money where my mouth is etc etc.............
  21. Suck it up Wise. Some of us could see it coming, yet the happy clappers didnt. Always next year..........................................................................................................................
  22. No more than 3 or 4 will give a [censored] if we play finals or not. Like i said in another thread, we have a team of Jack Watts's who dont care as long as they get paid. MFC stand for nothing.
  23. Right, time to cancel my automatic membership renewal .................
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