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Everything posted by CHF

  1. My hope is that none of our list end up getting the long version of Covid. From all reports it would wipe them out for the season.
  2. Well, that makes the selection meeting a three cheese platter night. Jackson, Sparrow and Pickett out with H&S protocols and who is to say that there will not be more before the weekend. I hope that Lever and Viney are right to go as they will immediately cover a couple of the losses above. Lever coming in would allow Brayshaw to move back to the wing and Jordon to move to a more central role in place of Sparrow. You could, of course, leave Jordon on the wing and give Brayshaw a more midfield role. Either adjustment would not weaken the team. I can see Bedford coming in in place of Kossie. He has been close to selection in the past few weeks and I think he might be primed for a good one. Chandler the alternative but Bedford looks to be ahead of him at this stage. Jackson is a hard one to replace as he is so unique in the way he moves and plays. Having said that, He did not have a lot of impact on the game last week and it will be interesting, given the weather forecast, to see which way the electors will go. Do they try a like for like approach and bring in Tmac to free up Weid to share the ruck work with Max or do we look at Max to take 90% of the ruck work and bring in a smaller midfield cover? I would look at the later solution. Leave Weid and Brown forward as the main targets, Max to do the bulk of the ruck work in the center and in defence and bring in another runner. I would look at Baker to have a run, possibly Laurie. It will be interesting to see which way we go in this one and to see if more players have to isolate.
  3. 6-0 to start out defence of the flag I will take in any season. Just as I will enjoy getting the 4 points in any H&A game. Did I find it frustrating to see so many gettable goals turned into points? I sure did but on replay I managed to put that aspect of the game aside and watch the way we controlled the game building on a rock solid defence and moving the ball well through the midfield. Always looked to be winners. I also think that the players and coaches will learn a lot from that game as the Tiges look to be in damage control from the very early stages of the game and looked to keep numbers behind the ball and not allow us any space to work in in our forward 50. A couple of critical players missing out through H&S protocols and we slotted in a couple of others on the list and the team just accepted what it was on got on with the game. Smith and Dunstan were both more than adequate during the game And have given the list a boost with regard to depth. With just 3 on the injury list at the moment we have unrivaled quality depth available to cover any requirements. Enjoyed the games from Oliver, Langdon, Jordon, Sparrow and Hunt. Bowey has been so consistently good over the journey of his 13 undefeated games, that I must admit to taking his game a bit for granted. Tackles well and always looks to have plenty of time when he ha the ball in hand. On to Hawthorn.... 7-0? Yes please!
  4. Good squad named. Gives us plenty of options, flexibility and direction and does not give anything away to the opposition. So many different ways we could set up. Love it!
  5. Sparrow I like but he plays a similar role to others in the team IMO and is a step or two behind them but closing fast. I prefer Jordon at the moment because he has a bit more of a point of difference.
  6. This kid's nickname should be 'The Waiter' because he always delivers on a plate to team mates.
  7. As others have said, we are in a great position with defensive depth on the list and at the moment the only ones that are fit and been dropped Smith and Tomlinson. I am sure we will have other injuries in time during the season and what I have seen to date gives me confidence that we will have a good functioning structure in the back 50. Once Salem is back, fit and firing then He would be included in the team. Lever, May, Rivers, Petty, Bowey and Salem with one of Tomlinson, Hunt or Smith as the 7th defender selected depending on the matchups and form. Some may have Brayshaw in that group as well and fair enough, he has played the position well but I think he ha more value for the team on the wing. He also has great value as he covers wing, HBF and can also be an effective mid in the center. Players that can not just cover those positions but play high value games for the team in those positions are as rare as unicorns. Jordon is required in the 22 as he can also cover a few positions and free up Brayshaw from a wing as required. With Salem back my team is: Lever, May, Rivers Bowey, Petty, Salam Langdon, Viney, Brayshaw Harmes, TMac, Spargo Pickett. Brown, Fritsch Gawn, Petracca, Oliver IC: ANB, Jordon, Jackson, (Hunt, Tomlinson or Smith)
  8. Yeah... I have heard that it will be 2 years but I also heard a conflicting version that it will be longer.... possibly 4 years. Not sure what to believe.
  9. I think we will go in with the same team against GWS. Petty to get a run in the Casey team again. Wied is lucky that Brown is having a week off. Would love to see him kick a few and have longer term success but My hope for him is fading. He needs to attack the ball at every opportunity.
  10. Well, that was enjoyable. Another W and 4 points in the premiership bank, I will take that every week of the H&A season. My take-a-ways from that game.... - Max, BOG and really stepped up after his performances in the first 3 rounds of the season - While Petracca and Oliver were quiet, Viney, Langdon and Brayshaw were excellent. - The coordination between Max and Luke is very good in the way they cover the ground in attack and defence while they are both on the ground. - Jordon on the wing worked well and his development in that position may allow Brayshaw more time on the ball. - Brayshaw operating out of the HB line, and operating with great effect, is a great move but may be temporary until the defensive wounded troops are back. Jordon on the wing, and Brayshaw to take Sparrow's spot may be on the cards. Having him rotating through the mids would be a great addition and he has the quality and experience to run the wing or slot into the defence. Agree with Pert, he is a superstar. - The setup of our defence and the evolving structures are the best I have seen. They just did not allow Port a way forward and forced them to play on our terms. - one thing that we look to be better at then just about all the other teams is our reaction time to turnovers, both in attack and defence. I am interested to see the selection for the Casey game to see who is back and how they go.
  11. So, the game starts at 11.40am my time so come the second half I might just have a beer or three while watching. Very civilized. And after the game a bite of lunch and another couple. Think I will stick to the Duvels rather than the Trappist beers I have on hand...... The Trappist West Vleteren is 10.4%..... a couple of those and I go to sleep. Expecting them to come out hard in the first quarter and for us to come home with a wet sail.... Dees by 6/7 goals
  12. Good to see Lever back but I notice in the Captain's Run Gallery, he is not wearing footy boots but trainers...... Am I over thinking this?
  13. I was not looking at this a a permanent move from ruck to midfield but more a a move to mix things up a bit. We have not worked out center clearances vey wwell and this might just cause a few headaches for the opposition if he has to go there a few times game.
  14. Going to be a 3 cheese board night at the selection meeting this week and unlike earlier seasons the discussion will not center around selecting for the future and building but how do we fit in the best, in form players that are available. Very different. Some decisions to be faced..... Defence where we need to get Lever back into the team to rebuild the structure with May and add to the strengths back there and what to do with the forwards? Personally I would drop Tomlinson and bring lever in. Smith has improved with each game this season and I liked his attack on the ball and confidence out of defence. Until Salem comes back I can see Brayshaw filling in there and rotating to the wing or middle as required. Rivers as the 7th defender. Bowey as the go-too distributer and the ever reliable Postman with his delivery. Midfield is the midfield and if they are all fit, leave them to do what they do. I find it interesting to watch the set-ups at stoppages and the variations we employ. The use of Petracca last week was interesting. With the tag he had he looked to me to be setting up more on the attacking side of the stoppages and not getting too involved in the close in grunt work. (small rant..... I hate the way that the director of the game telecasts delay the replay of the goal and minimise the view of the center bounce setup. one thing I enjoy is to see what the interaction is before the bounce.) At the opening bounce we sometimes see Kossie in there and I like that variation. as another variation I would have Max at ruck with Petracca, Oliver and Jackson at the opening bounce. Max tapping to Luke staying a bit wider with Petracca and Oliver running past. Bloody Wied! Went and kicked 4 and is now a viable options in the forward 50. If Brown is available I think he has to be in the team that will mean that there is not room for both Wied and Tmac, Tmac to miss if that is the case. With Weid and brown in the forwards it will be interesting to see the roles they are given. coaches will need to be very clear in the way they want them to interact. So, Lever and Brown in with Tomlinson and Tmac making way.
  15. Must be some sort of a record for a Dees supporter, in my part of the world we had beaten the Cheats twice and the women’s team was though to the GF before I had finished breakfast on Saturday morning. 3-0... good way to start the weekend.
  16. Just an observation… stats from the ALF Match Center show that Oliver…. BOG….. Demon …. gained 666 m during the game…. just an observation….
  17. That was sweet..... love beating this mob... any time.....any where..... beat 'em like a drum. Did we play well? Not really... we know we can play a hell of a lot better than that..... Did we get the 4 points? We sure did! Petracca well held but it is a bit like Wack-a-Mole..... keep him down and Olive or others will bob up. Loved Brayshaw's game and players like Harmes, Bowey, Langdon and Rives just do what they do. Very nice. It was sweet. A few to come back in and a chance to re-build the structures and trust so we can begin to build our game to where we want it to be.
  18. Beginning of the second quarter..... Demons 4 Horsemen, Gawn, Viney, Oliver and Petracca walk together to the center. Love it.
  19. This mob are one of the teams that I really enjoy beating during the season. There are just so many reasons to dislike them. Dees look to have them beaten on every line on the team sheets but OI do not care about the margin..... 1pt....... 10 goals as long a we beat them. On a side note....the joys of a European Spring...... expecting a few inches of snow overnight and into the morning..... Game starts at 10.20 am my time. It will finish in time to prepare lunch and have a glass or two of wine. Go Dees!
  20. I think that Max has not looked settled in the first 2 rounds of the season. I am not worried at all but I would like to see him relax into the game a bit more. I do not mean that he needs to take it easy, far from it. He has to get into the rhythm of the game a bit more and start to enjoy it way he looked to be doing last season.
  21. Not I. Strange times that after so f’ ing long I have confidence in the Demons. There seems to be so much trust and respect between the players and also between the players and the coaching group. The coaching group have shown that they know what they are doing and the players respond the the coaches and the team leaders really well. They come out at the first bounce, play their game, assess what is going on, where the strengths and weaknesses are and make the adjustments accordingly. A well structured defence, a midfield putting pressure on at every contest and trusting one another to win the ball and a complete ground 22 man defence. Not a lot more you can ask. These days if we get beaten on the day, I think the other team will know they have earned it. hope that Max relaxes into this game a bit more than the last one.
  22. Good selections and it continues Goodwin's apparent policy of keeping the team settled as much a possible. We now have 3 of the premiership defenders back out of the 7 that won the big one. the defence looks solid as long as they keep their structure and systems. plus they will have the experience together of last week to build on. Lever back in next week? Midfield looks great as does the forward 50 group. A very attacking interchange group with a flexible tall Ruck/Forward, a small Forward and a couple of mids that can cover inside and out. if a small defender goes down we might be thin but we do have Tmac to swing back there if required with one of the taller defenders required to play smaller. Dees by 5...... goals
  23. Last season we started with a settled back 50 and a settled midfield with no idea of what would happen in the forward 50. The adjustments were made and players stepped up at the beginning of 2021. This season we are thin of the ground for defenders with 5 premiership defenders out R1. We had the personnel to cover that against the dogs with the midfield pressure adding a lot to the 22 man defence. I would like to see Lever and Rivers back if they are fit and ready to go. Brayshaw back to a primary role on the defensive wing with Bowey used more as the outlet/connection player. He has the kills but may not yet have a fully developed tank. In the midfield Goodwin seems to like matching Oliver against the best mid of the opposition. Not a hard tag but a run with role on Rowell. I would be interested to see that. Harmes to switch there if Rowell is getting away too much. Think we have got them covered..... Dees by 5.......Goals
  24. Have to say I have been scratching my head over the predictions that the Tiges were going to bounce this season. I just could not work out where that was coming from. after watching a bit of that game I just cannot see them making the 8. Too old....Too slow.... To predictable. I was going to refer to a Dead Cat Bounce but might save that for the [censored]..... Blues are looing to improve and on that showing have gained on the field, will need to step up a few more to really challenge..... a couple more seasons for them to hit their straps.
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