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Everything posted by CHF

  1. One of the things that I have been watching closely over the course of this season is the developing combinations, connections and on field relationships within the team. All have noted the May/Lever combo and the way that they work together in the structure of the defence. When Tomlinson went down, and Petty came in they looked to work together with him to ensure he knew what he needed to do. It was similar with Bowey. The defence also has great connection with the mids, not only in defence but also in attack. I noted early in the season how many times Hunt would run down the wing inside Langdon to support and give him an option. Later in the season it looked to me like Salem took over this role, running in support of Langdon in particular but also backing Brayshaw. In the defensive part of the ground, it was not uncommon to see Spargo pop up back there to do a job. With the mids the connections are very obvious with Petracca and Oliver seeming to have an uncanny ability to know where the other is and to find them with a pass. Viney looks to me to be more individual in the way he plays the game. He has a very broad based game that looks to hunt the ball and then relay on reflex to get the ball to go forward player. (not sure if that makes sense) All the mids that attend stoppages or centre bounces look to have a good connection with both Max and Luke. The connection/relationship between max and Luke is very clear. Max The Mentor and Luke soaking it all up like a sponge. Things like ‘the wingers club’ needs a mention as I think Gus enjoys this aspect of playing the position with the contrast to Langdon. The mids work in defence and also in the forward 50 relies on understanding when to go and when to stand out and let the specialists do their work. This was exceptional this season. Both ends really worked well. In the forwards we have Spargo, Kossie and ANB that work together well. Kossie the spark, Spargo the steady and ANB the Spreader. All three together are better than the individuals. They just complement each other so well. AS for the talls down there, well, it took a while to come together but it was worth the wait. This premiership game will cement the relationships within the team and the wider list and the players will realise just how important these combinations and connections are and go about understanding them and working on them and supporting team mates. I love the way that this team is enjoying their footy this season and love the way that the whole list ha brought into the team ethos. P.S. have watched the game replay each day at least once since last Saturday. A time goes by I am sure I will drop back to watching it just once a week. Not yet though.
  2. Thank you Nev. A wonderful team player and a great example for young players. Loved the way you played the game and the way you handled yourself off the ground. Again, thank you.
  3. Mazer, with all due respect to the Birthday Cake Angels, it took them 57 bloody years to deliver on my birthday wish in the first place. How long would it take them to delivery on 5 in a row?
  4. So, what the hell do I wish for when I blow out all of those candles on the birthday cake this year? been making the same wish for more years than I can remember and the cake angles finally answered. I know I could make the same wish but I may need to make the wish to another entity. thank you Birthday Cake angles.
  5. I am presently wrapped around the outside of more beers than I care to count and a couple of bottles of Champagne and for some inexplicable reason I cannot stop smiling..... Strange.....
  6. I am off to bed over here.. don’t think I will get much sleep. see you in the morning when I cook the pancakes for breakfast.
  7. We do not need to lock down any one player if we bring our unrelenting pressure to the ball and the ball carrier. Over the last couple of matches we line up beside an opponent at the center and at stoppages but then our structures take over and it is nearest man brings the pressure. I hope they play like this from the start and gain the ascendancy. Then we have the Doges chasing our tails.
  8. Consistent selection policy all season. Good to see. Jordon the medi sub?
  9. I do recall many years ago when there was a weak quake on the Mornington Peninsula, my then Mother-in-law was on the phone to her brother and was so discombobulated by the whole thing that she said "The rats were coupling in the kitchen" instead of "The cups were rattling in the kitchen". One of the all time great spoonerisms in my opinion.
  10. Buck, I agree with you with regard to the midfield contest. In the two finals so far, we have not really put a hard tag on any of the opposition and really relied on our pressure at the contest to negate play makers. We do line up on an opponent at the center bounces and at stoppages but then look to attacking the ball and/or ball carrier with our pressure. The first quarter will be a contest to decide who is dictating terms. If it is going our way them the Dogs will need to react and try to shut us down. if we need to react to the Dogs then we are on the back foot. I know we have shown that we can turn the tide when required but I would prefer to be the proactive team. Can see us attacking hard and fast in the early stages to get on the front foot.
  11. 2 finals played…….. 2 finals won. Just a Grand Final to come. Let me just repeat that…..”Just a Grand Final to come”. How good does that sound? Our Dees have the opportunity to win it all this season. I am not sure that any supporter could have stood there in February earlier this year and had the intelligent thought that we would be there, or that we would have had the season that we have had. Top of the ladder at the end of H&A and playing and winning finals with confidence and character. No matter what the outcome next week, I, for one, will look back on this season and judge it a success. What I do hope for is that this is the beginning of a number of years of consistency season to season. The result of our qualifying final against the Cats was never in doubt. For me, it was a complete team game. Each player stood their ground and were aggressive and attacking both with the ball in hand and when the opposition had the ball or when it was in dispute. We can not ask for more, just a repeat effort in the TBO (The Big One). As for Geelong, well, they are in a world of trouble with the list they have at the moment in my opinion. Old and slow (I don’t think I am Robinson Crusoe with that thought). The papered over cracks opened under the pressure we exerted, and the Cat literally fell apart. Could not have happened to a more deserving team and at a better time. I do hope that they continue to be deluded about the quality of their list and persist with their present strategy. A word about Max…… Just plain ‘Great’. However, he has made a rod for his own back. While we cannot expect him to play to that level each week, I am sure that he will have his future games judged against this match. And so, to The Grand Final……. Against the Bulldogs…. If the teams play to their high standards of the two QFs, it will be a ripping game and I believe it is the best GF that the AFL could have hoped for. These two teams have been in the top two, or thereabouts, for most of the season. Gunna be a tough one to win and a tough one to lose for both teams. Just a question: what is the record for a team playing in games in a season where it was 1 vs.2 on the ladder. The facts: We are coming off a good win against an old decrepit team…. But we did it well. – Advantage us We have one day extra rest – it is a long two weeks between games so minor, very minor, advantage to us. We are playing at a ground where we have won. – Advantage us They have played their last two games in QLD and SA. Been on the road a while. – Advantage us? They have to isolate in WA? …… - advantage us? They are coming off a good win against Port – Advantage them Problem areas of the game for us. Maintaining the standards that have been set….. Last week our defensive structure was tested with the injury to May and it passed with flying colours. The pressure that the mid field exerted on the opposition between the arcs made sure that the delivery into their forward 50 lacked consistency and penetration which gave our defence an armchair ride. When there was a contest, they did their job very well. This week they will need to be at their best with a few of Bulldogs forward threats in good form. They had 10 different goal kickers so the pressure from our mids will need to be there to ensure that the defence can do their jobs. Naughton is excellent on the lead, and I could see Petty getting first crack at him. Smith with 4 and Hannan with 3 were very good and will need covering. Smith was named on the wing but ran hard forward at every opportunity. Gus to play his defensive wingman role? He may not have the speed off the mark for the job. Bowey? If Weightman comes in, that might be Bowey’s job, and a big job that would be. Might be an interesting matchup. Rivers to Hannan for me. May to English. We have flexibility in matchups back there and the best structure in the league. Midfield is going to be an interesting chess game for the coaches. Both teams have a lot of talent to throw around to try and gain an advantage in matchups. We all know the old adage….. ‘It will be won or lost in the midfield.’ Could not be more true of this game. Libba, Macrae and Bont vs. Oliver, Petracca and Viney in the guts and Langdon and Gus vs. Hunter and Smith on the wings. Juicy. We have Harmes and Sparrow as backup and they have Dunkley who is no slouch. I tend to think we have a bit more flexibility to be able to respond to the fluid nature of a game than the Dogs….. I hope so. One area where I think we have a clear advantage is with Max and Luke. Up against Martin and English I like our chances. Jackson is just so good at competing once the ball hits the ground or is in hand at the center bounce he is like an extra mid. Do not see either Martin or English running with him. Max will compete and attack at every opportunity either with the ball or if it is in the hands of the Dogs… Now for the forwards… We had 10 goal kickers of our own last week and kicked more than 3 times more goals than the Oldtimers. The good; We kicked a winning score with a good spread of kickers and some good form shown by the critical players. The bad; Geelong…. Did I mention they are old and slow? The ugly; Searched my mind and came up empty for this one…… any suggestions? The forward structures worked well and look to be improving each week. Brown is doing all the things he should be doing and the rest of the team are playing off him very well. Fritsch is the hard one for the Dogs. They need to cover him but it will take a good flexible play to do that, and they may be robbing Peter to pay Paul. We have Brown, Tmac and the resting ruck for them to cover. They will be stretched. And then they have Spargo, Kossie and ANB to cope with aa well. All in good form. Petrraca has been on the end of a few recently and Oliver has shown he can kick a goal as well…. another chess match for the coaching panel. Selection this week should be a one cheese platter night, but you never know. No changes for mine if May gets up. Jordon or Smith as Med Sub. Bathwater express is gleaming clean and the donk is turning over nicely. Just throbbing biding its time until the big day. It charged across the Nullabor without missing a beat and fully loaded with all of our hopes and dreams. It has been a great ride on the old girl and now having delivered us to TBO, she is nearly ready to rest over the off season to build up a head of steam for 2022. Never know there might even be an additional flag flying from the arial by then. Prediction… go with the heart or the head? Does not really matter the result will be the same….. Dees to win it. Close for a half but we will take the game away from the Dogs in the second half. Go Dees!!!
  12. Well. Oiled. Machine. A wonderful team game.
  13. There is a tradition on Dland that you report on the snacks available when you are visiting a different ground. well, I played golf at Quinta Do Lago here in Portugal this morning and the bacon and egg rolls were sensational….. I would give them a strong 9. Go Dees. We will win by 4 goals going away.
  14. I'm feeling good about this game. Not worried or nervous, just pretty damn calm and expect to stay that way right through the game. Why is that you ask. Simple. While I have confidence in the team leadership, their structures and the coaches, more importantly, I believe that the players have that same confidence in these things. That will give them the ability they have shown in past games to respond to the situations that arise in the game, just as they did the last time we played Geelong. I think we will out play them for at least 3 quarters of the game and a have a lot more run in our legs in the last. Dees by 45 points
  15. Saturday was a bitter/sweet day for me. I awoke to the news that a family member in Australia had succumbed to cancer after a long and painful battle over the last 7 years. Unfortunately over the last few week she went downhill very fast. To make it more difficult, it is impossible for me to get back to be there for the rest of the family. I spent the morning on the phone sharing stories and tears. Football was not in the forefront of my mind but I did sit down to watch the game to try and distract my mind from the morning's events. My heart was not really in it but I watched through the first half with a heart growing heavier by the minuet. I stayed watching it and did have a thought at the end of the third quarter that with an extra goal or two we might have been a chance. The way the team delivered really lifted my spirits and brought a smile to my face. I thought of the Pink Lady round, the Big Freeze game and the recent Reach game, but mostly the Pink Lady round and thought about how proud I am to support a club that works so hard to promote good causes. The footy is important but we need to ensure we all look more broadly at life. Go Dees.....
  16. I would go Jackson, Jordan, Sparrow and Bedford as IC with Hibberd as Sub. That would give us a reasonable midfield rotation and might allow Kossie a bit more time in the middle with Bedford covering forward.
  17. I have been wondering if there is any detailed data on frees, not just across the whole of the competition. I would like to see where/what we win frees for and where/what we give them away for compared to the rest of the teams. I am sure that someone is doing this and that clubs have access to it. I think it would be valuable knowledge to have on a week to week basis so that you know how to counter opposition teams. Any one know where this data might be?
  18. CHF

    Ladder Watch

    Will be interesting in the last round with us playing the Cats and the Dogs playing Port. It could work out that after a week's rest the same teams line up again for the first week of the finals.
  19. Good fixture for us as Dogs, Port and Cats all play on Saturday so we will know exactly what the situation is come Sunday afternoon. In my opinion, a good position to be in at this stage of the season.
  20. I agree. I would still look at him as a possible trade and put in a bit of work to cultivate him and build a relationship. You never know what may unfold in the future and I am sure that the MFC has identified a number of players that they are building relationships with just as we did with Lever and May.
  21. I have not read the whole of this thread as yet but in my opinion, one player that might be worth putting the work into over the next few seasons is Noah Anderson of the Suns. May be a longer term trade target or free agent but I get the feeling he just might be gettable.
  22. Due to a serious illness in my family I will be unable to continue these threads. I wish the Dees all the very best and I am sure the Bathwater Express will rumble into the Finals and to ultimate success. CHF
  23. 13-3-1 17 rounds played…..13 wins....and a draw????….. 54 points in the premiership bank and Still on top after a Bulldogs loss. 5 Rounds to go in the home and away season. Had a shocker and it was only worth 2 points, if that. Round 18 - 1 (Us) vs. 2 (Them) Earlier than expected but I predict a strong win for us. Apologies for the short version. A few things have come up at home that have made it difficult to give time to this. I hope to be able to give proper versions in Rounds to come
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