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Posts posted by Cards13

  1. 49 minutes ago, fr_ap said:

    I've retracted the germ tag and regret including it in my first post...but it's not as simple as 'we don't like the way he high 5s after a goal'. We get he's an excitable young player and I said, he's pretty good. That's exciting for him, Dogs fans and neutrals.

    But throw in the playing for free kicks (he is absolutely at Lindsay Thomas level if not worse to the poster who said they can't see it) together with the over-celebration and it paints a picture of him being disingenuous, somewhat arrogant, and perhaps presumptuous and almost entitled.

    It's hard to describe - but there's a level of affectation that makes it seem like he's not even celebrating for himself, rather just to make a scene and get under people's noses, as he himself knows he perhaps hasn't earned what he's got. Certainly not to the point where he can celebrate like he's the best of all time. He knows he's annoying and it's very off-putting that he embraces it seemingly as a character trait. 

    Put it this way - you're playing local footy and the opposition tackles you for a ball up. Everyone gets up off the ground and life goes on. Then this kid gets up in your face bouncing around whooping and carrying on about his teammate making a tackle. He doesn't direct it at you, but it's within sight and earshot and you know he's doing it at least partially to get your attention & annoyance. Now rinse and repeat, every game at every F50 stoppage.

    It wouldnt take long for you to tell him to relax and calm down, failing which you'll probably run through him when you get the chance later in the game. He wins a free kick. He overcelebrates, and around we go again. 

    There are those who play in the right spirit and those who don't. Doing it under the guise of 'thats just Cody being Cody', which in these PC days means he is immune from criticism, makes it even worse. 

    He was the same draft as Koz and we did consider him closely. I was fan based on highlight videos as his talent is plain to see. It wasn't until I actually watched him over the course of a game that his behaviour became clearer. It has nothing to do with Koz - couldn't be happier he is ours.

    Not everyone will get it as we all project our biases onto others, but this is what I see and what I find annoying. 

    Show me examples of his diving (that was me saying he isn't Lindsay) and I'll happily review my option him, I just don't see it and I think you're looking for a reason to confirm why you just don't like him.

  2. I tipped the Doggies as I thought the Swans might have a little let down after last week/Dogs with the full backs to the wall mentality game being 0-2 looking to come with the pressure game style. 
    If the Dogs had of kicked straight they could have won by 10 goals, they have massive limitations in both defence and the forward line but that was an enjoyable second half of footy. Swans are a dangerous team, the access to academy picks really is a joke but they’ll be a big challenge the next few years.

  3. 7 hours ago, Kick_It_To_Pickett said:

    Don’t back down from this opinion, I for one share it and so do many others. He is a germ and carries on like nobodies business. He kicks a standard goal and goes bonkers looking for high fives from all and sundry. It’s good though, because it’ll hold them back. It’s that sort of arrogance that leads to teams getting ahead of themselves, which we know the Dogs do. He is very elusive, but I get the sense that he will get his comeuppance one day. There is something very Stephen Milne-like about him. Pure Germ

    He gets over excited kicking a goal = a germ? Yeap he sure does and it looks over the top at times but he’s still young and enjoying being an AFL player plus he worked really hard for this goals (and the only one to kick straight), the team is 0-2 and losing momentum… and it’s a game… it’s supposed to be entertaining. 

    • Like 2
  4. 8 hours ago, fr_ap said:

    He has a lot of talent - but absolutely bends the rules. Flops on the ground, in the air and generally dives the moment he feels contact. 

    Worse, he then celebrates his ill gotten gains (goals) harder than most celebrate a running team lifter. Over the top and ridiculous. Does it for non goals too - a teammate makes a run of the mill tackle and watch him bounce around with fake bravado and joy. 

    if he concentrated half as hard on his game and role as he does on geeing himself and others up he'd be an even better player. 

    Case in point - in all his crazy enthusiasm he tried to mark that ball on the goal line in the 1st QTR of the GF. Was going through for a goal - a crucial, grand final first quarter goal. He was so excited he genuinely stopped the goal and damn near knocked himself out in the process

    I would love to see the highlights of all of his flops, I just don’t see it. It feels to me people have a massive bias for him playing for frees and I can’t see it, he’s no Lindsay Thomas. Is it because people don’t want him compared to Kozzie from the same draft? 

    I see a young player who works his tail off chasing and harassing in his fwd line to keep pressure on. Someone who works back defending the space he needs to and then pushing hard again fwd. He is usually flying for marks against much bigger opposition and can take a good one and is a great kick for goal. 

    The example of the attempted mark in the goal square of the GF was a mistake, he also wasn’t flopping, he put himself into a vulnerable position, knocked himself out into the post. Brave but he should put the block on.

  5. 1 minute ago, He de mon said:

    Yeah, i tried that, unfortunately guest passes aren't added to app. 

    Emailed to you or him? I did the same last week with a mate and his went to his email address I used to add his details on for the ticket.

  6. 2 hours ago, The Mighty Demons said:

    Here's Luke Jackson's best moments from Round 2!


    In Isolation he's even better than you imagine. The left foot.... his ability to stay in the contest and explode out of the contest with the pure mids is second to none and something I don't think you've ever seen from a ruckman...

    The 3m.13s mark against Chol (who went ok) is breathtaking, ruck contest he slightly won followed by keeping his feet while off balance into a tap over the top into a 360 into a gather and "bullock" through an on coming tackle into a give and go and give back to Jacko into a left foot into fwd 50. 

    • Like 2
  7. 3 hours ago, titan_uranus said:

    Agree with the previous posts on the commentators.

    Dwayne Russell is frustratingly OTT. Dermott hates us and every time he commentates on our games focuses almost exclusively on our opponent. And Healy is the new Sandy Roberts; so incredibly past it.

    There are so many good commentators available, it baffles me that Dwayne and Gerard are doing multiple calls per Round on TV/radio.

    I cannot for the life of me understand how anyone can watch football in silence.

    I'll take rubbish commentary over no sound at all.

    The amount of times "he's a bull" was said on the coverage was incredible. I'm the same, I want to hear the crowd noise. 

  8. 8 hours ago, Jontee said:

    Completely different.  Tom had his future planned before he arrived.

    If I was Jacko I wouldnt be in any hurry to sign a contract because every game he plays is pushing the $$$ up at the moment.

    In what way Jontee? I felt he was going to stay until being spewed up on by our current, bogan captain* in China.


    *who I love dearly.

  9. 1 hour ago, deefender said:


    @Webber would love your feedback on the dreaded and now seemingly increasing numbers of syndesmosis injuries in the AFL.

    The last few years it seems like there are ever increasing numbers of it occurring are there any reasons why that might be the case

    Players used to wear boots that supported the foot including the ankle.

    Nowadays they seem to be wearing what looks like lightweight slippers. These slippers might be mind- help for the slow paced. 

    One thing they mentioned during the Sydney game is boot manufacturers no longer make studded boots, it's all molded stops. Watching Rugby that doesn't seem to be the case but maybe they are hard to find.

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  10. 27 minutes ago, Lucifers Hero said:

    I wouldn't mind if Max, TMac and Brown didn't compete for the same mark as they often did vs GCS.

    Also, Max and Jackson were regularly doing two-handed tap downs instead of marking only to go straight to a GCS player who spun around and went fwd.  This was often in the GCS fwd of centre space; a dangerous spot for a turnover.  No idea where our mids were.

    Overall not sure the communications were up to scratch last week.

    Changing the above by our talls will reduce the turnovers, help us keep control and get more direct shots for goal. 


  11. 8 minutes ago, jnrmac said:

    My intel says that all is not right at Bomberland. There is a bit of turmoil behind the scenes with a push to get Hirdy back amongst other things (before he takes the GWS job..). Players unhappy about game plan etc

    GGGaaahhhh hahahahhahahahaha I hope that is true, Hird back at Ess... they're lunatics beholden to the past. They really stuff up the transition from Sheedy finishing up. Voices like Sheedy still hold them back and it's great. 


    Players not happy with the game plan, the game plan that got them to the finals last year?! 

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