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Everything posted by Demonstone

  1. I really hope GWS wins the flag this year.
  2. * LOCK THREAD * Over to the gameday thread Demon fans!
  3. Grumpy Cat died this week. Surely Scott would be the logical replacement.
  4. I'd endorse those sentiments, but a very small point of order: It's 'Wiz' ( short for The Wizard) not 'Whiz' (what we do at a urinal).
  5. Would you like some cheese with that whine, Don?
  6. No doubt we'll all look back at this and chuckle when Maysy ascends the podium to receive his third consecutive Norm Smith Medal.
  7. Never in doubt. Only two games outside the eight.
  8. Was this the recession we had to have? One step back to take two steps forward? Jeez I hope so.
  9. If we even win the toss, I reckon I might do a lap of honour around the lounge room.
  10. Damned if you're slow, damned if you fast.
  11. Come on, he barracked for us when he was a kid growing up... No.
  12. Some interesting discussion here. Genuine question ET: Which drugs would you legalise and which would you not?
  13. Myth. Anyone interested in taking any drug will already be doing so as it so easy to obtain if you want it. Would you start taking ice or heroin just because it was legal? I sure as hell wouldn't go near them myself.
  14. I think I may stop following footy and instead watch my favourite track and field event. Discus.
  15. Legalise all drugs. Problem solved. You know it makes sense.
  16. Incredibly, four of the nine listed were born within a six day period in May 2000. Bradtke and Bedford both born on the 27th, Nietschke one day earlier on the 26th and Sparrow on the 31st.
  17. One night I came home a bit drunk with three of them and I've got to say it was like winning Tattslotto. We all got undressed and there were six matching balls.
  18. I drove past his house today and there was a toe truck outside. Make of that what you will.
  19. I'll cherry pick a couple of easy ones: 2. Angus Brayshaw 3. Nathan Jones Can I suggest a limit of two answers per player to prevent people hogging all the glory.
  20. Rolling Stones fanatic. Had the pleasure of seeing Keith Richards play at Centre Half Forward on the MCG in 1995.
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