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Everything posted by Deeoldfart

  1. I'm sure we will be conservative and give Lever all the time he needs to get back to 100%. Further, I was delighted to hear that he will be going to the States to do the same post operative recovery / strengthening program as Petracca. No doubt luck plays a significant part with these things, but with the right precautions, you can at least reduce the likelihood of further bad luck.
  2. So many highlights, such a talented list, so much to look forward to. Keep 'em coming folks!
  3. I've said it before and I'll repeat it here.......... I love seeing Fritta in the lead group with ANB and TMac. Taking an outstanding debut season to a new level ............ ?
  4. 100% ......... and I love this bit too: "Now running shoes off and footy boots on. The whole group have gone into a tight huddle in the middle. Someone has started up a chant and the whole group repeats the chant as one. Different phrases over and over. Finished by chanting I have no fear and jumping up and down on the spot. Incredible sense of commeraderie." Pre- Christmas when training is usually a hard grind with all the repeat running and fitness stuff, but it sounds like the boys are loving every minute of it. Not satisfied with top four, and champing at the bit to take the next step! Brilliant! I'm enjoying your "unexpected" visit to Melbourne as much as you seem to be It's Time. Many thanks for sharing!
  5. If I'm not mistaken, Fritta has been near the front in many of the running drill pics that I've seen this pre season. I don't remember that of him last year, and if he has added that string to his bow, he will be a weapon and a half on the wing.
  6. I know talk is cheap, but imo that was an impressive interview.
  7. Nit picking (sorry), but I think Corey Maynard has played 2 games, one in 2017 and one this year.
  8. ...... and Harmes, whose last third of the season was outstanding by any measurement. Unfortunately, key omissions like these make me wonder about the credibility of everything else contained in the article.
  9. On the front foot like we are with most things these days. Love it!
  10. Seriously good pic of a seriously good back half. Keep 'em on the park and we will be seriously hard to beat!
  11. Thanks guys. Enjoyed it as usual. The highlight for me was Josh saying that Jake Lever will be travelling to the States in January, to undertake the same intensive post knee reco rehab program that Tracc did. I hadn't heard that before.
  12. Good luck to Tom. Works hard and gets the very best out of his limited talent.
  13. I have a personal 'rule' never to bet on the Dees, so for me it's just incredibly exciting to see how well we are placed on all of the charts at this point in time. At last we are widely (and justifiably) recognized and no longer anonymous! I know a hell of a lot can happen between now and then, but if things go our way ......... who knows?
  14. In roughly the following order: sit at the 'G' unashamedly bawling my eyes out until the stadium management kick me out; have my first 'night on the town' for more than 50 years; attend the Sunday celebrations at Gosh's, to share the joy with countless exuberant and inebriated Demons fans; dilute my finest single malt with tears of joy for the next week, when the reality of what we have achieved might finally sink in.
  15. Yeah, I can see your point of view Adam. However, I don't really view it as being about Jonesy's ego, but more about recognising his stalwart leadership over an arduous journey for our Club. If for some reason that's not in the best interests of the Club as a whole, then the sure, scenario obviously changes. I agree 100% with your second sentence, and I have no doubt that both Jones and Lewis would do exactly that.
  16. I like the current structure with two joint captains and joint VCs. We only moved to this smaller group earlier this year, and it would be silly to change it now imo. I'd love to see Max as joint captain with Jack, but I think it's unlikely to happen for 2019. It might be seen as too disruptive, and unfair on Jonesy who led us well through the 'dark times' when we had no other 'real' leaders. He has earned another year, I reckon. I think Lever will probably be promoted for 2020, when I'd expect Lewis to step down. A definite 'no' on May from me. He needs to earn his stripes at Melbourne before being considered.
  17. Fantastic chat again last night. Thanks guys!. I loved the interview with PJ, but was intrigued (maybe even slightly concerned) by his response to the Garry Pert question. Very guarded (even a little 'uneasy') I thought. Only time will tell whether Pert is the right choice for our next phase, I guess.
  18. FWIW, John Ralph on tonight's "Trade Lowdown" (Fox) said that the parties involved in the mega deal involving Neale, Hogan and others, were still locked away in discussions at 7:00pm. He seemed fairly confident that the deals to get done.
  19. Thanks PD. Based purely on my own judgement, I would not have been keen on chasing May. However, over recent years our recruiters have had considerable success in making the right calls at this time of the year, and only a fool would ignore that. They are paid professionals, and they see and analyse a hell of a lot more than us mere fans. Your post confirms (to me) that it's very easy for us fans to focus on the trees while ignoring the forest.
  20. I'm worried about this increasing trend on Demonland. I literally cringe, and move immediately to the next post, as soon as Dr.D's avatar appears on my screen. ?
  21. This is an all round win. We get the backup for Max which we desperately needed*, North get to bolster their midfield stocks, Dom leaves on good terms with our Club, and he probably gets to play at the top level, in a position where he can have his best impact. If only all trades were like that! And good luck to Dom. He served us very well in a time of need, and he should be proud of his time at Melbourne. Further: who knows what gem Jason Taylor will be able to snag from obscurity with a pick in the 60s; * I think the impact that Braydon Preuss will have will go well beyond being a back-up to Max. I reckon he will surprise quite a few!
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