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Everything posted by demoniac

  1. At least the penny has dropped for the players that their interests are not the same as those of the club and they have retained a separate legal team.
  2. Its fairly obvious that the interests of the Essendon Football Club and its players from 2012 are not the same and the players need to be told that asap.
  3. I was in Adelaide last year wandering around cemeteries when the Tour De France and Ashes were on so headed to the Casino Sports Bar. Brought back memories of Olympic Park Dogs on a Monday night! My paternal GrandFather was born and bred in Gawler so I really should head out to Central Districts on the Saturday but its a long trip.
  4. At some point in the 90s I swore I would not watch another AFL game in Adelaide until they built a new stadium. They built it. So I will come. And walk out to the ground instead of catching a cab and watching the meter tick over in the inevitable Footy Park traffic jam. In retrospect the Adelaide game might have been more enjoyable but we are unbeaten at the NEW Adelaide Oval! Of course all footy trips need an itinerary Friday Night: Norwood v South Adelaide at Coopers Stadium. Saturday: At the innovative time of 2:10pm West Adelaide v Sturt @ City Mazda Stadium Saturday Night In the old days what happened on a Saturday Night of a footy trip stayed on the road. Now I'll probably fall asleep in my hotel room watching the footy. Sunday Mighty Dees wreak revenge on Power for Alice! If you want to sit with fellow Dees fans you must order your ticket through the club by 5pm today/tomorrow (Thursday 12 June @ 5pm). And remember. Flights to Adelaide are relatively cheap.
  5. He will be a significant loss if he goes. At some point we have to stop rebuilding and developing and start achieving. Turns 26 in September and has played 128 games. Defensively has the strength and speed to play on mid and key forwards. Experienced Key Defenders of his quality are hard to find.Look at how many clubs would make him an offer. If he does choose to leave it will be a team like the Hawks who can promise finals footy year in year out. Losing Frawley for a first rounder will not be a win for the club. Of course it is his choice not ours.
  6. Glorious day for footy. Back to a tram or train for me after a 5 minute walk to Traeger Park from the Alice Springs Quest last week. The MacDonnell Ranges make for one spectacular bakdrop. Interesting to see how our talls combine up forward. They'll need to work hard defensively to make up for the omission of a running player. Pedersen in particular has done that this season, Gawn has layed a few crunching tackles in the past. If they do that and compete in the air hopefully we will stretch the Pies defence without conceding too much run. And of course the midfield. Gotta be competitive in the midfield.
  7. Roos' uncertain tenure an obvious factor for Frawley which is understandable. Unclear if Frawley wants Roos to commit to the club for the same period that he does or just for the third year. It would be understandable if Frawley accepted an offer from Hawthorn. They may not even offer him more money than we do but they will offer a realistic chance of a flag in the short term.
  8. Interesting to see impact Sylvia has at Freo. For mine the biggest advantage Vince has over Sylvia is a footy brain. Love the way Vince manufactures a kick to a team mate when under pressure or finds himself in the right spot at the right time to provide an option for a team mate under pressure.. Can't imagine Col doing the same.
  9. The Todd River is now an alcohol free zone. I was staying at the Quest which faces the Todd and did not see anyone drinking at night.
  10. Just taking advantage of the Dees game in Alice to visit Central Australia for the first time. Doing it easy on coach tours! With flights direct to Uluru from Melbourne and then buses to Alice or via King's Canyon its not as expensive as many people think. Basic itinerary would be to fly to Uluru, spend a few days visiting Uluru and Kata Tjuta(Olgas) then catch a bus to Kings Canyon. Stay the night there then get the bus to Alice and get out to Palm Valley/Cycad Gorge and West Macs. Ideally schedule your trip to coincide with the Dees playing in Alice! And ideally you'd avoid summer. Too hot, and sometimes rain closes some of the roads ie Palm Valley was closed for 10 days about 6 weeks ago du to rain and flooding.
  11. Central Australia is one amazing place. Coming here I pretty much thought I was visiting Uluru but its much more than just Uluru. Yesterday I took a 4 wheel drive bus trip to Finke Gorge National Park, 138 Km west of Alice past Hermannsburg. The Cycad Gorge and Palm Valley are strange relics of tropical Gondwanaland plum in the middle of Australia. An extraordinary landscape. Its a great time to visit because recent rains have seen an explosion in flora and fauna that disappear during long periods of low or no rain. The extraordinary about the NT is that there is still alot more amazing country to see like Kakadu and Arnhem Land to name two. They'll have to wait for another trip. Tomorrow its the West Macs. Get up here Dees Fans!
  12. Anyone other Demonlanders making the trek? I came via Uluru and and Kaja Tjuta which were both mind blowing. Off to the Palm Valley and West MacDonnell Ranges in the next few days. I should have come from Uluru to Alice via Kings Canyon so Kings Canyon will have to wait for another trip. Rookie mistake. In contrast to Darwin the ground is in the centre of town. The ground looks in great nick. Not as spongy as Darwin. Pretty small grandstand!
  13. Ryan O'Keefe as an assistant who understands Roos' game style? Yes. As a player? No. Turns 34 in January of 2015. Too old. Imagine Cross will get another year.
  14. Not paying ridiculous holding the ball free kicks was the focus for this round.
  15. Bail has the endurance to be a goalsquare to goalsquare mid which Roos would put significant value on. He does have weaknesses to his game ie his decision making and execution going inside 50. But for Roos the goalsquare to goalsquare running is essential for a mid. Bail can do it.
  16. Stunning insight by Robbo. Fills the page though.
  17. The Tiges deciding they could either not afford Matty White or give him a 3 year deal looms as a list management clanger.
  18. http://www.caseyradio.com.au Think they do all Casey games.
  19. Rosier(sp) goalscorer. 10 11 71 to 8 7 55 Ring the Bell!
  20. Strauss is back on. Goal to Scorps! Jayden Hunt?
  21. Forgotten how nerve racking it is to listen to a game on the radio.
  22. Barrett still does not get it. Viney braced to protect himself from injury in an inevitable collision. His only alternative was to leave himself open to serious injury. The issues around the bump are pretty clear. If you choose to bump and hit the player in the head you are going to be in trouble. Schimma, Moose and Plod should be sacked for not understanding the difference between a defensive brace and a bump.
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