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Everything posted by JTR

  1. Isnt that basically what was said from the start? We are happy to keep him unless something is put in front of us that we absolutely couldnt refuse? Narrative has morphed since into this going down like a regular trade, fears of getting low balled.. etc Mother of all offers thanks Freo, or GTFO
  2. Glad you got it sorted. Careful of that mobile data usage though, if you have limited allowance ?
  3. Hopefully the announcement is re Jolimont, but I'd be surprised if it was. Wouldn't something as big as that be something a bit more in the public domain? Council approval, planning permits, funding, local objectors to the project... etc?
  4. Yeah it is good. Enjoyed it last year too ? Reckon they should do the same for the AGM
  5. Speed problem I think. I am running at about 2.5 mbps and no issue What does it say for you if you click here?
  6. Agreed. But where teams do play two rucks, such as the Filth, having that option there would be good. Dual ruck teams and Gorilla forward teams are our two major weaknesses, imo. Preuss gives us the option to address at least one of those.
  7. I recall many here saying exactly the same thing re TMac. Then he got a few more seasons development under his belt and look what he has become. Omac is still only 22 and will barely be 23 at the first bounce of ball next season. Just need a time, imo.
  8. Let's not start ragging on Hogan and getting into the "he was no good anyway" stuff like always seems to happen when a player looks like they are leaving us.
  9. After seeing Vardy & Lycett running around today, I am more convinced than ever that Gawn/Preuss would work and work well. Grundy/Cox killed us on QB
  10. Hopefully they don't employ the services of the Richmond doctor either...
  11. So are 7 going to [censored] up the flow and 'atmosphere' of the game again with an ad break every goal, or will we have a little common sense this time around?
  12. Much as I hate WC and their ignorant BOOOOOO supporters, I want to see the Filth lose another one.
  13. Second highest votes overall with 93, behind the filth who got 96. Only club with two players in the 20's
  14. Got it, thanks ?
  15. All I've seen since the big Norf offer came to light is that it was them or nothing. I am not completely across the FA process, but Gaff can go wherever he likes right? Is he obligated in any way to go where WC want him to go? e.g. a club that offers a sweetener vs a club that doesn't? Is he obligated to go to whoever makes the biggest offer or can he decide to take a smaller contract and play for who he actually wants to?
  16. Happened vs Grundy/Cox on QB too... Max can't do it all, and if he does go down I sure as hell don't want our best forward in TMac getting dragged away to provide average cover. This will extend Maxs career. We may even be able to give him a game or two off per season when the opposition warrants. Get Preuss!
  17. Preuss coming in (if that eventuates) would change that
  18. Perspective is that we overachieved and got far further than most would have expected this season. Perspective is that we clearly weren't ready to go as far as we did, and once we were there the inexperience and pressure of the occasion in the most hostile ground in the country got to us. Perspective is that we will be better for it.
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