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Posts posted by GawnWithTheWind

  1. What are his opponent doing though?

    He may be getting 20 touches (probably 10 of them are turnovers) but how many touches are his opponents getting?

    We all know Blease has more talent than most of our current mids, but Neeld won't play him until he has worked on his defensive game.

    Any chance that could be the problem?

  2. Calm down people.

    Show me any evidence that Watts doesn't want to stay on with us? Show me evidence Frawley doesn't want to stay with us? Gawn?

    Managers understand the [censored] situation we are in.. and they also understand we will play overs to keep these players if they stake it out to round 22.

    Until Jack, James or Max makes a statement.. I would relax.

    Scully was offered the biggest contract in the AFL.. James, Jack and Max won't get half that.

    • Like 1
  3. Trengove - better not great
    N. Jones - was well held
    Toumpas - needs more time
    Dawes - showing his value
    Frawley - back to best
    McKenzie - good taggers game
    Dunn - showing his potential
    Strauss - talented but limited
    Garland - his bnf year?
    Nicholson - needs to lift
    Sellar - did his job
    Evans - needed more effort
    Tapscott - so hard at-it
    Davey - is he back?
    Gawn - looks pretty tired
    Howe - good in patches
    Jetta - he can play
    Jamar - an effective ruckman
    Bail - step backward yesterday
    M.Jones - was good inside
    Terlich - really liked him
    Magner - just a soldier

  4. Toumpas needs the year in the 2s. We need to let him develop as a player before we expose him to the crap that is the MFC.

    Ins: Watts - Jamar - Blease - Magner - Jetta

    Outs: Sylvia (susp) - Spencer - Nicho - Kent - Bail

    FB: Garland - Sellar - Terlich

    HB: Watts - Frawley - Strauss

    C: Davey - M.Jones - Blease

    HF: Evans - Dawes - Howe

    FF: Tapscott - Gawn - Byrnes

    R: Jamar - N.Jones - Viney

    I: McKenzie - Magner - Dunn

    S: Jetta

    Frawley - Jack

    Sellar - Tyrone

    Garland - McGuane

    McKenzie - Cotch

    Dunn - Deledio

  5. I don't mind this idea. Great user of the footy and is as hard as nails, would rarely get pushed off the ball... For a strong body, he has exceptional foot skills.

    The only issue would be his tank? Does anyone know how he goes in the 3k time trials?

  6. Ins: Dawes - Blease - Davey

    Outs: Grimes - Trengove - Nicholson

    FB: Garland - T.Mac - Terlich

    HB: Dunn - Frawley - Strauss

    C: Viney - M.Jones - Evans

    HF: Byrnes - Howe - Tapscott

    FF: Davey - Dawes - Gawn

    R: Spencer - Jones - Sylvia

    I: Kent - Blease - McKenzie

    S: Bail

  7. Ins: McKenzie - Strauss

    Outs: Clark - Jetta

    FB: Garland - Frawley - Terlich

    HB: Watts - T-Mac - Strauss

    C: Trengove - Jones - Viney

    HF: Howe - Pederson - Evans

    FF: Davey - Gawn - Byrnes

    R: Jamar - Sylvia - Grimes

    I: McKenzie - M.Jones - Bail

    S: Tapscott

    Match Ups:

    T-Mac = J.Brown

    Frawley = Merrett/Martin

    McKenzie = Black/Rockliff

  8. Big part of the game plan is drawing the player in to free up a runner. Teams can score quickly from that overlap, and I was seeing glimpses of what Neeld was trying with that.

    The part the players are yet to grasp is timing their runs to get in the perfect spot for the overlap. Should come with confidence.

    • Like 2
  9. One of my favourite threads last year, is there a reason why it hasnt started up again?

    If so, let me know and we can put a holt to it!

    Grimes - Plenty of footy

    Byrnes - Showed his class

    Evans - Last quarter specialist

    Trengove - 10 Captain Tackles

    Jamar - Solid Ruckmans Game

    M.Jones - Keeps getting better

    N.Jones - On Field Captain

    Sylvia - Need 4 Quarters

    Bail - Tackled and Ran

    Howe - Clutch and Heroic

    Garland - Lifted when needed

    Gawn - He can play

    Frawley - Did his job

    Pederson - Was good early

    Terlich - Hard, tough, talented

    Watts - Some ok patches

    McDonald - Not his best

    Tapscott - Needed more yesterday

    Jetta - Some ok patches

    Clark - Not quite himself

    Davey - Perfect Sub Game

    Viney - Tried but hurting

    • Like 7
  10. Ins: Tapscott - Spencer - Bail - Jetta - McKenzie (if fit) / Evans

    Outs: Sellar - Nicholson - Rodan - Toumpas - Gillies

    FB: Garland - Frawley - Jetta

    HB: Watts - T.Mac - Terlich

    C: Viney - Jones - Trengove

    HF: Tapscott - Howe - Davey

    FF: Byrnes - Clark - Pederson

    R: Jamar - Grimes - M.Jones

    I: Spencer - McKenzie/Evans - Sylvia

    S: Bail

    Match Ups:

    Jetta - Hill

    Frawley - Kennedy

    TMac - Resting Ruck

    Garland - Darling


    Sellar - He is not up to it. Spencer will provide more.

    Nicholson - Sick of him being the fittest bloke on the club and running the least on game day. Looks tired all the time

    Rodan - Not up to it at the moment, if ever

    Toumpas - Not up to it currently, needs to develop in the 2s for a while. I'd say at least 4 or 5 games at Casey.

    Gillies - He was shocking, work on his defensive positioning in the magoos for a while

  11. The reports I've read are that Dawes has moved well, & has been rested to keep his hammies good.

    So I think, being conservative after serious injury, that Clarke will play again @ Casey, after only completing 3/4 qtrs last week.

    Remember his injury is career threatening so one more week at Casey may be good caution.

    So I think it could be Sellar, with Pederson in the pocket, & Dawes @ CHF.

    Either Sellar or Pedro can help Jamar, so its a nice balance.

    Well Neeld said about an hour ago that Dawes didnt get up. Soooo................. this is awkward.

  12. So will be something similar to this:

    FB: Garland - Gillies - Nicholson
    HB: Dunn - Frawley - Watts
    C: M.Jones - N.Jones - Blease

    HF: Howe - Pederson - Byrnes
    FF: Davey - Clark - Sellar

    R: Jamar - Grimes - Sylvia
    I: Rodan - Viney - McKenzie
    S: Toumpas

    E: MacDonald - Tapscott - Jetta

    Not sure who will get the nod over Jetta or McKenzie

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