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Everything posted by Demon3

  1. Thought Bails spoke and handled himself really well. Thought it was a well balanced interview, some tough questions and well handled. I think i can now say, that Bails has 2 years, lets let him do it with the backing he deserves.
  2. I reckon the fact that he was really badly hurt with his kidney (??) injury and how well it was handled by the melbourne team might mean something to. But in all ghonesty, that was his best game for us and there have not been many great ones from him, he needs to do that week in week out! I like him though.
  3. Dude, they obviously dont, thats why they were asking? give the high horse stuff a rest.
  4. To beat them, we must fully understand them, and to fully understand them we must become them... i'd rather lose!
  5. For starters he is not journalist, he is a commentator and media host. very different to being a journalist. He is not fuelling any speculation on Bailey at all, he like alot of other members and supporters are frustrated by the teams lack of success. He is to strong and honest a person to play a straight bat, he was asked a question and answered it with brutal honesty, not sure what you want out of your football media, but thats exactley what i want, past great or no past great. To even accuse Lyon of anything disloyal is crazy.
  6. Structure.. we just could not keep our structure. it is so important in footy, to have a fwd structure that you know will be in place when you are trying to move the ball quickly. you cant have one without the other. we have to be mentally strong and disciplined enough to keep our structure in place. what makes our ball carriers look silly is that when we move it quickly, spuds like Miller, have been sucked up the ground and are out of position. At one point today we moved the ball well around the southern stand wing, and miller had all the space behind him, he had been sucked up to about the 45m mark, instead of realising and understanding the feel for the game and leading back to the square to allow a penetrating kick to position, he decided to lead fwd, while he was behind his opponent, the ball carrier (sorry, i cant remember who it was) had no choice other than to honor the lead, but the ball was cut off. Footy smarts are the most underrated skill in the game, but the most important in my opinion, if you dont have them, then you are a liability in this game. And sorry to say, that makes Miller, Dunn, Moloney and Jones a big liability. And on the flip side, that is why Trengove, Scully, Grimes will be A graders, they are smart!
  7. yep, nice to see a positives thread, after all, it was not totally hopeless, i mean it was pretty hopeless, but not all is lost. Apart from the positives in scully, trengove, green and mckenzie, i thought when we did move it quick, without stupid stationary handballs we put pressure on the backs and scored. the best thing about footy, is we get another go, and it will tell alot about the groups beleif by how we respond.
  8. Just a heads up about a program that will screen on Fox Sports next week after On The Couch. It is part of the Open Mike series that Mike Sheehan does and its on Jimmy. Have seen it and it is a really good half hour with our inspirational leader. Worth a look.
  9. For what its worth, i thought the footy show was entertaining last night. each to their own. Scully was great last night, obviously nervous, but him standing inbetween Browny and Hall was great fun.
  10. Thats enough for me, i'm there (was going anyway), but now i am pumped. Been a tough pre season, but bring on the reel stuff!
  11. In the wake of what can only be described as some very ordinary pre-season match form, and some shocking injuries, i think its time to forget the negatives (if we can!!) and embrace the positives (they are like the truth, they are out there!) and get on with the season. We are a great club, with great qualities and great people and most of all great supporters. While i think it will be a tough year, i look forward to the start of something special, it may only be a little thing, but i guarantee that each supporter will find something that they will embrace and keep them excited about the mighty demons. Keep the faith and enjoy our ride, it is sure to be a roller coaster! Go Dees!
  12. He cannot kick for starters. I love chip, but a forward he is not!
  13. I am just really flat, i thought we needed some good luck, instead we get a bad break like this. Footy gods are against us. Time to inhale some of our presidents spirit and embrace the positives.
  14. Honestly, that is just a really stupid post. Firstly, who are you to question garry's integrity. He has said he will not coach, thats it, end of story. Secondly, if you think his current media committments are as you put it "hardly a great career" then you are seriously misguided. His career in the Media has spanned over 15 years now. Thats a career, and his bank balance and assetts i reckon would suggest it is a good career. And thirdly and most shockingly is that you as a demon supporter (i hope) can write that he never acheived anything as a footballer is really awful, you should know better, that a 5 time All Australian, 2 time best and Fairest, many time victorian representative and state captain, and coaching the national side just to name a few is actually acheiving alot. Success, if YOU only measure it by winning premierships, then there are alot of great players that have acheived nothing according to you. Grow up!
  15. He has stated time and time again, he didnt want to pursue a coaching career. But now its put to bed for ever and we can all move on!
  16. This is great for all the people who seem to like Potting Garry forbeing linked to Coaching. He never said he wanted to now its definitive. He remains a legend of the club with integrity!
  17. See, thats where your wrong RR, and thats what smacks of ignorance. When Lyon was in charge of the International rules, the selection criteria was that the All Australian side must be picked, and then after that fill the gaps, that changed after his 4 year stint, yet he was still able to win 2 series with a team that was clearly not suited to the hybrid game.
  18. Not once have i heard Garry Lyon suggest he wants to coach this club, so to the people who are continually having a crack at him for no reason and bagging his credentials, honestly its really poor. Very un Melbourne like. Bailey is the coach, be it good or bad, no need for stupid speculation in February.
  19. Thats just a silly post RR, shows how petulant and ignorant you can be. Anyone who knows football knows that Lyon has a great knowledge and understanding of the game, and has alot of experiance in the game, coaching included.
  20. i think the most disapointing aspect to come out of the game was that we played dumb footy again. The Centre square set up was atrocious. I will cop that it was the first real hit out and we were sloppy with execution, that can be worked on, but i am not sure we can make dumb footballers smart, that worries me.
  21. He is a troubled soul by the looks of it. But that does not make me feel sorry for him. what he is "Alleged" to have done is just terrible. I am happy to leave it there.
  22. your probably right, let the season roll on, and hopefully Tom and Jack become players that we can ill afford to lose. Go Dees.
  23. i think you need to read what i wrote and what M Lloyd said Laurie. Its laughable that a so called "expert" rates Scully and trengove as the two most important players we have already without playing a game. And he does not think that a player like Davey, who is (in my opinion) our most valuable player in terms of all round game. Skills - tick Pace - tick Leadreship - tick footy smarts - tick versatile - tick a grade player - tick. if we lost him for a large amount of time it would have a greater impact on our side that 2 18 year olds yet to show their wares in the big time. For what its worth, i agree, we need to get time into them and that is probably close to our elite core group.
  24. I understand that, and i agree, they are important for the club, get games into them which will be great for the club, cant argue with that either (See Cale Morton). But i understood it to be which was the most important player a club could not afford to lose to injury or whatever which would affect the teams performance/results/season. Good call / Bad Call i think Horrendous call!
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