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Everything posted by Demon3

  1. Kent for Spargo is a no brainer. Weed for Hogan Hibbered for Pedo Melk for Hunt
  2. nah not sure mate to be honest, he may not and that might be fine, more of just philosophical thought, i think we looked slow again last week, but you always look slow when you dont have the ball.
  3. We cant carry Weideman, T Mac, Frost, Oscar Gawn and Vandenberg in the one team, against a side that has one tall forward. Vandenberg kicked 3 last week which was a good effort, but if the coaches have the balls, they will leave him out.
  4. we went on the camp last year and lost in R23? it's not the camp.
  5. You are being pedantic and the fact is you cant get over Neeld or what happened in the past, but you are right actually, its a bit boring and i dont care what you do or how you think so carry on.
  6. boring response, typical response of someone who cant accept the facts. People need to move on from this, get over it.
  7. he is 100% correct and has been for a while about the club and how it deals with expectations. Its been great beating the sides below us and beating them well, it may help us make the finals, but until we stand up, until we find a way, the club will have this permanent brad associated with them. Its up to them.
  8. Im not a big one on starting Topics and this may be in other topics, so it can be deleted or moved. But I'm so angry i felt the need to spew my thoughts out on (e)paper. Its pretty hard to be more angry than R23 last year, but the loss to Saints this year topped that, now yesterday, I've almost clocked the angry stage record. I find it mindbogglingly that there was not this attitude to come out yesterday against the Swans and have this we are not losing today attitude.. that we are going to win and secure a September spot. Where was it? this apathy and let someone else do it mindset was evident from the start. There were lots of players who should be right under the microscope, but i will start without Captain. Nathan Jones has been a brilliant player and Melbourne man for a long time, at his best he has been a very good player and i have admired his loyalty for a long time, but that does not exclude him from criticism. He was missing in action yesterday, the exact time we needed him. He has no killer instinct, it hurts because its true. Gawn looks a bit cooked, we have asked so much of him that its catching up to him. Oliver will get tagged out of more games as he gets better, he is a legit star but he cant be our only driving force in the middle. What was Pedersons's role yesterday? I love Pedo, but may just be that we dont have a place for him anymore. Hunt's selection was curious IMO.. I think if everyone was honest we should all know that Hunt is not the player we think he is.. in fact i would argue he has regressed and regressed pretty dramatically (Yes, injuries do not help) Jeff Garlett looks like he runs away from the ball, you cannot have a small fwd have no tackles or not create any pressure and Spargo is tired, he cost us 3/4 goals yesterday. ANB is a trier and i love him for it, but he cost us the game as much as anyone yesterday, He fumbles and lacks composure when the heat is on. Not good enough at all. Hogan is the interesting one. I love Jesse and i really want him to be a star, but maybe, just maybe he is not the messiah at all and if anyone doesn't think he wont return home to Perth then i reckon you are being had, he will go home. If Freo come hard for him this year, would any of us entertain the trade, what if its a first rounder and a future first rounder? i would consider it. Anyway, im exhausted by this club, and they may well win next week and that would be great but i have been staunch like alot of us.. but its getting to me, i think it means to much to me. Im not passionate about many things, family and friends and footy, sadly the footy is affecting the first 2.. Im happy for this to be torn down and argued against, its just a cathartic exercise.
  9. i think we need to make September.. so play our best side. no resting for resting sake in my opinion. we make September we get 1 weeks rest before the first week of finals. Dont make september.. they can rest all they like.
  10. the goal assist passes were great but i reckon his 40m pass to Brayshaw, members side at Half back to Brayshaw at HF was sublime. in the 4th QTR.
  11. I have thought and thought about this and for the life of me i cant understand some stuff whats going on, and i am confident enough in my knowledge of the game to raise them seriously, and i am happy for the answers from anyone, i am not being a smart alec, i am genuinely perplexed. ere are my thoughts: We get the ball inside 50 more than any other team and we play 3 talls and 3 flankers We are the only team in the comp that currently does not play a traditional small forward, yet we refuse to do anything other than bomb the ball to the same place and watch our talls and flankers fly for the ball.. now if this is the plan, wouldn't it be smart to say to a small forward, just be at the base oft he pack, it will come to ground, you will get chances, in fact i would go so far as to say that playing as a small forward in Melbourne's side might be the easiest of all positions. you wont have to go looking for crumbs, they will be there almost every time in to goes inside 50. its doing my head in. Goodwin and his "genius" mates in the coaches box need to stop trying to be smart with Tom McDonald and Jesse Hogan. McDonald must play out of the square, Hogan as a CHF (or vice versa) McDonald strength is he leads towards the ball. how can he do that on the wing? Hogan looks like the last 3 weeks his role is to play between the kicker and the pack.. in no mans land. Oscar McDonald has had a good year, but he is still a liability down there..he need support, how they selected Petty is actually mind boggling and i know hindsight is wonderful, but why the rush to play the kid, whats wrong with letting a key back develop like we do with key forwards. And i have been a fan of Lewis, yes he does infuriate alot of fans, but i have backed him in always, but i think he is out of form and has checked out. Last week when there was blue at half time and he was walking off getting IV by Ch7, i hated that, i would have rather him brush the IV off and run in and back his team. that was a red flag for me. I think his time is up, but what will matter is if Goodwin has the balls to drop him. And why one of our leaders and natural ball winning competitors was tagging someone while our other number 1 ball winner was being tagged is beyond extraordinary, and how it took so long for that to be released even worse. Just some of my frustrations right there, if anyone has the answers that would be great. And for whats it worth i have always thought we are a 10th-6th paced side, not because we are no good, but the comp is so even from 2nd-12th.. but we are blowing our chances again of even being 8th.. and that breaks me.
  12. Pass Marks: Gawn Hibbo Fritsch Harmes Viney Brayshaw ** (was lazy with disposal - but tried) That's it. Honestly, that is all i can find. i think Salem tried and others as well, but trying hard should be mandatory.
  13. I have thought and thought about this and for the life of me i cant understand some stuff whats going on, and i am confident enough in my knowledge of the game to raise them seriously, and i am happy for the answers from anyone, i am not being a smart alec, i am genuinely perplexed. ere are my thoughts: We get the ball inside 50 more than any other team and we play 3 talls and 3 flankers We are the only team in the comp that currently does not play a traditional small forward, yet we refuse to do anything other than bomb the ball to the same place and watch our talls and flankers fly for the ball.. now if this is the plan, wouldn't it be smart to say to a small forward, just be at the base oft he pack, it will come to ground, you will get chances, in fact i would go so far as to say that playing as a small forward in Melbourne's side might be the easiest of all positions. you wont have to go looking for crumbs, they will be there almost every time in to goes inside 50. its doing my head in. Goodwin and his "genius" mates in the coaches box need to stop trying to be smart with Tom McDonald and Jesse Hogan. McDonald must play out of the square, Hogan as a CHF (or vice versa) McDonald strength is he leads towards the ball. how can he do that on the wing? Hogan looks like the last 3 weeks his role is to play between the kicker and the pack.. in no mans land. Oscar McDonald has had a good year, but he is still a liability down there..he need support, how they selected Petty is actually mind boggling and i know hindsight is wonderful, but why the rush to play the kid, whats wrong with letting a key back develop like we do with key forwards. And i have been a fan of Lewis, yes he does infuriate alot of fans, but i have backed him in always, but i think he is out of form and has checked out. Last week when there was blue at half time and he was walking off getting IV by Ch7, i hated that, i would have rather him brush the IV off and run in and back his team. that was a red flag for me. I think his time is up, but what will matter is if Goodwin has the balls to drop him. And why one of our leaders and natural ball winning competitors was tagging someone while our other number 1 ball winner wa sbeing tagged is beyong extrodinary, and how it took so long fo rthat to be released even worse. Just some of my frustrations right there, if anyone has the answers that would be great. And for whats it worth i have always thought we are a 10th-6th paced side, not because we are no good, but the comp is so even from 2nd-12th.. but we are blowing our chances again of even being 8th.. and that breaks me.
  14. So now we can’t beat good sides AND bad sides.
  15. The more I think about the Port game i think their big men might have an advantage. Ryder is an exceptional Ruckman, gets around the ground very very well Westhoff is such a good player. very hard to match up on when in form and he is in form Dixon is a beast, and Oscar cannot play on him. S Its imperative we get the back 6 mix right,. Frost in for Pedo Garlett in for Hannan.
  16. Its really bad luck for Hunt, love his attitude and approach even know things have not gone well this year.
  17. What do you rate our performance out of 10 to this point? Why? 6 out of 10. Beaten sides we should very well. Losses to better sides have every time exposed our weakness of losing at the source, we lose the game against good sides. Which player has impressed you the most? Hogan, Oliver & t-Mac Which draftee has made the biggest impact? Fritsch. looks a natural football. What has been our best win to date? Adelaide in Alice. Can only beat who you play against but we crushed them with impressive non relenting 4 qtrs of brutal footy. Which player(s) needs to improve in the second half of the year? Petracca. Jones. Viney. Garlett - Key to our game, we get so many INside 50s a firing Garlett gives crumb goals. What has been our most disappointing performance? Hawthorn. Where do you see us finishing? Give a win/loss and finishing position 8th. Just.
  18. i know e have "failed" on the big stage as everyone keeps saying and its true to a degree, we have also had big wins over recent time, Couple in Adelaide, Beat The tigers on Anzac eve, west coast in Perth.. we can do it.. i think yesterday was the perfect storm for us. 6 in a row, Lever loss, and expectations.. This wont be corrected or acknowledged until we win a game against a contender i guess.. Port in a couple Friday nights is the best way to start. Must win.
  19. Spot on. It seems all the coaching these days is done during the week.. very little on game day. Bizarre stuff. I thought we had a genius sitting next to Simon Goodwin in Craig Jennings? if hes a genius, then im Stephen Hawking.
  20. If QB loss showed us anything, its that we should prioritise a player like this, quick with skills from HB.. has to be targeted.
  21. yep, agree on all that, could have been over at qtr time if it wasnt already, but thats footy. And our mids were horrible. i still cant get my head around using Brayshaw as a tagger. Mindboggling in my opinion.. totally bizarre coaching move.
  22. and Collingwood were red hot and we still neaerly scored 100 points qand at stages were close enough. My point: we were bad, made to look bad, outplayed and out coached.. but it wasn't a disaster in my opinion.
  23. i think using Brayshaw for a tagging role is up there with the more perplexing coaching moves ive seen in a while. Kid is in the touch of his life, coming off 35 & 39, confidence sky high.. but we sacrifice him for a run with role? its mind boggling really when you think about it.
  24. agree with a couple posters, the back 6 were horribly exposed because our midfield was second rate. We got sucked into the contest so easily, they just sat out and waited for us to do stupid no look over the head handballs.. it was the Hawks game all over. When it comes in so quick, the Back 6 are always going to look slow,. Unpopular probably but Nathan Jones was horrible yesterday, in every aspect, heat came and he did not handle it. I love him and praise him often but its a 2 way street, he was bad, so was Jetta, and so was Hibbered, that doesnt help at all. I also thing we didn't pick a great side on reflection, Frost would have helped no doubt about that, but in the end, this was on the midfield. If you asked any supporter if we have looked slow the last 6 weeks they would say no, when we control teh ball we move it so well we look slick and quick. But the reality is we are slow when we are chasing from stoppages, its just the facts, which makes controling the stoppages so critical for us. Gawn got beaten, tried really hard, but a better ruckmen beat him. Oliver tried, but ineffective. Viney always tries, but has not returned the dominant force we had hoped. Petracca is just going and Brayshaw tagged Phillips really well, but i dont understand the thought behind a ball winner tagging another ball winner. so after that rant: OUT: Pedo / Spargo (works hard but not a goal kicker yet) Lewis (but i doubt they will drop him- he needs a couple weeks freshen up) In: Weid / Garlett (need xfactor) Frost (for Dixon)
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