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Everything posted by Chook

  1. Just to whet your collective appetite for this Friday night, a user called Melbourne Footy posted this on Youtube today. Highlights: 3:44 Brock McLean kicks the sealer (and wins his place in my heart forever, no matter what came after — hence my nickname all these years later). 5:32 Adem Yze puts the cherry on top (surely causing Yze Magic to cash in his ankles country membership for a full-fledged one). 7:54 Nathan Jones sighting (sorry buddy but this will be as good as it gets for you for a dozen years or so).
  2. I'm not saying "keep every tradition forever no matter what." I'm saying "If you've got nothing else, keep your tradition until you get something else." Right now Melbourne has just 1 thing. History. Win 3 flags and I'll be a little warmer to changing our song. Until then we risk destroying the only thing we have going for us.
  3. Terrible idea. Right up there with a suggestion that we replace "It's a grand old flag" with "It's a brand new flag." We're Melbourne. If we don't hold our tradition, what else have we got?
  4. Over the weekend I rewatched all our wins from this year. From that, I observed that Viney was nowhere near what he offered in 2017, and is almost a downgrade on form for what our midfield did without him this year. I think he'd be a good defensive forward/mid in bursts to lock the game down, but I'd rather stick with our Gawn/Oliver/Brayshaw/Harmes setup — especially when it really starts to count and we need to get a lead or get back in it.
  5. You sure that wasn't Gerard Cometti?
  6. For Melbourne Demons, Heartbreak no more shall find us; We will be champions.
  7. After inventing the huddle and living off it for 50 years, it's been all downhill for Robert Walls, hasn't it? . . …Until now!
  8. Despite what it loses in humour, this AFL article gains many points for brevity over Supermercado's The Great Dee-pression. Still...1-star. Would not live through again.
  9. “I have reached the conclusion that some footballers or teams succeed because they cheerfully pay the price of success…and others, though they may claim ambition and a desire to succeed are unwilling to pay that price.” — Norm Smith
  10. I can't name the ones I want because I don't know their names. That's how it should be. I only know the names of the ones I hate.
  11. Why oh why would it be this week. I know it's relevant now but surely they'd wait till GF week for maximum negative Fugazi impact on this club.
  12. Don't believe in never Gorgoroth. All's I'm sayin'.
  13. Be still my true beating heart.
  14. No one has ever accused Petracca of being laconic. If anything he's too overexcited.
  15. My word, so MANY punchable faces in this thread.
  16. Oops. I'm so excited for finals (and all the permutations that go with it) that I didn't even care which thread I'm in.
  17. The winner of (the loser of West Coast/Collingwood) vs (the winner of Sydney/GWS). EDIT (Brackets for clarity). DOUBLE-EDIT (Overexcited).
  18. I could definitely see Tyson keeping his midfield role and Viney being used as a clear like-for-like upgrade for JKH.
  19. 2018 Sam Frost This year at the 'G we are: 1-5 with Sam Frost out of the side 4-1 with Sam Frost in the side. For the way we play, Sam Frost is a pivotal player for us at the MCG…and no one would put him in our best players, that's for sure.
  20. He's not one for the common man Whately. I've always seen him as super pretentious and not nearly as smart as he thinks he is. Also, his interest in horses borders on the perverse. But other than that he's great!
  21. Wouldn't be surprised if he falls asleep on grand final day.
  22. Someone should tell Jesse to pack his bags then. JH: "Loving Melbourne. Just got my license, my team's winning every week. And I get to swim in money. Sucks I got injured though. Ooh! A squirrel (Jesse's not bright)." JC: "I haven't ruled out Jesse joining the Dockers." JH: "Aww shucks! Do I have to go?!?!"
  23. If it's the incident I'm thinking of, he brought it on himself. It was a top-of-the-ladder clash between them and us at the G in 05/ or 06(?), and we were losing but gamely trying to get back in it. Cue Neitz lining up some West Coast schmuck. Nailed him, but got himself even worse. I don't think either player played for the rest of the day. I'd say West Coast won that exchange, and the game too.
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