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Everything posted by rpfc

  1. Good to see! Great additions and we got the better end of those deals. Both will play 100+ games for us and set standards in how to play to those that drove our flag win
  2. No doubt. Just getting in first before the likely suspects put out the “the cap being up means Oliver’s deal gets better and better for us over time!” Its not like that, he will be underpaid anyway he is that good.
  3. Waste of money having both Salem and Brayshaw back so I hope they allow him to move to the midfield fully.
  4. Reportedly, he is getting a million a year with the cap at $14m but he has signed a deal that assures him a percentage of the cap so when it rises after the new TV deal is sorted - he will shoot up immediately. I either read that in one of these articles or on the radio.
  5. Yeah I don’t see the problem. The playing of ‘official’ practice games is a waste of time and opportunity for players to get injured. The idea of putting it one state is odd because we aren’t the NRL - more than two states care about our game. But it can certainly get the attention of an area all weekend.
  6. That’s very funny. Even funnier is when Ted Lasso did a version:
  7. This is a training venue. We are talking about practice. If this were the NBA, teams would be paying us rent to play at the G. You are talking about practice! Practice. Not the game. Not the game that I live and die for. Not the game. We’re talking about practice.
  8. And again, I what a snorefest this change to the constitution was - if he influenced the club to do that preamble - great. He should have walked home then. But to spend all your capital - and I mean all your capital - on pushing against these no brainer changes. This bloke needs a PR person or to listen to better advice. Absolutely obvious this would be the reaction and that it was not worth it.
  9. Why should a member get to have the club send something to us on their behalf? I barely want the sponsors to send me stuff; unless it’s 40% of New Balance remainder stock… That is not a good argument to criticise the club for pushing back on that request.
  10. As a coach, there’s a ceiling to mid rotations, the guys just don’t want two min stints. There is also an actual rotation ceiling remember of 75. More teams will see that 5th bench spot as an opportunity to help their number 1 ruck and we have two of the top 4 rucks in the game.
  11. Yes, I was not going to bother until this blokes nonsense again made it to the news and on here. Otherwise, what is there to get riled up against? Convincing 20 members? ‘Preamble No! I want an amble?’ Term limits? Not relying on postal voting? SNORE!
  12. Well, the club evidently sees the broad swathe of apathy for this type of admin an impact to actually getting ‘Yes’ over the line. Of all the hills to die on in the march of ‘Deemocracy’ an extra three years for the Prez and the dislike of a preamble as a means of conveying enforceless platitudes about our place in the game… What a waste of time and money if this doesn’t get up. I have voted Proxy yes and it was easy. Go and do that and wait for the hill that’s worth it.
  13. That’s what I am alluding to - what further power have they consolidated? The need of 20 members to nominate a Director? That is such an easy mark for someone who would be a chance to get actually on the board. The term limits? If ‘the masses’ are so upset about the home base issue - then this mob is on borrowed time and nothing will save them… But I would wager the bull of the 66k care more about flags then centralised co-location of admin and footy depts.
  14. Hang on, this blokes bringing ‘accountability’? Could have fooled me. He has little substantive difference to what the current board are putting up for the alteration of the constitution. He also can’t help himself from muckraking in that stilted ‘conversation with a Dees supporter’. The club says it had a consultative process and other than telling that story and being less guarded (although when former Presidents are suing you I can understand) it’s fine. I like the preamble, I don’t like overwrought rules in constitutions or strategies. This bloke has failed once more most likely. Let’s move on.
  15. 206cm 18 year old. There’s your developing ruckman!
  16. Newest Demon’s sport-swapping journey…
  17. Yeah but you have to coach St Kilda… That work for the dole, hey. They make you do some demeaning things.
  18. Well I read the flyer so no need to send me something in gmail I will read next month… As for the challenge, I’m not convinced; it is written poorly and far too biased in its construction. I don’t think we should kid ourselves that football clubs should have pure ‘democratic’ functions and making it more difficult to create fissures is good for a club that just can’t seem to help itself be stable ever since you know what. This bloke hasn’t got my vote for his changes to the constitution, or to be on the board, or whatever he decides to do next because someone in the coterie was rude to him or something. rp out
  19. The game is ruthless enough as it is. Im more with @pewpewpew- why are we doing this at all so long after the win. Dining out on past glories is literally complacency.
  20. Well said. He’s 21, and not the brightest bulb in Aisle 39 at Bunnings. Leave him be; we’re more than fine without him.
  21. I think Tim was just taking about his kicking into the forward line and connecting between midfield and forward lines. Not leadership.
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