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picket fence

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Everything posted by picket fence

  1. T Mac MUST be dropped, as he has played 2 stinkers. Just does not warrant selection. Cannot turn at all!
  2. Sheeeeit War I was loving your article till that last sentence.... Go wash your mouth out with some of Uncle Bitters cure all ellixer girl and never mention that word beginning with i and Clarry Choo Choo again🤯
  3. Heads up Casey vs Swans Sunday 2nd at Casey @ 11.00 am
  4. Laurie was hugely underwhelming in his first game and needs a bank of good form at Casey before being considered for a call up!
  5. Oscar???? He was worse than Oscar ever was
  6. A few Thoughts and pre Swans selections 1 That was the worst performance under Goody that I can recall for three quarters, and can I ask the question, Ive seen training which replecated into 2 impressive pre season hitouts and last weeks win. In training I have seen hardly any "Bombing into the forward line " But sheeeeit was it evident on Friday. Why was that?? 2 Question? Have some players got ahead of themselves? 3 Viney, although underdone played like the Viney of old which means "The Rugby player in him came out" and he displayed little Leadership when Max went down 4 T Mac in my book is COOKED, he is SLOW and has the Turning circle of 5 Titanics going around a solitary Ice cube in the Ocean, Just watch the replay, he just cannot turn. His place after two shocking games must be in Jeopardy 5 Petty played his worst game since his first Debut game years ago. Pushed under it , outpositioned just look rank. He is better than that but Friday was a stinker. 6 James Harmes, would be very nervous this week and could be replaced by someone like Dunstan or Jordan 7 Fritsch played well for 3 BUT needs to create more pressure as a forward. 8 Judd Mc Vie will be a player but got sucked into the vortex on occasions. 9 We will need another pinch hit Ruckman and I think it might be either Shackey Attackey OR Joel Smith this week. 10 Clarry is an out an out champion but was uncharaterisically rushed with some disposals. 37 Possesions at what 68 % I'll take it and this wasn't a usual game. but as I said he is a champion! 11 Melsham did close to Zero when give n his chance, Time to blood Youth! Ins and outs I think the selectors will roll the dice to a degree and I would go with the following ins May, Pig, SHACKEY ATTACKEY ( If Fit) OR Joel Smith and or even lets Blood EITHER Matt JEFFERSON ( WHO CAN TAKE A GRAB) OR JVR and possibly Jordan and or Dunstan. Outs Max, T MAC, Harmes, Melksham and maybe Judd Mc Vie I have more to say but nothing more to add. Go Dees .P.F
  7. Ive had the weekend at friends in Ballarat and have thought quite a bit about Friday night and have a few things to comment on 1 That was the worst performance under Goody that I can recall for three quarters, and can I ask the question, Ive seen training which replecated into 2 impressive pre season hitouts and last weeks win. In training I have seen hardly any "Bombing into the forward line " But sheeeeit was it evident on Friday. Why was that?? 2 Question? Have some players got ahead of themselves? 3 Viney, although underdone played like the Viney of old which means "The Rugby player in him came out" and he displayed little Leadership when Max went down 4 T Mac in my book is COOKED, he is SLOW and has the Turning circle of 5 Titanics going around a solitary Ice cube in the Ocean, Just watch the replay, he just cannot turn. His place after two shocking games must be in Jeopardy 5 Petty played his worst game since his first Debut game years ago. Pushed under it , outpositioned just look rank. He is better than that but Friday was a stinker. 6 James Harmes, would be very nervous this week and could be replaced by someone like Dunstan or Jordan 7 Fritsch played well for 3 BUT needs to create more pressure as a forward. 8 Judd Mc Vie will be a player but got sucked into the vortex on occasions. 9 We will need another pinch hit Ruckman and I think it might be either Shackey Attackey OR Joel Smith this week. 10 Clarry is an out an out champion but was uncharaterisically rushed with some disposals. 37 Possesions at what 68 % I'll take it and this wasn't a usual game. but as I said he is a champion! 11 Melsham did close to Zero when give n his chance, Time to blood Youth! Ins and outs I think the selectors will roll the dice to a degree and I would go with the following ins May, Pig, SHACKEY ATTACKEY ( If Fit) OR Joel Smith and or even lets Blood EITHER Matt JEFFERSON ( WHO CAN TAKE A GRAB) OR JVR and possibly Jordan and or Dunstan. Outs Max, T MAC, Harmes, Melksham and maybe Judd Mc Vie I have more to say but nothing more to add. Go Dees .P.F
  8. I think Mathew Jefferson will be better than JVR in time Dazzle. He is one who times his leaps well and takes impressive grabs. Donf get put of by his pionts tally in this game. Most were near misses. I would be almost tempted to play one or both and give T. Mac the flick, he is cooked!
  9. Yeah and given his dreadful ( by normal standards) 1st half Im not sure what a 37 possesion 15 clearance an 9 tackles game means. I wonder how others Demonland posters, Coaches votes and Umpires will adjudge his game tonight in light of these stats !🤔
  10. We have lost our last 2 to these frontrunners though Dazzle!!?
  11. Clarry 37 possesions 15 comtested an 9 tackles sheesch leading player on ground in 3 areas hnmmmm
  12. Tmac is Cooked as a player now just watch us get another injury🤯
  13. Joe the Mc Spud kicks goals..says it all Cameron loves himself
  14. You are kidding, honourable loss we have been putrid🤯
  15. Sorry we are gone worst loss in 10 years!
  16. Viney as VICE CAPTAIN has been Putrid wheres the leadership??
  17. Why can we do it at training but in a game it all goes out the wimdow??
  18. Add SPARGO GUS AND ANYONE ELSE just a putrid effort all over the field
  19. Dont make excuses we are PUTRID TONIGHT OLIVER, CAREER WORST PERFORMANCE add VINEY, PETTY, LEVER ,TMC HARMES ET AL Just terrible from too many
  20. Yeah Jeelong starting to show age Very very slow. HATE both but would prefer a draw
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