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picket fence

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Everything posted by picket fence

  1. I have more to say, but nothing further to add but this🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮😱🤯😵
  2. I have been saying this forever😉 When is the team announced??
  3. If MAY is fit No way lnown GG e "suits up for Casey" if he is fit he plays, no ifs or buts
  4. They can relocate to Tassy, sorry make that Siberia, no mercy whatsoever. I still have nightmares over the 87 Preliminary Final. Hate them with a passion
  5. If they are water buffalo's who is the Grand Poohba ?🤣
  6. Stumbling around after a few glug glugs in December ,WCW Is a recipe for disaster. Ask myself and dear old Uncle. Hopefully you have recovered and feeling on top of the world. Lurve ur work WCW P.F
  7. There is an Elephant in the room! aswe speak!
  8. Im Very peeeezed of that the club didn't appeal!! Is Kossy?? Jack the Ripper in disguise!?? NO! Very Very poor MFC
  9. The club has accepted the 2 match ban. WTH??
  10. How do you measure "Potential to cause Injury"? Isnt ANY tackle, bump, in play contest, spoil, high mark hanger, or nearly anything else Potential to cause?? Ambiguous at best and legally perhaps not even enforceable. Prime evidence of Buddy Fiasco Big Buddy given his weight differential was 5 time more likely to put said players head into orbit!! So where was his 6 weeks for potential?? Again the AFL Have made a rod for its back. I hope the Dees challenge on not only this technicality , but also the obvious medium contact to the body and not the head. And remember the mullet got up unscathed and played out the rest of the game! Case closed!
  11. Like the AFL has with Buddy, one lousy week, coz its Buddy. Hypocrisy reigns supreme!
  12. Yeah but the toothpick might be on fire!
  13. Harmes was very good Sat night, no way he misses
  14. Challenge in a court of law The AFL HATE THAT!!
  15. Still Friggen Corrupt and displays yet again Name players get preferential treatment FMD
  16. Challenge the mongrelly corrupt AFL DEES 🤮 No damage dishlicker played on and so no effect! WTF CHALLENGE THE BEAUROCRATIC AUTOMATONS !
  17. I doubted him, I have to say but, I thought he was really very good back to pre knee reco Thommo, he keeps his place!
  18. Ok I never thought Spargo was any good at all for a reason 1 Not enough possesions 2 Not enough goals I am now of the opinion that he has IMPROVED and so deserves some Kudos which I have given. Laurie IS NOT a "Whipping Boy"BUT as I have said in quite a few posts , has done little to warrant a game. Again, I'll stand by my comments!
  19. 6 Max 5 Clarry Choo Choo 4 Trac 3 Pickett 2 Lever 1 Tomlinson Apologies to BBB, ANB, SPARGY PANTS,
  20. Not writing him of but with competition for places 4 possesions aint going to cut it. Dont blame me if he gets dropped coz I have been saying it for months, based on my training reports he has hardly shown anything that deserves a senior game and I'll stand by that comment. Re Spargo, yes he was good and in fact if you had read my traing reports I have mentioned him a few times as a big improver. Anything else???
  21. Nup not on 4 possesions sorry but at this stage not up to it
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