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picket fence

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Everything posted by picket fence

  1. Hnmm This should be how it is, but reading between the lines JV gets to say when he plays and when he doesn"t Happy to be corrected on this. Just what appears to be!
  2. I've said it all before..... The tail wags the dog! Can u imagine Clarko saying this???
  3. Thanks John , Point is how many times can JV say he is fit when reality and history have revealed he was less than ready to go. I don't care about Pain thresholds or 80 % fit this seems to be a common theme. As Simon Goodwin iterated "Its his call he knows his body" Nar Bulltish, it should be up to medical experts to call a player fit, not the player!! This is Unprofessional IMO if so! I can , however see where you are coming from! Cheers PF
  4. If Correct the tail is wagging the Dog!! How friggen Selfish! But how Typical and short sighted are MFC!
  5. Oh yeah because he knows that he's right to go Yessiree, Medical opinion??? .!Watch him bash crash 4 maybe 5 put that injured AC joint through Purgatory BUT he will be right coz he is Jack Viney! he is right to go... Just watch this unfold! Also WTF How does Turbo Mc Treacle still STILL get a game! We are bunnies in headlights! Ah.. stay tuned !
  6. Agree but Keilty stays and Turbo goes out!! for Preussmeister!
  7. The issue seems to be that he was actually playing whilst injured and whats more and was sent back onto the field when clearly he WAS injured. Whats more it was a meaningless JLT Match. If Shaun is complaining about this aspect then it would appear to be worthy of complaint. If the player was already having groin issues and was returned to the field thus aggravating this injury even more then this is not only poor player management but could also be an OH& S case. I was at that game and Joel Smith was clearly injured and still on the field. If Shaun is also complaining about his rehab since, then this is another matter for which none of us have any information.
  8. WelL l as a fully qualified Phys Ed Teacher and Grad Dip in Sports Exercise science, But OLD Guy, I would like to offer my services to MFC! .The response might be....... Ah Picket Fence, ah thanks but no thanks! Too radical!
  9. Yep too many chiefs and not enough Foot soldiers. So in medical decisions, who should be accountable???
  10. Nar mate not so, respect needs to be earnt and keeping a player who clearly was on one leg is tantamount to the OH&S guidelines of workplace and also Bad people management.
  11. Well well well. I was at Casey the day Joel Stayed on the park and I said to myself "This bloke is Clearly injured why is he still on the on the park"? If I was his manager and Dad I would be asking the same questions , Demanding answers and wanting Heads to roll! Clearly Clearly NOT GOOD ENOUGH but oh so typical!!
  12. So in Rehab, turned up Pre Season UNFIT, and now Glug Glugging when in REHAB. Can we TEAR up his deal??? If TRUE?? serious serious questions remain! 750 Gs for this bloke SERIOUSLY?? Over and out IMV!
  13. Yes and for Clarry to call it and Lewis to feel ah Miffed and perhaps not take it onboard is .... Well a bloke who has done it all , maybe deep down knows he is cooked but really can"t let go. Hnmm Tough gig!
  14. Turbo McTreacle must be worried if all these moves come of!
  15. Pruess in for Turbo Mc Treacle! Rejig the backline slightly!
  16. I reckon Alistair Clarkson and Buckley are the Best two Coaches in the business!
  17. Yep and I thought we were GONE. Greatt gutsy effort POSITIVES Clarry Choo Choo got Mojo Back, Max, Harmsy, Hore, Lockhart, Jones Hibberd all really good and Frosty becoming more and more capable and confident. Jeffy had some good moments NEGATIVES Turbo Mc Treacle , honestly how does he get a game, His brother not much better, Lewis IS cooked, Tracca, Neal Bullen, not much to write home about! Good win needs to be backed up next week.
  18. Im sure if we win the next 4 games in a month there will be NO WHINING at all!! Therefore The flood gates are about to open!
  19. Paaark me we are no good on the footy field , so this bulltish exercise which is designed to lift??ah some footy skills??? almost drowns one of our players. Whoever thinks these things up needs to resign and whoever sanctions these things needs to walk away. This is garbage. LETS FOCUS ON GETTING THE FOOTY DOING SOMETHING WITH IT AND WINNING GAMES. Only MFC!! sheeit!
  20. Another forgotten gem of commentary. MW "If this keeps up I'll have a heart attack" Butch Gale "Ive already had 2 Mike" Teddy Whiiten "Call for the Medics make that 3"
  21. He actually lived diagonal to me over the back in East Bentleigh when I was a Kid. Always said Gday! I remember the classic commentary team of Mike, Alan "Butch" Gale and Teddy Whitten bringing classic commentary into our lounge rooms. Also will never forget the best Footy show Footy Inquest Mike's sign of was always "We'll see you on 7, at 7, 7 days from now!! Goodnight! Classic Classic Stuff Vale Mike, Best to Family PF
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