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picket fence

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Everything posted by picket fence

  1. THANK FUGGIN CHRISTMAS! But GWS the Frankenstein of the AFL PSEUDO EXPANSION! Lowest goals for a zillion years!!! Suck on that AFL... Enjoy ur night Polo player! GWS HORRENDOUS and loved every minute of it! Well done tiges. Hey Goody were u watching!??
  2. Yeah well I have my doubts, Overweight, Questionable goal kicking technique, Inconsistent!..happy to trade!!!!
  3. Hnmm managers the parasites that exist. Why cant players do the deals themselves????? Well I reckon pay him another 100 -150 gs over what he gets now over 3-4 years He has pace , iNTERCEPT ability and in a basket case of a Year ONE TRUE POSITIVE.....and has earnt that Christ watch us Blink.... Another club picks him up and he plays in A PREMIERSHIP!! FFS
  4. Typical of our list management or should I say mismanagement. ANB VFL, Corey might MIGHT be useful but Josh very average.And our BEST Defender this year Frost, is at this stage hung out to dry. STAGGERING!!
  5. Absolutely Damning!! Both need to at least relinquish Captaincy, At the very least!
  6. Gaaawd I have been saying this for YEARS!!
  7. Sheeit 4-5 years??? I'll be dead by then!!!!
  8. As my adult children Wife and Dog keep reminding me!!
  9. Are you seriously comparing Caleb Daniel To Charlie Spargo?? Eons away! IMV
  10. Gawd in a Club that has stayed away from far too many because we are "Conservative" EG "Dusty" Coz he has Tatts and others, About time we got real! Nice guys in looks at least aint gonna win a Flag!! YES!
  11. I thought he had a go ! Class act, not his fault MFC would be wise to pursue!!
  12. FFS Slow plodder, small, tackles dont stick, Kicking lacks penetration, WHY would you want to keep him? Suburban player at best!
  13. Delist /Trade Spargo, Oscar, ANB, Stretch, That will do for a start!!
  14. Agree, Typically Shocking List management! If he goes watch this really bite hard on the Arrrrzze
  15. Nup said at the time NO GOOD.!! As I have said in the Past "Fence Knows Footy" ?
  16. Morton instead of Dangerfield?? I think I'm Gunna be Sick!!
  17. I'll put my hand up!! Annnd do a Sterling Job? What were they thinking ....?? Toumpas instead of Wines!! Doh!!
  18. If that Preeek gets of after Flaunting another Brainfade then ......
  19. Dazzle knows his footy, If he says PASS that's good enough for me!
  20. I would offer him 450 with incentives and any way you cut it 450 for 3 to four years makes him a Millionare with the rest of his life to do something else!! Pretty good Coin I would have thought. Us normal wage earners would LOVE a $ 100.000 Windfall just once in a lifetime. Makes you think doesn't it?? Id pay him about that Plus incentives!
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