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picket fence

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Everything posted by picket fence

  1. The Push should become the Shove... for his sake!
  2. I would not have JV even as Vice Captain!! Harmsy's a Dark Horse!
  3. Should and has played his last game. Health overides everything. Shocking Bad luck!
  4. Co Captaincy model is absolute Garbage!
  5. Yeah well if he continually breaks down what else would you say!???? The Reality Bus must link in at some stage! Yes Rate him but reality is that he has offered very little in the way of Return!!
  6. Hes gonna play Jeffies Role ... You don"t need a tank as Forward Pocket!! And forget Spargo.... Not and never will be up to it!!
  7. Yeah well, back to reality... Does anyone other than family and close friends really care about this stuff?? I dont hate.. But when a team scores 1 solitary goal?? Ahem where is the attraction!?? I wont be watching!
  8. Bulltish. Its not Common at all, anti inflams should have been order of the day from day 1 And if administered then more trouble envisaged !!
  9. PAAAARK me another High Priced DUD!! TYPICAL
  10. Unfortunately Injury Prone Dont hang ur hat on this Bloke.. And we gave him ..What a three year year Deal?? Typical MFC
  11. Easily mine as well, To also know quite a few players personally made it all the more "Special" Thanks for posting ...'ah the memories linger on and on"!
  12. That MOTY in 2007 should have been enough.... Surely!!!!??
  13. You Did what???????? Watched all last years games?? I would call that PURE UNADULTERATED TORTURE!!
  14. The Answer is YES FWIW I have heard that part of the problems Jesse might have involve some falling outs with several high profile Freo players ! Would have him back in a heartbeat! Footy , back at the Dees might well be part of the solution he needs!
  15. If Oscar gets a game in front of Smith then the club is stuffed Defensively! Smith offers much if fit!
  16. Yeah I'll see u and raise you with another two! TALKS CHEAP!!
  17. All the best of Luck! He really do with some. If he was still with us a few around here would change their tune pretty quickly I feel!
  18. Sheeeeit, I must be Mellowing... "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone" Cheesus, I must be on the happy juice!!? Neeld was HORRIBLE!
  19. EVERYONE... even Gaddy Lyon, is entitled to 1 Mistake!!? He would know Dr. Peter B GURU!
  20. Yeah I think so to, Unfortunately!!?
  21. Agree, I'll go so far and say that if Weid has another season like last he might be traded out! Weids for De Goey sounds fair!!
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