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picket fence

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Everything posted by picket fence

  1. Back to the topic, I have rewatched his highlights reel and believe Fraser Rosman could be the "Find" of the draft. What I see is Pace,endurance, canny ball use, accuracy of kick,build,height and he seems to put himself in dangerous positions. Add agility and his ability to clunk marks, he might well be the X factor we need. I like what I see!!
  2. Can anyone see anything changing?? Even with Astute Chocko and Yze I can still see the Maelstrom in the making.
  3. TASSIE JOHNSON EXCELLENT !!Paul Rowlands Full back in the early 70ts was an excellent Drop Kick
  4. I reckon a case can be made for Rosman as well, Tall, Well built, Speed and seems from highlights to be able to CLUNK marks!!
  5. A challenging year on all fronts, not just footy. I have to say to all on Demonland whether or not I agree with you or whether or not you agree with me one thing is for certain. Demonland has provided some sanity in a rapidly changing and challenging year. My thanks to you all. Cheers PF
  6. Great News! There is something about this kid that to me exudes confidence that he will be a fine player for us, Just something I cant quite put my finger on but gee I hope I am right!!??
  7. And if we don't Blow Torch on Goody and the club right from the start!
  8. Would not have needed these if we recruited blokes who can kick.! Actually think its a great initiative
  9. Since 64 Never has and to date ....... don't look likely to either, Just look at our abysmal games against Freo and Sydney when it counted this year. And I could go on and onn and onnnnnnnnnnnnnnn. Mentally very fragile!
  10. If IF his dads name is Dave Rosman, then I'm right on the money!
  11. Even better is the idea of PAUL presenting him with his jumper!
  12. Invites to the "Manor" are as rare as Rocking Horse Sheeeit. If anyone deserves and invite it is my good self!! Would love to see the moat infested with man eating crocs and the maids of the manor all ready and willing to serve his highness Uncle Bitter! Cleanskins and Uncles are no match for a good Red! PS If any Land folk can confirm Tommorrows session is at Casey and Time, I just MIGHT be able to swing down and have a squizz
  13. I reckon If the Surnames align I might have played against his father years ago in cricket. If What I say IS correct and it is the same bloke and he is like his old man ....... Watch out coz his Dad was a Mad as a Cut snake FAST BOWLER WITH A KILLER INSTINCT! But a great bloke And If I'm Right? We have picked a take no prisoners type!???
  14. LOL "A POOR MANS CHARLIE SPARGO" WOW I just didn't think it could get any lower. I would have prefered with some reason "Brings plenty of what Charlie doesn't"
  15. Dont be deceived by the kicking action. He actually drops the ball lower and closer to his foot thereby alleviating and minimising margin for error. He wont fudge many at all! I like what he brings, Pace, Agility, Poise, takes a great contested grab and kicks very well! Stay Tuned, some serious X Factor from what I've seen.
  16. Why is the point of reference in a few of these threads Spargo?? Sheesh!!
  17. Shheeit judging by those highlights he could be an absolute beauty. Dazzle is correct, can Clunk a mark!! Pace and footy smarts also can kick a goal! A big like from me!
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