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picket fence

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Everything posted by picket fence

  1. Yep and do you know where it started ?? Caleb Daniels run out of the backiline. Guess who he was on... Spargo! Enough said!
  2. Yep whats the piont when I dare say the ball would not have gotdown there thst much??
  3. And the one that needs to take MOST notice is Viney!!
  4. Why if managed would he be training with the leftovers at all??. He should STILL be training with the main group I would have thought. A few weeks out from round 1 and he is beimg managed?? Nup not buying that!
  5. Oliver out Managed,doesn't cut it with me.His training form has been absolutely SENSATIONAL !! Is something amiss??
  6. Thanks for query, In all stop start drills, marks, free kicks this has been impressed upon player to hold ground. Last night however I saw quite a few instances where players moved of the line laterally and umpire didn't pay free kicks. But if your Richmond you will get away with that!
  7. I thought Cripps was garbage last night!
  8. At first I did think Greg Stafford but I don't think it was!
  9. STOP IT PLEASE "OH YOU MAKE MY MOTOR RUN, MY MOTOR RUN MYYYYY SHARONAAAAA! Just cannot get this song outa my head! Why??? Well it was one of the Classic songs playing whilst the players were training today. Booming over the P.A Others were "Working Class Man, "Stop Draggin my heart around", Run to paradise", "Country Road" and timeless classic, Sweet Caroline! Speaking of classic, I witnessed another "Classic" training session today staring... MFC 2021 Here is my report Maintenance group, rehab Ben Brown, Sam Weiderman, Jack Viney and I think Mitch Brown Pleasantly surprised to see Ben Brown doing short 15-25 metre kicks and he looks on track to step up training shortly. Ditto the others On lighter duties running , Hibbo, Melksham Main, Skills, Drills and Maneuvers! DRILL 1 GROUNGHOG DAY SHUFFLE Whole ground utilized which involved players coming out of defence in droves and giving passes by hand or foot to creative space player, then overlapping to recieve back and kick to leading forward option This showcased explosive run and carry of ball carrier and pinpiont precise passing to option, players in orange vests harrasing thus simulating real game pressure DRILL 2 BALANCED OPTION DISH OF This was a beauty, Two teams one in blue one in white On ballers in centre , wings and rest in other half of the ground, Ball was centre bounce contested and depending on whole took posession then dicatted whether those in blue became attackers or defenders dependent on which color got possesion. For example if White got possesion then whites became attackers and Blue team defenders. If Blue got possesion then Whites became defenders. This was intense and replicated the situations which arise in games when to run and create and when to man up and defend. Disposal and chioces again was very good with limited congestions and stoppages DRILL 3 KAMIKAZE GAME SIMULATIONS WHOLE GROUND This again was classic game day simulations which saw two teams chosen Whites vs Blues. Plenty to like regarding intensity and skill levels OVERALL OBSERVATIONS POSITIVES 1 Clayton Oliver. In Drill 2 and 3 he was "PEERLESS" He just could not be stopped, usual crisp desicive handballs , picked out targets with kicks and pace was exilerating. 2 Majak Daw. Well I will be astounded if we do not pick him up. He was good again today and was involved in some excellent ball movement, can clunk a mark and his kicking was precise ,also makes good decisions 3 Ed Langdon, just does not stop running to create options 4 James Harmes thank heavens he is now back where he belongs in the midfield 5 Gus Brayshaw, some pivotal moments in match simulations , his run and carry were excellent 6 Luke Jackson, belongs!!! Just looks ready to blossom 7 Jayden Hunt showed dash and importantly measure in disposals 8 Nev and Chunk, still not quite done as yet 9 Goody, Choco, vocal and involved 10 The invisable man, There was a huge bloke in a grey t shirt who was instructing and moving among the players displaying how to block where to stand, how to execute various maneuvers, He looked vaguely familiar but have no idea who has was!?? OTHER OBS Kye Deglace If he was training I didn't notice him unless he looks like Deakyn Smith who I did notice and who did some good things. Not sure if Kobe Farmer is in the frame at this time, Recruits looking promising Fraser Rosman, Jake Bowey , Bailey Laurie all had moments. Have to say if Training is an indication of match day and is replicated, then team looks very well prepared, Fit, Quicker, and with more Precicity of skills executed. Will leave on this note........ M, M M My SHARONNNAAA,,,, There, I think I've got "THE KNACK "of it!! PF
  10. True top 6 players in the game at present no doubt in my mind!
  11. Well , and as u all know I am a HUGE Clarry Choo Choo fan but...... If he is not signed early in the season... I reckon he will go! If MFC are fair dinkum they will offer in Xcess of what Viney and Max have been offered coz I believe he is Our best player ! Yep better than Max and far better than Viney!! I can just see him walking if he doesnt get an offer in xcess of anyone else. And if so......It will be really tragic for a lot of reasons!
  12. Oscar INSPIRED a couple of goals and at least two goal assists makes u wonder about MFC and dubious development of many players over the last 20 or so years!
  13. I stand by my training report last Monday and yes even though he might have been blowing a bit his skills looked clean and as iterated he was very good below his knees. Interesting and I take Cards report that maybe they were just easing him of a bit yesterday with the view of going harder Tommorrow. Anyone know if traing is at Casey Fields or Goshes??
  14. I understand he was in a midfield group before training started yesterday doing ruck work with Max, Harmes, and Bradke. After that he was in rehab group which included Ben Brown, and Sam Wiedermen. Interesting to say te least!
  15. Mate of mine just rang and said Oscar has been named at CHF for Carlton in their pre season game. Ok, Hope he makes a go of it!
  16. My opinion on this can be summed up in these famous words from Jethro Tull. Essendope can lie in the cesspool of their own greed and the deal made with Marvel. Thick as a Brick, Part 1 Jethro Tull Really don't mind if you sit this one out My word's but a whisper your deafness a shout I may make you feel but I can't make you think Your sperm's in the gutter your love's in the sink So you ride yourselves over the fields And you make all your animal deals And your wise men don't know how it feels To be thick as a brick And the sandcastle virtues are all swept away In the tidal destruction the moral melee The elastic retreat rings the close of play As the last wave uncovers the newfangled way But your new shoes are worn at the heels And your suntan does rapidly peel And your wise men don't know how it feels To be thick as a brick And the love that I feel is so far away: I'm a bad dream that I just had today And you shake your head And said it's a shame
  17. If I can add more weight to this arguement. I was super impressed with him today for all reasons provided above. One other factor is that given his rehab from serious injury he doesnt have any associated gait issues, which often will put pressure on other parts of the body. He looked confident, has really good skills set, and was excellent below his knees. For a Big man that's a plus! He would be the "Ultimate" big man back up and maybe, just maybe might play more than we all think! I would be astounded if we didn't pick him up based on what I saw today!!
  18. Sorry Yes Angus trained and also did all that was asked, he was moving freely!
  19. Do you believe in Footy "Miracles"?? I don't, but I do believe that hard work, a good game plan, personnel, that can carry out the plan and a smidgeon of luck can quickly turn into something potentially satisfying lets say..... Success at MFC!! Welcome to training today from the magnificently manicured CASEY FIELDS. Although the obligatory 6 seasons in one day reminded me of Science Fiction type inbalances between an EL NINO event and a LA NINA Cross, training today was very very good! NO SHOWS Didn't see Rosman, Kysiah still interstate I would imagine and Obviously Aaron Nietschke with his latest tragic ACL, Sam Weiderman also no show ON MODIFIED TRAINING BEN BROWN ( More on him later) Jake Melksham ( Jack Viney almost normal training along with Hibbo) DRILLS , SKILLS AND MANEUVERS After obligatory warm ups I saw 4 drills being executed today. ALL drills had the essential elements of the following game type events A Choosing correct options to create overlap and positive disposal accuracy B Being able to execute skills under pressure C Creating space from turnovers thus turning defence into attack and break line running DRILL A KAMIKAZE TARGET SELECTION ( BY HAND OR FOOT) This consisted of players in 6 groups zig zagging fashion giving handballs or kicks to best option standing in criss cross formations firstly from 15-20 m away increasing to 25-30 m away. This was a very good drill which showcased positive decision making and pretty good skills by hand and or foot to best options DRILL B HUDDLE BREAK OUT PINBALL WIZARD This consisted of what to me was a very intricate set play where player would get the ball have options to pass but was placed under enormous pressure by players with those battering foam mats who acted as harrasers trying to stop the player and or smother the ball in transit. This meant that players needed to not only pick correct option but also execute with precission and value. The pinball element presented as the flippers of a pin ball machine similiar to the foam battering mats used by the players. Players would huddle and then give of corect option quickly. DRILL C OVERLAP AND LINE BREAK DRILL Consisted of players in precision timing a run and creating a target getting the ball giving of calling for it back if in correct position and feeding it of to presenting player. Player then had a shot for goal or gave of to another option in rotational work similar to creating options of the back line DRILL D GOAL KICKING DRILL Simply throwing ball in air turn pivot and kick either for goal or to target depending on judgments POSITIVES BEN BROWN On modified program but worked with physio on exercises , strengthening and being able I would guess to go through movement range pain free. Looked unhampered MAJAK DAW WOW On what I saw today there is not a shred of doubt he will be on the list. His agility was exceptional for a big man he moved well, hit targets and looks to be not that far of fitness for AFL. Looks like he belongs and plenty of hand taps between players for him JACK VINEY Was impressive on todays performance looks fit and was not hampered in any way that I could see with his foot. Did some modified training at end but looks on track for round 1 HIBBO DITTO JV report as above VANDERS I worry that he seems to get injured at the wrong times and then has to refind form and fitness. Today he looked good and completed all drills OF INTEREST Someone was in rehab with Jake Melksham wearing Kossie Pickets no 36 I have no idea who he was!?? Just to reiterate as above header suggests; Do you believe in Footy "Miracles"?? I don't, but I do believe that hard work, a good game plan, personnel, that can carry out the plan and a smidgeon of luck can quickly turn into something potentially satisfying lets say..... Success at MFC!! Have to say all players were interested, involved , you could sense the Camaraderie and purpose skills and pace at execution were good today and so who knows, with a largely injury free list continued hard work, let the year unfold.The blend of mature, maturing and young players just seems to be gelling very nicely! PS In one of the Drills Max gathered the footty and on the run from outside 50 ROOOSTED a GOAL. AND DIDN'T HE LET EVERYONE KNOW ABOUT IT GREAT STUFF Cheers PF
  20. Arrr "Fighting it out with Strawbs O Dwyer" ah no. He is that far ahead of him it doesn't matter. Norm Smith could play a bit as well!
  21. Ok, it might well have been well docoed and all, but honestly I have iterated my postion and so lets leave it at that. I trust, however both players make speedy recoveries.
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