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picket fence

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Everything posted by picket fence

  1. Time and Space hnmm sounds like Doctor Who
  2. Ah Farmer, dont mind u having a go at me but IMO Dazzle Davey 36 is one of the most "Astute" observers and posters on this site PERIOD
  3. Ahhh no.But he has been sensational
  4. Does anyone know if training is on tommorow Friday at Casey? I rang the club but line was busy. I may be able to file one last pre season report if training is confirmed PF
  5. Yep correct, my daughter sorted it Go Dees
  6. Thanks Daisy my Daughter finally nutted it out to me and secured a ticket? But shouldn't be so hard to work the system?
  7. That's not the worst of it. I am a signed up member. I logged on the the ticketek App and presented the Barcode which MFC gave me and tried to get 1 Ticket and the site wanted to charge me 40 bucks plus for a ticket. NOT HAPPY!! INFACT SNARLY!!
  8. Ok 1 I do not HATE Spargo , how can you hate anyone that represents the MFC. He has played more games than I have at elite! Nuff said. 2 I do not think he is soft as some on this site have commented 3 I stand by my initial piont. Spargo WAS Daniels direct opponent for most of the first quarter 4 Sorry to say, I just do not rate him as a footballer. In my view thats the only thing I'm rating! 5 I am not Blind, but perhaps partially deaf
  9. Gotcha Dazz,it is Sunday, Brain is in Neutral? Cheers P.F
  10. MFC Selection are nearly always "Safe" we choose players who MIGHT play well and hardly ever go for a bold, gutsy move. I dont think Majak is unfit either and if he juust happens to get a sniff early , and stretch the Dockers defence then well worth the gamble, Very well worth it IMO. Which means they probably won't go for it because we are a safe, non risk taking club. I'd pick DAW and Mc Donald and Jackson and really put the cat among the pigeons. JUST DO IT!
  11. Dazzle, for most of the 1st Quarter and I was watching closely, Spargo was Daniel's direct opponent. The amount of times Daniel mopped up and set of across Half back and launched attacks was telling. Spargo just seemed to be in no mans land.
  12. Not for one minute would I say he is soft,but he would not get a game in any other AFL team for reasons well documented!
  13. Any of players mentioned can replace guys NQR such as slow small plodders
  14. SHEEIIT ive left out Nibbler ? his training form has been fantastic he was decent last week as well. I WILL amend apologies
  15. BEST 22 Hibberd May Rivers Salem Lever Hunt Bowey Oliver Langdon Tracc Weeds Fritz Kossie B Brown Jackson Max Viney Brayshaw I C Jordon Chandler Harmes Majak Emerg J Tomlinson ones, Mc Donald, Laurie, Rosman, Jetta, M Brown THIS WEEKS TEAM Has a few out with injury, I dont think Steve May will get up and Hibbo, Salem, Viney all doubtful and a few others so here goes Tomlinson Petty Rivers Jetta Lever Hunt Bowey Oliver Langdon Tracc Jackson Melksham Kossie Majak Fritta Max Harmes Brayshaw I C Jordon, Chandler, Harmes, Mc Donald possibly Jones
  16. From what I have seen at Training and in view of what he did yesterday in the practice match, If I were the match commitee I would definately roll the Dice and play him next week vs Freo! No doubt in my mind he is ready! Some serious X factor at play, Freo would not be expecting it and it really stretches them down back!
  17. THANKS HEAPS TO DAZZLE MAN DWORSHIP and others who have posted Friigggen typical MFC lack of promotion re game! You would think we have won a coupla Flags Arrogance personified!
  18. Nup got 2 years to run. IMO if he gets a game on what he showed last week then we are in deep strife. Daniel's completely towelled him up in the first q last week and if his job was defensive pressure, I would be asking a lot of questions.
  19. I think Melksham is Viney almost but I do have doubts on Hibberd ( he didn't train today) and if Salem is in any doubt which I think he is I would not risk him. Certainly he does not seem to be fully stretching out as yet and is still in rehab!
  20. Good question, the Answer, if Goody reckons his plans and strategies are working why would he change. If you are asking me did I see an increase in urgency and approach, I would have to say no more or less than what I have witnessed already
  21. Q 1 When is a stick not a stick?? (Answer at the end) Q Does a Picket Fence standing behind a Cyclone Fence constitute an oxymoron? "Try not to stay too static or cute, bananna's decay to brown, squashy fruit! Change is the seed to personal growth, a call to seek your directional oath. And submit to lifes challenges those on the field, results in success a valuable yield!" PF 2021 What a magnificent day to be at training. Reminded me of........ Thursday 4th September 1987 venue JUNCTION OVAL at 4.00 pm approx. 34 years ago. There were thousands there watching the John Northey coached Demons emabark on there last training session before the elimination final vs Nth Melbourne. Why do I bring this up now? Read on..... Training summary, Drills, Skills and Manuevers All drills simulated match conditions and particularly handball run and carry, precise use of the football, taking the game on, pace, pressure and class. All the BIG GUNS were there, Robby, Jim, Big Earl, Yeata, Bails, Strawbs, Danny, Stretcha, Warren Dean, Stephen Newport, Balls Grinter, Dirty Dave Williams, Willo, and what do you know, training was exemplary, exciting, flashy, and done at 100% There were no errors, players were just sublime and skills was the highest I have seen ever! I will never forget it, Nor will anyone else who was also there . Ah sweet dreams are made of these! Who am I to disagree!? Segue Friday 12/3/2021 Perfect day perhaps a tad hot and every known flying insect was also on hand witnessing proceedings, here is my report. ALERT DRONE AHEAD Yep thats right first thing I saw was a drone hovering above players training of course obligatory house music was a Tad better than previous sessions with Jazz influenced seductive grooves emanating from the cavernous sound system. Ahhh that's better NO SHOWS Quite a list Steven May, Majak Daw, Adam Tomlinson, Kossie, Rosman, Weeds, and I also didn't see Vanders or Hibbo, they may have been there but did/nt see them. Also didn't see Bowey but did see Deakyn Smith and I think Baily Laurie walking laps. Also not sure if Gus was in attendance REHAB Ben Brown, Joel Smith , Christian Salem SKILLS DRILLS AND MANEUVERS 1 HOT POTATO/DODGEBALL Consisted of two teams orange and blues all creating options for handball under extreme pressure close in 2 KAMIKAZE RUN AND CARRY Players in criss cross formation choosing cotrect option and giving of with precise handball and or kick 3 TACKLE -GRAPPLE Close in contact ball in flight and grabbing player at moment he gets ball 4 CORRIDOOR MATCH SIMULATION Two teams orange/whites shirts vs Blues in whole ground almost with rectangle boundaries running the ball up and down corridor. 5 QUARTER CORRIDOOR MATCH SIM Same as above but using a 20 meter rectangle to work in OBSERVATIONS Probably the best thing for me was Ben Brown stepping up his training routines he ran laps kicked the footy and looked unhampered and pretty darn fit. His legs look definitively muscly Best trainers today were Nibbler, Clarry, Jacko , Max, Langdon and special mentions to Melky who looks over his injuries. Jack Viney also looked good and although apparently he has been ruled out match 1 he does look almost ready to go. Mitch Brown also joined in main group and moved well but left training slightly early. The intensity of training was better today than wednesday and the integrity and intent seemed to be quick movement, choosing best options and delivering the ball seamlessly. As we know though you can train the house down and still be found wanting in the cauldron of real match pressure. The downsides were the players missing. I think Steve May would have to be doubtful and I'm not sure I would risk Christian Salem at this piont. Thats about it and before I forget the answer to above question When is a stick not a stick? when its a Given I saw one today I broke my personal best 100 m dash time and beat a hasty retreat P.F
  22. The Bee Gee's have nailed my feelings. You think that I don't even mean A single word I say It's only words and words are all I have To take your heart away.
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