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picket fence

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Everything posted by picket fence

  1. Not forgotten that Dazzle but just want Daniel totally locked down and I think although Spargo has improved would rather ANB get the gig
  2. I saw Daniels totally towel up Spargo in a preseason game a year ago and it wasnt pretty. ANB to make life hard for mine
  3. Daniels is the key to the Dogs and a hard tag needs to be applied probably ANB although Outa left field Hunt?
  4. The answer now then is No. More pressing is who medi sub will now be? My money is on Hunt, unless he actually makes the 22. Might need him for pace!
  5. Sorry to disagree Dogs Forwards far more potent, as evidenced last night. Was that Mitch Hannans best ever game??. Port were sooo overconfident and it showed last night
  6. Gee are they giving Gary Rohan a bake on Big Footy talking about his 25 possesions in 5 finals and 1 Goal!
  7. 6 Max 5 Viney 4 Trac 3 Oliver 2 Salem 1 BBB Apologies to Ed Langdon, ANB, Spargy pants and Bowey
  8. Jack Viney played a magnificent game. No if or buts about it
  9. Always gunna be smarties that spoil the moment. Ok he was SENSATIONAL last night! Happy now ??
  10. This absolutely sums it up! No ifs or buts, ONLY A WIN WILL DO We have done NOTHING...YET
  11. Will have my first GLUG GLUG at precisely 5.00 pm Eastern standard time. Can I second that call Dazzle,time to join all Demonlanders in a sense of unity, purpose, solidarity and pride. Love yas all GO BOYS !
  12. Whatever outcome should be tagged with "Abandon all ye hope those who enter here"
  13. Really very surprised thay if Hunt was fit they wouldn't have played him.
  14. In Movie news a new disaster movie is set to be filmed at Kardinia park tommorrow, tentitavely called " FALLOUT 22 THE FINAL CHAPTER" Early reviews have called it "Catastrophic"
  15. Hello Uncle, " Demon themed outfit" sounds interesting! and remember Uncle always, lifes to short to drink cheap Shiraz! GO DEES
  16. Really surprised by Zach Guthrie who a mate of mine has suggested (Jeelong) that if he plays ut plays right inro our hands!! I DEFINATELY would have played Hunt over Hibberd easily and I hope this doesnt end in tragedy! Hunt not even on extended bench???? Dont like it one bit. JONES to be medical sub take it to the bank!
  17. Nervous?? I am Bloody PETRIFIED!😵
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