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Everything posted by deva5610

  1. They've always been a team of [censored]. Should we expect any more from them?
  2. How did they not pay that mark!?
  3. Sparrow with the quick reply.
  4. Gotta love some Kozzy magic.
  5. Nibbler goals. Amazing how much easier it looks when they're not always trying to kick from deep in the pocket.
  6. Gawny is a marking beast.
  7. Matching up on Grundy and Gawn must be a nightmare. Grundy goal!
  8. Isn't he just. That was a bloody clever little punch.
  9. And the station is right there too. I like this idea, let's hope we can get some traction with it.
  10. That's a typo. :D
  11. Injured or waiting for parole? I can't keep up 😜
  12. And for last year as well, at least. My old man got the voucher.
  13. There is, isn't there? Scarf, Deeshop voucher or nothing?
  14. My heart couldn't handle another minute of that. GO YOU GOOD THINGS!
  15. You had to say it! 🤣😜
  16. Right now. She's on!
  17. I'm good with discussing Banh Mi if everyone else is? :D
  18. So now the question is - Does he believe it or is he turning up the heat on the Doggies.
  19. That's alright. Grundy's just a scary decoy that you won't want to leave alone just in case May tries the impossible.
  20. And then for the kick ins - Gawn on the left flank. Grundy on the right. Players ready to smash it straight through the corridor after. Perfection.
  21. Ahh. Yeah, I'm following now haha. Thought I was going nuts for a second there!
  22. What?
  23. I don't get all the anger directed to Tim Lamb. Doesn't it make sense that he sets the targets high initially? It's the exact perfect strategy. He's not going to come out and say "Yeah mate, we want a Camry for this" and have no room to negotiate when offered a Camira. You say "We want a Ferrari and nothing else" and then negotiate to the Camry you were really after. To do anything else would be silly.
  24. Perhaps "Blue and Red Corbett!"
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