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Everything posted by Cyclops

  1. So who is president of the footy department of the MFC? Both Battle and Barass don't have contracts?
  2. Your paragraph is correct. The judge said it in court. he delivered the decision, Justice O’Callaghan indicated his “preliminary view” that it was “relatively clear” that each party should bear its own costs. Can I just point out that the above is not in the published judgement so I assume Justice O'Callaghan made some remarks in court. In terms of an independent review I am not sure how that can be achieved; if it is trully independent then neither of the current MFC or Deemocracy should be involved.
  3. Yes Saty. In a previous post I said that given the current climate a review would be ideal. This has been strengthened by the report tonight that Kozzie is also unhappy If the review turns up nothing then there a double win. 1 The club is seen to be addressing concerns 2 Nothing to see here.
  4. Your clutching at straws to make your point valid Saty. In old terms you are having a bob each way. I never mentioned reviews or a review in conjunction with elections. Actually after the court decision last week election issues are almost done with except for 1 issue.
  5. Congratulations on both achievements.
  6. I do get out of it Saty because until now I have never mentioned a review only about elections. Nor have I said there are any issues only that a panel could identify them is there were any. Your not on your game Saty.
  7. I thought the idea of a review is identify whether it be internal or external and the departments to be included. Invite a panel to do the review. The panel to identify issues and offer recommendations The board and club to then decide on what recommendations to adopt. Sounds deal to me given the current climate.
  8. The email, of course, was not sent to those under 18 years of age? Nor was it sent to those who are not financial.
  9. OK, Saty. Look at our constitution. These people who you say are "elected unopposed" without the benefit of an election are in fact "deemed to be elected". Look it up or refer to the transcription of one of 15 AGM'S you have attended.
  10. Sorry Saty, I don't get any of it. Seems your email or letter was received after the election that was never gazetted or held. You can't be elected without an election.
  11. Saty, in your example and election was called and a date set for it. With the MFC for 10 or 12 years no election was called.
  12. Elected means they were voted upon. No members voted. You can't get elected if no-one votes for you.
  13. Sorry to disagree Saty but as there was no election held they were not elected at all. Those board members, Ms Roffey included, were selected not elected to the board. This has happened right up till this time where retiring board members are replaced early by the board and up until recently no election was held. Recently, with a number of nominations to handle the nominees are vetted by a panel of mainly board members. Of about 10 recent outsider nominations only 1 has been deemed suitable. All of the board nominees have been deemed suitable as you would expect. With the changes now made the vetting panel will be more independent.
  14. DeeZone, you do realise that Kate Roffey was only elected to the board last year for the first time. In fact for 10 or 12 years before 2021 no board member was elected. No elections were held in that period until Mr Lawrence nominated in 2021. Any board members before that time have well and truly gone.
  15. Correct Delightfulplay. Even the City Councils on sell your information. I had 15 phone calls last week up until 8pm about hot water services. I never give my details out and yet they had my name, address and telephone number. Not one of them knew the source of that information. You can block emails at any time
  16. Saty you must know Mr Lawrence very well to know that he sulked so many times. I am glad he had you as you put your arm around him at these times. How good are you to now give him financial advice. A true Demon Bro.
  17. I don't believe Mr Lawrence asked the members for private information. In fact he legally asked the club who refused without knowlege of Mr Lawrence's corporate right to do so. It went to court and the court had no option but to ask the club to provide it. In a stalling action the club wanted to send the emails but that was denied. The club then asked the AFL for a members file. The AFL has the members data and clubs need to provide a reason to interrogate it. Hence the membership numbers are so wrong.
  18. Well said old55. I certainly don't agree with some of the treatment of Mr Lawrence. We have one Demonlander who has confessed to stalking Mr Lawrence with the use of various email identities. Childish and dangerous. Another Demonlander inciting the use of bricks. What have we come to?
  19. Has BBB actually announced plans to retire?
  20. Actually no Melbourne based team in the top 6
  21. That is it, it wasn't a centre bounce as the umpires gave up and threw it up advantage GWS.
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