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Everything posted by Grr-owl

  1. This makes me haaaaaaapeeeeeeeeeeee!
  2. The right one, fortunately. He was down back for a while, but got so cold the coach moved him forward to prevent his joints siezing and he played a role, spearing the pill onto the chest of the winner of the Victorian U12's Lockett Look-a-like Comp.
  3. If he wants success, he won't. We need a bloke like him and he needs a club like us.
  4. A sustained period of success would make us the smallest of the big clubs, but big enough, I reckon.
  5. IMHO Weid needs to play deep forward. Brown the lead up. Jackson the roaming CHF. M.Brown depth.
  6. Who in their right mind would WANT to play for the Bummers at the moment?
  7. Awesome. My boy played his one and only 12s league game for the Bullants in 2019 - 15.10.100 to 00.00.00.
  8. Best of luck to Rhyce Shaw. Thought his last few media performances showed very alarming signs. Copped a bit of criticism too, form those who should've known better given their closeness to Danny Frawley...
  9. Just wanna put my two cents in on a loosely related subject..... I stopped watching footy for about 15 years when I left Aus. When I turned back on, Carlton and Essendon were crap, the Hawks were still winning and there were two new clubs -- one in the western suburbs of Sydney, FFS, and the other in some cocaine resort town south of Brisbane. Could not believe it. Then the thought crossed my mind... in a country of only 25 million, only two thirds of which play the sport, isn't that at least two teams too many? The talent is spread thin, IMHO. Just imagine how much better the league would be if all the talent gone to Suns and GWS was spread about.....
  10. Pretty good at football, though.
  11. You missed the unnecessary capitalisation..... ?
  12. Okay, fair enough..... but what about his LEGS??!!!
  13. I remember seeing Ablett live as a kid. I remember being shocked at the size of his legs. So thick. So strong. Maybe that's why he didn't play in a premiership team...? In fact, maybe that explains why all those players can't be considered 'great.' Held back by leg girth. Now that I think of it, Lockett's legs were just outrageously big.... Whaddya think, Coq?
  14. I recall a scene in the box toward the end of the year, Richardson was chatting with Goody, waving his arms about as if, perhaps, suggesting a move of one kind or another. Next week, Richardson was notably absent, not just from the box but apparently the game..... Doo dee dadaa, doo dee dada....
  15. I'm happy, but wary. Rotate the guy into the forward line for stoppages, at least, and get him to tackle the oppo ball carriers.
  16. I reckon. It just kinda smells good...
  17. You think Weid is going to come good? I've been in the Weid camp a long while, arguing that he needs to be given his chance, but the last few games he was pi*#weak and I worry that he's just never going to be fully present and accountable. Having said that, he and Jackson did gel, so.....
  18. Kinda feel Brown is soft. Would be handy, sure, but I kinda envisage him running around dropping marks and generally being average as he descends into our soft culture...... Do we need more softness?
  19. Yes, but only if he was the one giving the nominations....
  20. What are these 'personality' issues?
  21. "Adelaide is chasing fitness guru Darren Burgess, who signed a three-year deal when he arrived last summer." https://www.foxsports.com.au/afl/afl-trade-news-rumours-whispers-2020-jack-viney-geelong-isaac-smith-melbourne-demons-updates-tom-morris/news-story/c3e09490ae2a954c0fdf3f4b07201787
  22. If only it was the 70's....
  23. I reckon he doesn't come across well in the media, though. While he seems to be enjoying himself, I reckon he has Assistant Coach written all over him.
  24. I think your last sentence hits the proverbial nail. Goody has to take some 'learnings' out of his career so far. I am reminded of Damian Hardwick, a man who looked very far from a premiership coach in 2016. He was weak in the media, just came across as a bloke who had lost himself. And then in 2017 he was a rock, and has been ever since. He spoke about it, and gave the credit to Mrs Hardwick - I'm sure we all remember that. Is there a good woman in Goody's life? Most of us need one to bring out our best....
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