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Posts posted by Grr-owl

  1. 20 hours ago, Engorged Onion said:

    So what I don't get - is the fact that there is a perspective that Goodwin listens to....

    • no one
    • and he is stubborn

    Ergo, if this is all true, irrespective of who is brought in, he will still 

    • listen to no one
    • andhe is still stubborn

    If this is all true...

    then those appointing Yze (or whoever) are either really [censored] dumb (because irrespective of who is appointed...yadda yadda yadda), or perhaps the mythology that Goodwin listens to no one, is simply mythology.


    I recall a scene in the box toward the end of the year, Richardson was chatting with Goody, waving his arms about as if, perhaps, suggesting a move of one kind or another. Next week, Richardson was notably absent, not just from the box but apparently the game..... Doo dee dadaa, doo dee dada....



    • Facepalm 1
  2. 5 hours ago, A F said:

    I think Weideman tired. I thought the last stretch of his season was horrible, but the short turn arounds and the lack of KPP support have to be considered IMO.

    I'm frustrated by his slow development and sometimes he is too easily pushed under or off the push still. I think he's on the right track though.

    Adding Brown would take the pressure off Weideman and enable Jackson to roam. That is very enticing. 

    I reckon. It just kinda smells good...

    • Like 2
  3. 21 hours ago, A F said:

    Hang on. What? How do we know Tom has overcome his injuries? He was clearly playing injured all year.

    As for this idea that Tom is a better defensive player than Brown, I'd argue both are as poor as each other. Ever since Tom's played forward, he's rarely laid tackles. This bit seems a bit revisionist for me.

    I've been thinking about what @Pollyanna said about us not needing another KPF. I'm not entirely in that boat yet, but I'm not sure how we play Brown and Weideman in the same side. I worry that we become too easy to rebound against.

    You think Weid is going to come good? I've been in the Weid camp a long while, arguing that he needs to be given his chance, but the last few games he was pi*#weak and I worry that he's just never going to be fully present and accountable. Having said that, he and Jackson did gel, so..... 

    • Like 1
  4. On 10/4/2020 at 4:37 AM, binman said:

    I cant even be bothered to list the plethora of duds given nominations each year.

    On 10/4/2020 at 4:37 AM, binman said:

    A truly trumpian level of debating skills. 


    Yes, but only if he was the one giving the nominations....

  5. 17 hours ago, ding said:

    Has some real "personality" issues and was not highly regarded by Port teammates despite his ability.

    Easy to be seduced by the possibility of filling the other wing position, but at what cost culturally?

    Hope to hell we know what we are doing if the rumors are correct about MFC making a play.

    What are these 'personality' issues?

  6. 4 hours ago, La Dee-vina Comedia said:

    Perhaps we need to open a thread in the Trades sections suggesting we swap Hardwick's wife for Goodwin's partner. I'm not sure if we would have to include an assistant coach's partner as well to get the deal done.

    If only it was the 70's....

  7. 4 minutes ago, A F said:

    Interesting. My sense is that Lewis' handle on the game, at least from an examination perspective is not that great. This is based on listening to his FOX commentary this year.

    I reckon he doesn't come across well in the media, though. While he seems to be enjoying himself, I reckon he has Assistant Coach written all over him.

    • Like 1
  8. On 9/27/2020 at 5:27 AM, binman said:

    Great post JG.

    I listened to Jennings a few times in the ladt part of the year. I found him really engaging and interesting. Good ability to explain things simply.

    He made a really interesting comment about us after  I think the freo loss. Basically that our current game plan is now very defensive (implying, at least that was my sense  too defensive). and default play is down tbe line and slow movement. 

    The model  players to be clear about their role and play it to the letter. Not much scope for individual creatvity and flair and natural football. Ironic then for goody to criticize his players of boring.

    To be fair to goody his game plan reflects where the game is at, though there is a question if we have the required skill level and players for thst model (and my answer is no).

    Leaving the game plan aside though  i share your concerns about how easy he is to work with. I'd add i wonder how he goes managing syers who perhaps are a bit different or don't have total buy in to his approach (which every team at every club had).

    I know he us big on relationships and I've read on here that his players love him. But - and I'll hasten to add that I've never met him so perhaps this is unfair - my feeling is that he may not have tbe highest EQ and may not manage conflict or dissenting views very well.

    He has always struck me as a my way or the highway sort of person. Which is  an outdated 1980s style management not suited to such a big group of people who make an AFL football club in 2020.

    In his public speaking he struggles to relay a strong message and connect. Whilst pressers etc are a different forum than communicating to his players, i do wonder how effective his messaging is to his players.

    On this last point many pundits and indeed dl posters have noted that players have often looked confused about their roles. And then you get the strange messaging around his scatter shot approach to selections.

    I may be wrong, but if not if goody is as committed to learning and personal growth as he says he us then I hope he addresses this opportunity for improvement.


    I think your last sentence hits the proverbial nail. Goody has to take some 'learnings' out of his career so far. I am reminded of Damian Hardwick, a man who looked very far from a premiership coach in 2016. He was weak in the media, just came across as a bloke who had lost himself. And then in 2017 he was a rock, and has been ever since. He spoke about it, and gave the credit to Mrs Hardwick - I'm sure we all remember that. 

    Is there a good woman in Goody's life? Most of us need one to bring out our best....  

    • Like 2
  9. On 9/25/2020 at 2:58 PM, A F said:

    Polec and Saad would fix this problem. Add a bit more pace in our forwardline and another marking target and I think things can turn quickly, provided we get the stoppage set ups right. Looking forward to seeing who we bring in to coach the midfield.

    Jordan Lewis, please.

  10. On 9/25/2020 at 2:15 PM, A F said:

    Agree with all of that.

    I think if we can add Saad as well, all of a sudden there's quite a bit of leg speed there and ability to cover the ground with Langdon leading the way.

    It means we can use Salem further up the ground too if we want. 

    Now you're talkin'. Just about as good as it could get.

    • Like 2
  11. 5 hours ago, The heart beats true said:

    Can’t believe how immature some of the comments on this thread are. 

    Surely, as a community, wee have to hold ourselves to a higher standard.

    Often while weeing, I don’t hold it at all.

    • Haha 1
  12. 4 hours ago, picket fence said:

    In a Heartbeat A BIG NO... Softer than Ice cream in the sahara, plus from what I've heard not the sharpest tool in the shed!


    Wouldn't mind Gunston! Bruest even better!

    But those guys are old. 

    • Like 1
  13. 21 hours ago, dee-tox said:

    That explosive pace off the mark is more than handy. Would complement our hard at it mids.

    Having to go through life being called Jaidyn and being a bogan from Fern Tree Gully are hard to overcome though!

    As a general trend, we seem to be short on bogans. As I understand it, we passed on Dusty. Get the guy in, I reckon, and load him up with video games, overground backyard swimming pools, a beer can hat with straw, a lifetime supply of pizza and coke (drink), and a V8.  

    • Like 2
    • Haha 1
  14. 1 hour ago, A F said:

    Even if Harmes was told he wouldn't be playing in the midfield, look at that last quarter against Sydney. He was most certainly thrown into the middle. 

    And I think this is apart of what needs to change about Goodwin. Being flexible on positions and players. Don't pigeon hole them. It's very ordinary coaching and leadership IMV. Clearly, he pigeon holed Fritsch as a back and Harmes as a back. Both moves were ultimate failures IMO.

    I don't think we're robbing anything. If Jack goes I'd hope we're able to replace his attack on the ball and toughness around contest, otherwise we may as well pack up shop. The others will provide more consistent, clean take away from stoppage than Jack.

    I agree totally on Goodwin persisting with moves that don't work -- I'd add Brayshaw on a wing to your list. Play them where they play best or trade them, I reckon. In that case, trading Jack would open the opportunity for Harmes to do what he does best, and if that improves the team then I'm onside.

    Just one more consideration. Can you see the team being improved by keeping Jack in a role as a pressure forward? 

  15. 23 hours ago, Ham said:

    Not in the slightest.

    If we weren't so reliant on him playing deep forward in 2019, he may have been given opportunity there.
    Given he has played both ends in his career, I just don't see the club at this point giving him another spot and a chance to claim it. 

    I think you are right.

  16. 23 hours ago, A F said:

    Not in my opinion. It will happen because removing Jack from stoppages where he regularly fights over the same ball as his team mates, fails to take the first option and tries to barrel the ball forward at whatever cost, means there will be a predictability to our ball movement from stoppage, but an unpredictability on what happens in stoppage (ie Jack won't fight over the ball and then get tackled).

    The midfield needs to work far better together. Oliver and Petracca have shown they can do this. Harmes, Brayshaw and Oliver have shown they can play together as a cohesive and balanced midfield that can defend and strongly attack.

    I don't think we need Jack and we don't need to replace what he brings to our midfield.

    So, the strategy removes a sticking point and involves playing Brayshaw and Harmes in the middle to improve the play. Sounds good to me.

    Do we think it sounds good to Goodwin? He seems to be right off Harmes. If I am not wrong, Lord Nev, who seems to have an ear to the ground, intimated that Goodwin has told Harmes he won't be getting time in the middle. Is the strategy removing one sticking point only to replace it with another, more debilitating? Robbing Peter to pay Paul goes the cliche...

  17. 3 hours ago, Ham said:

    The footy IQ is the main thing for Langdon and it's been brought up multiple times by commentators (ex AFL players), he holds structure and plays as a genuine winger. I haven't seen enough footy IQ from Hunt to prove he can do that, he gets sucked into the contests far too easily.  

    Has he been given enough of a go on the wing? 

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