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Posts posted by Grr-owl

  1. My sister in law says health and safety with vaccines is all about the adjuvant, the material that carries the virus in the vaccine. She's got a background in this stuff in case any trolls wanna point out the obvious.... Would like to know what it is in the Chinese case....

  2. 21 hours ago, Queanbeyan Demon said:

    Look, I'm all for a more compassionate, caring and respectful community . . . but you've gotta draw the line somewhere . . .

    What about umpires, Armagedon, Filth (and by extension Joffa, Didak and Eddie), Hayden Ballantyne, Duckwood, the AFL and Milne . . . surely this post doesn't apply to them?

    Many years ago, in another life, I delivered a package to the AFL Umpires Association. I had my dog with me that day. The big fella would get a little frustrated from time to time, and was often obliged on busy days to hang on longer than was healthy for him. But he was a good boy and never soiled the van. Not once.

    As you can imagine, though, when the opportunity presented itself, he'd race to the nearest grassy (knoll) area and relieve himself. Well, the house I delivered that package to had a luscious expanse of lawn out front, beautifully mown, though not in a criss-cross pattern I might note.

    As I handed the package to the very trim and upright bloke in white athletic gear and wire-rimmed glasses who answered the door, I noticed him glance over my shoulder. His demeanor turned frowny. Very frowny indeed. I wheeled on my heels and there was Jack the Belgian Shepherd laying possibly the world's largest ever bow-wow baloney right in the center of the square. 

    Can't remember whether I cleaned it up or not on my way out....

    • Haha 2
  3. 2 hours ago, A F said:

    I have rarely witnessed this problem. I've been a poster now for over a decade, but when I first came on, I didn't feel unwelcome. I think it depends on how we post.

    Demonland does pretty well, I reckon. I watched for a few months before joining and posting. Spent that time identifying obvious trolls and other posters to avoid. I recommend everyone follow a similar strategy wherever you go on the net. It's the nature of the beast that all 'conversations' end in disputes unless individuals take steps to restrain themselves... or that's been my experience since learning to email belatedly way way back in 2002....

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  4. 8 hours ago, Rednblueriseing said:

    Excellent post exactly my thoughts on Jackson, we won't be so predictable always going to max out of defense and once at the wing still have tall targets inside 50 to kick to. Could be a real weapon for us having Jackson, Brown Weed, and Maxy as marking targets all over the ground 


    And just having the name Brown in that list adds a sense of focus we haven't had since Hogan left. Then add in May, Lever Tomlinson and it appears we have a spine, and one with flexibility and power, and upside.

    • Like 4
  5. 6 hours ago, Billy said:

    Which is?

    Melksham is not getting any younger. Hannan wants out. AVB's foot is never going to let him reach his potential. Jones has ordered a zimmer frame (well deserved). Harmes is a HF who can lay a tackle and kick a goal.


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  6. 14 hours ago, Dr. Gonzo said:

    Exactly. Their trying to get into the schools and getting kids playing footy instead of league. They give out free tickets so the kids get their parents to bring them along to games. It's a bold long term strategy and one I agree with. Sydney and Brisbane are the two major markets for advertiser's next to Melbourne, they don't care about Perth, Adelaide, Tassie or Darwin. Its the best way of ensuring the long term viability of the code financially as well as opening up development opportunities for talent in those areas which will ultimately increase the player pool and benefit everyone.

    That's not to say it should be at the expense of Tassie, I'd love to see a Tassie side in the AFL. But there's no reason both things can't happen.

    A lot of migrants from footy states, plus the inherent physicality of league, plus the exaggerated masculinity of the league 'mentality,' mean there's a lot of parents who don't want their kids playing rugby. J Brown can sometimes be heard to comment that 'they think we're soft.' Well, we are, up to a point, and that's a good thing. There's an obvious gap there between rugby and soccer that footy fits nicely...

    Just a little anecdote... Kids can get injured playing footy, for sure, but a bloke I know played union for Wales had broken his arm 14 times - was bent like the proverbial sunshine fruit - and his back 3 times. He chucked it in after the 3rd... Tough, yes, and that was union, the softer rugby, where apparently they can't tackle....

  7. On 10/17/2020 at 5:11 AM, old dee said:

    Until there is an effective vaccine I cannot see crowds being allowed into games in Victoria I.e. if we have any games here. I am in the kill zone of the virus and I am simply not going to big crowd events. Will need a miracle IMO for our lives to return to the old “normal” in 2021. I will just have to be happy with 1 in 3 games on FTA tv. I live in hope that this review / discussions by  the clubs On the AFL produces some changes. It is time for a new  crew at HQ level the old boys club must go. The future needs people who are not wedded to their high  salaries and perks. As an example the number they took to QLD for the finals is ridiculous, half that number should have gone for half the period. 

    For those on tight budgets, a VPN will let you 'locate' your device outside Australia, and the MFC has a membership which includes subscription for the WatchAFL app. Not sure on the legal aspect... I'll have to delve into that and get back to you... oh..... sometime next year....  

    Kills two birds....

    • Like 1
  8. On 10/16/2020 at 5:27 PM, Rodney (Balls) Grinter said:

    Simple solution - just get rid of the bottom 4 teams from this season.

    Serously, Jeff Kennett is vulture like.  F@#% off Jeff.

    Was up by Parliament House one afternoon, and happened to see Jeff giving a press conference. Back in the 90's sometime. He does resemble an animal, but not a vulture ... a much more lizard-like creature. Anyone remember V?

    • Haha 3
  9. On 10/16/2020 at 6:09 AM, Dr. Gonzo said:

    They point to participation rates as the key metric of success. Their strategy is over the course of 2-3 decades to get the kids playing footy and grow up to be adults who support the Sun's/GWS. On that metric (participation rates) the expansion clubs have been a success and I think they should remain where they are so they can reap the benefits of this in the future.

    According to my cousin, an awful lot of kids playing footy in SW QLD, including the son of a league legend....

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  10. On 10/15/2020 at 5:22 AM, binman said:

    Personally i think this is a huge challenge for Goody and i really wonder if he is where Hardwick was in 2016 and Hinkley last year in terms of struggling to get a message across and being too insular and hard.

    I am kinda hoping he is. If Goody approaches his own shortcomings as Hinkley and Hardwick have, we’re onto something, right?

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