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Posts posted by Grr-owl

  1. 7 hours ago, dieter said:

    Yawohl. I still maintain that you must be taking the puss out of all of us because apart from Trump and his inmates, you are the greatest advocate of Loonie Tunes I've come across - apart from the fringe loonies who have told me that Covid is a hoax and that Donaldo is fighting the deep state which is fill of pedolphiles and that Dan Andrews and Scott Morrison are under House Arrest because they are Pedophiles. I'm not making this up: I received the latter 'news' in August from a member of my family.

    Fear does weird things to people. ?

  2. On 12/1/2020 at 3:22 AM, Jaded said:

    I am born and bred Israeli. I can tell you that those 'peace' treaties are nothing but financially motivated by both sides. It has nothing to do with peace. The UAE and Israel have not been at war. They simply had no diplomatic relationships, but there was no war. These deals with signed to allow tourism into UAE and to open the flight paths. 

    As for the Jerusalem move, it was an unnecessary distraction in what is already a fragile environment, and it fixed nothing in real terms. 

    Please look into the history of the scum that is the PM of Israel, so you can better understand why he and  Trump have such a great working relationship. Both are in power to save their own [censored] from a long line of lawsuits, and both have twisted their own beliefs to suit whatever narrative helps them stay there. Natanyahu hasn't been able to form a majority government for years (3 elections or was it 4?). He just plays lapdog to whichever other political party will side with him to form a coalition, including the ultra Orthodox who are basically bleeding the country dry while refusing to serve in the military or work.

    But I digress. 

    Not sure if this is well known in Aus or not, but Trump got the deal done by agreeing to the sale of F-45’s..... 


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  3. 19 hours ago, Demonland said:

    Q & A

    • TMac lost about 5kgs and will play initially as a forward but don't rule out positional change
    • Other clubs are getting funding for home base development because they already have a site - we don't because we don't have a site. Very clear that we want to be based near the G. Pert can't wait to announce something in the future
    • Questions re: cuts to footy department and how it will impact - Richo answered that we won't be wanting for anything. Less people at the club but we've brought in some great people (Yze). Some people are going part time but players won't notice.
    • Question about ruthlessness - Goody talked about being consistent week to week, quarter to quarter.


    Was stoked to hear from Richo that Jordan Lewis is in a coaching role over the pre-season. Gotta keep the quality people involved the project....

    • Like 7
  4. 5 hours ago, PaulRB said:

    Another aspect of Williams wanting to, and now joining the MFC is that he’s an astute gauge of football talent and potential, and saw he could not only add value, but that there was sufficient talent there to go all the way.

    augers well

    As I understand it, many motivated and ambitious people in the football community see MFC as a kind of mystery to be solved. 

    • Like 4
  5. 5 hours ago, DemonOX said:

    Thanks Grr

    Not suprised Goody said no and look how thats turned out.

    How things have changed. It would be interesting to know if Pert and co have laid down the law so to speak to Goody and have said you need Chocco on board whether you want it or not or if Goody has realised he may need assistance because this is his last chance and what he has done previously has not worked properly.

    Time will tell.

    Might just have been case there was no position, then Egan moving on/moved on opened it up, but, yeah, I'd reckon we all hope it's cause smart people are making wise decisions.... 

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  6. 15 hours ago, A F said:

    The government interest rate is now 0 and has been for a month. The Gov announced at the start of November that it would stop paying interest to ES balances, which was the last interest bearing route that was initially the support rate (0.10%) below the 0.25% cashrate. But when they announced that 0.25 cashrate in March, they introduced QE too, so due to the excess deposits in the banking system resulting from QE (QE is an asset swap - gov bonds or highly rated corporate bonds for new reserves in the private banking system), the interest rate dropped to the support rate 0.10%, which is what the RBA paid on ES balances.

    There hasn't been a real reason other than maintaining interest rates to issue debt since we floated the dollar in 1983, but now there is certainly no need to issue debt. So gov/public/national debt will start to come down now, as shorter bonds mature, providing interest rates stay low.

    The New Daily wrote this piece today about market sentiment and how market confidence is back and then proceeded to cite CBAs household credit numbers being higher than 13% at this time last year. In other words, households are driving the economy with debt.

    I read the Fin Review a bit and one of my best mates is in property and all I hear from both is deluded blue sky junkiness. I'm constantly saying, the private debt level is unsustainable, nah, nah, we're back on track. No we're not. 21% of new loans are interest only. As Minsky would say they're somewhere between a speculative position and ponzi position. And yet the Federal Government wants to continue deregulating the banking sector. Absolute nightmare on the horizon.

    Is it as simple as asking how long we can go on borrowing until someone wants their money back, and as we can't find another lender prepared to lend, the whole system collapses? 

  7. 4 hours ago, DemonOX said:

    What job did he want in 2019???

    He contacted Goody and asked if he could come onboard. Can't recall if Chocco actually named the position. Just said that he offered to work at MFC and was knocked back. Pretty sure I heard it on SEN, probably with Lyon and Watson.... you might be able to find it if you search long and deep enough.

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    • Thanks 1
  8. On 12/7/2020 at 8:57 AM, A F said:

    And Ferguson is an absolute hack, and either liar or deluded.

    When Ferguson talks about most things, I can make sense of it, but as you suggest when it comes to economics he can be incoherent. At least, it seems incoherent to me. As is no doubt obvious, I know barely nothing of economics, so it’s only prudent to be prepared to accept that he may be right, but somehow I just can’t quite get how that could be. The pieces of the puzzle don’t quite fit.

    In his podcast with Sam Harris — #117 if you are interested, from 1:27:28 — they discuss inequality. Sam brings up Scheidel’s The Great Leveler, which argues that “very bad things” such as mass-mobilization warfare, transformative revolutions, state collapse, and catastrophic plagues are what redistribute wealth. Ferguson agrees, citing two world wars, multiple revolutions, hyperinflations and a great depression in the last hundred or so years, for their impact on wealth distribution which “left the world in 1950 in a remarkably egalitarian state.” He says that over time, with relative peace, we’ve reverted to the kinds of distributions of wealth and income comparable with those in the period before the First World War. Then he says, “It never struck me as plausible that there was a fiscal policy that could replicate the effect of two world wars, a revolution, a great depression etc, which was the argument Thomas Piketty made….”

    My question to you is, is his position in any way legitimate? Ferguson’s view essentially elides, dismisses, Keynes’s influence entirely...

  9. 3 hours ago, Tarax Club said:

    Unwittingly the opportunity may exist within those who have donned the red and the blue and represented the club. Martin Heppell co-partner of Resilience Project is a former player. This is the mob that have worked with the NRL, Australian Cricket, Australian Women's Soccer team and a number of AFL clubs including Richmond, Collingwood, currently with Port Adelaide and Hawthorn. According to Hugh van Cuylenburg founder of RP, Dustin Martin was an enthusiastic adherent of mindfulness, so much so,  he asked for a second mindfulness journal immediately after completing his first. A distant observer may speculate it was part of a transcendental experience for Dusty, from inner self to AFL success.

    I imagine Dusty had quite a bit to deal with.

  10. On 11/26/2020 at 9:41 AM, A F said:

    Biden has just appointed Yellen as you mentioned, so expect the debt conversation to go on and on. She's a massive neolib. America will not get change with her, unless she's suddenly learnt new lessons.

    I figure change will not come without circumstances forcing it, or at least compelling it. And that means a crisis of some sort.

    I had a big post mapped out, going into the colonial model - UK, USA, China, economic and political models in sympathy, decentralisation and sovereignty (lately an important issue re Aussie wine, 14 points on how to be a good boy, alliances with old enemies, welcome realignment in the US etc) - and it cuts to issues discussed in Reclaiming the State, which I'm reading as you recommended. I've been utterly blown away. There it all is, the entire misstep, laid out in a nutshell, so thanks for that. I’ve also finished The Square and the Tower, which discusses Keynes, and so I’ll lay off further opining about neo-liberalism for the moment until I've digested those.

    Just on Ferguson… take a look at this (short) video: 

    I find his history books enlightening, but his economic commentary and journalism is often dismissed as rabidly conservative. But, unless I’m mistaken, in this video he brings attention to the fact that Adam Smith and Friedman in fact considered regulation of the market to be essential, which I've heard him discuss a number of times. Ferguson’s beef seems not be regulation itself, but the nature of it. In the Square and the Tower he makes the point that the regulation introduced after the GFC to prevent a reoccurrence amounted to 23,000 pages. He argues that it is counterproductive to expect people to understand and implement all that.

    I'd be interested in your opinion of Friedman, and Ferguson.

    Just on R&D, I have some scientists in the family and it is so ridiculously difficult to get funding. We produce the graduates with the skills, but make them beg for opportunity to practice. But it is obvious to anyone who bothered to look into the matter genuinely, that R&D pays off big time. Obviously not AUS, but the Apollo Program paid for itself 14x over.

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  11. 4 hours ago, Engorged Onion said:

    I would hope that overall the psych and coaches are working on ways of creating a safe psychological space (a la @Earl Hood reference earlier about Richmond) for players to take risks and make errors., which actually creates competence under stress and a greater ability to execute difficult actions, time and time and time again, so that then they don't become difficult (eg: grand finals) 


    1 hour ago, Demon Disciple said:

    This group has continually shown throughout Goodwin’s tenure that they are prone to serious lapses in concentration within games, and he still hasn’t been able to correct this in their heads or in the coaches box.

    Goodwin needs a safe place too. He's part of the group. My observation is that the stubbornness and inflexibility we perceive is the outer manifestation of an inability/unwillingness to admit errors, make corrections and move on because he feels unsafe to do so. 

    Time to bend, Simon, and grow....

  12. 15 hours ago, Wrecker45 said:

    There is an old joke:

    Q) how do you know when a politician is lying

    A) when they open their mouth

    I don't think Trump is worse than others, Bill Clinton lied to the world under oath. It's just he is a terrible person and grates on people 

    Why does twitter still allow footage of Trump saying bleach could help cure carona? It rightly humiliates him. I don't think a sane person would say that.

    But if Trump tweets more rational things and less likely to harm people they get censored. That is my beef with Twitter 

    You mean they are in effect editing him for the downside. That’s interesting. 

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