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Posts posted by Grr-owl

  1. 20 hours ago, deebug said:

    Was talking about this with my mates after the game, he is a strong mark, just needs to work on his goal kicking.

    Wasn't Johno Brown going to help Weed this year, maybe we could also get him to help LJ with some goal kicking?

    Just noticed in the James Jordan post-game interview, after he finished up with Max, Brownie can be seen in the background shaking hands with Weid.   

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  2. 5 hours ago, Mental Demons said:

    The only reason to play Jackson at the moment is to increase his trade value. Jackson is superfluous to need and it was a mistake to draft him. He will never be a first ruck and if he can't make this team as a forward he will be playing at Casey most of the year. We have 2 guys running around Casey that would do Jackson's job better. Majac has been doing well and Andrew Courtney is a better ruck and a better forward. The best hope is that some team sees value in Jackson and take him off our hands. 

    I get what you're saying. But my 'but' is that maybe he's got the potential to be a player who necessitates a rethink of traditional roles to fit: ruck/midfielder plus marking forward. A good ruck, but maybe not the dominant one in the competition; but a gun at ground level, getting the ball out; then a leading, marking forward who kicks goals. I'm thinking Nic Nat/Bud/Cripper. Yeah I'll take some flak for that, but I reckon there's something in it.... heft (eventually), spring, height, speed, agility....

  3. 3 hours ago, Maldonboy38 said:

    Love this rule. I refuse to call it a new rule, because it is basically a return to what everyone did for the first 130 years until coaches pulled in ideas from other sports. It is simple - you "man the mark".  And look at the run and flow of the game, look at the shots on goal!

    I agree. Love to see the ball moving on and moving on and moving on.

  4. Learnings as yet unlearned:

    1. Up and under kicks to targets gives the opposition time to apply pressure to the receiver.

    2. Ditto re handballs.

    3. We get beaten on the outside.

    Seems to me these are basic problems that persist, despite many lessons.

    • Like 2
  5. 21 minutes ago, In Harmes Way said:

    I'd like to know statistically how many journeys and learnings we've had since our last finals campaign. And have we learnt enough to arrive this year.

    We're not far off. I learned that the other day from Goody, again.

    • Haha 2
  6. As well as anger, I'd like there to be some fear. Fear of having weakness exposed. Fear of being found out as a hypocrite. Fear of the supporters coming up the drive with torches lit and sharpened pitchforks....

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    • Haha 1
    • Shocked 1
  7. I heard somewhere that Eddie was trying to get a show just like it up for all teams, being as there is a huge market and 5 months scheduling free. A reality TV kinda thing, you know: "Meanwhile, out at Casey, yet another injury setback has the coaches scrambling to fill key positions blokes from the local pub." Cut to Goody interviewing bloated bogan couldabeens over a parma and pot...

    Anyone else heard that?

    • Like 1
  8. On 2/18/2021 at 12:09 PM, kev martin said:

    We have to be careful using such words to describe the man, "specimen".

    His race and colour, has and continues to be vilified.

    I ask myself would a particular person want to be labelled with a particular word?

    I suggest he would not like to be called a specimen, even though it was meant with the right intentions. 

    The word has probably been used by the slavers and phrenologist, to described psuedo social/mental hierarchy, as well as others using it to be derogatorive or to dehumanise the person.

    I hope you understand were I am coming from, given the Collingwood racial report and the on-going saga about social equity and racism.

    We all need to talk and walk kindly with our "brothers and sisters" who have been more oppressed in this world.

    I hope that I have not offended you, I just felt I needed to call it out!



    Intention is the pivotal word. Should we judge the word by the intention or the interpretation?

  9. "This means teams cannot “hand over” who is standing on the mark from one player to another. Often the man on the mark peels off to defend a player running past the player with the ball, and is replaced on the mark by a teammate. This can no longer happen.

    It also means a tall player such as Collingwood’s Mason Cox cannot replace a teammate on the mark when their opponent is taking a set shot at goal."

    So, which player is chosen to stand on the mark? The closest? That's going to cause issues. Or is it their designated opponent in terms of starting position? Other issues.

  10. On 2/2/2021 at 5:30 AM, Pollyanna said:

    It's going to be interesting.  Is it mandatory to have someone on the mark who has to stand there?  I'm guessing for this to work it is, otherwise you can have that player 5m back from the mark (i.e. not "on the mark") and free to move laterally.

    This is a good question. Any answers?

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