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Half forward flank

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Everything posted by Half forward flank

  1. Not my problem you have not been listening.
  2. Not sure on contract status but I would enquire about Langdons brother at Collingwood. Out injured for all of 2020, played mostly deep back but I think has the ability and dash to play up the ground like his brother.
  3. Yes, I dont so much think he needs to physically work on his goal kicking as re think it. A good player for whatever reason getting the ball in the wrong spots. Maybe a little more strength conditioning.
  4. Sure, this is all important stuff, but Goody has said all year our problems are easily fixed.
  5. Its a D for the Club. Nineth place No progress on home base Coach under pressure.
  6. I intentionally phrased it as great work,..... Yes, there were others with very good, Oliver and Gawn, good, Viney, Salem.
  7. Finished at the top end of where I had us, 9-14. Forget all the talk, that is where we are as a Football Club. Not a good enough playing list, game plan or coching structure. Great years work to Langdon, May, Petracca. Three recruits passed their first hurdle, well done Pickett, Jackson, Rivers. Big tick for Burgess.
  8. Accorfding to script. Expect Freo to kick a couple now...
  9. I am all for one game, one week at a time but the prospect that a drubbing in the West next week could set this Club back again has me quiet uncaring today. Never thought I would feel like that after 60 years of support.
  10. Loyalty in all forms of modern life extends to the end of your contract term. Then it is time to negotiate another based on what you offer to the enterprise. On balance I dont think he deserves another contract based on the performances of his last one.
  11. Open arms. Freo would be Melbournes equivelant of Kerry Packer, you only get one Alan Bond in your lifetime.
  12. Nip this one in the bud quickly. Thanks champ, time to go. Its a bit late in the day to be saying you have worked out ways to help the team. It is all about $$$.
  13. I picked up on him or maybe barlett alluding to the fact it would not be MCG size. Yes wait and see, but for how long?
  14. I think an MCG sized oval, home base, in MCG precinct is highly unlikely.
  15. If so that is about what we picked him at. he has given good service, nice bloke, but if we could get a trade i dont think we are losing anything when you look at how the team is shaping. Even if we keep Tom , most would agree we still need another good key forward.
  16. Not if he wants to go or cannot accept terms. Short memory. We took the GC skipper.
  17. Sadly bookies rarely lose when they have a side at $1.48
  18. Maybe he has lost his desire for footy, however at 27 a good chat to let him know his earning away from footy is likely around $50,000 unless he has some hidden skills. Maybe a reality check and a performance based contract might get it done. Job for Nev, Mr May and Kozzie
  19. Agree AF. The fact is having the midfield dynamics we have has not worked other than in stats. You want the ball in Tmac or Olivers hands in the middle, not Jacks. It is a shame that for whatever reason he has not developed much beyond being an incredidibly courageous and workman like player. I thought he was on the verge of doing that two seasons ago.
  20. Interesting LN, as jack seems to be saying he wants to stay. I guess it all comes down to contract terms and future playing style.
  21. You cant follow a conversation. I said Kozzie needs to find the ball. he did on Sat and thats great. What is your problem with that.
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