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Everything posted by BW511

  1. If he’s back up for T-Mac, Fritsch and Melksham he’s permanently in the mix. Melksham has had more chances than anyone since 2018. I think he offers more than T-Mac and can actually be a swingman
  2. No way Lachie Hunter fits the Goodwin mould. Isn’t he known to be a little bit of an entitled brat?
  3. Papley can win a game off his own boot, would much rather him at $800k than Williams
  4. He’s an absolute liability at present. Getting caught all the time, fumbles and brings nothing. Big fall from grace. I know everyone wants him round the ball, but who does he replace?
  5. I think Port played far better last night than versus us. We don’t have the ability to maintain intensity and focus for a whole game like Richmond and Port did. I think we would have given up an classic 4-5 goal early lead and maybe come out even for the remainder of the match. Think both teams beat us by 5 goals + on last nights performance
  6. What a difference the crowd makes on a contest, this Power vs Tiges game is a ripper
  7. Not trusting your teammates or believing you are better at executing than they are is probably the same thing - it could be seen as selfish. We would be well served sharing the ball around - albeit in a more organised fashion. We don’t have guys running to support, we don’t have guys running to create space through false leads or shepherds. Forward or sideways handballs to flat footed players facing the wrong way is absolutely killing us (Oliver) It’s junior football stuff to get through rough patches by bringing each other into the game. Get a bit of enthusiasm amongst the group if you are rewarded for effort
  8. I'm a firm believer in the leadership being a huge part of the problem. Jones and Viney definitely looked after themselves first. I don't think Gawny can steer the ship, he is too nice. The best teams have on field leadership that is also coaching as they go, they also have club wide belief in what they are doing. I reckon May and Lever are trying their butt off to work towards what Goody wants, just don't believe the other 16 are
  9. Richmond have very clear expectations on players that come in and their ability to convey the message across the whole playing group is exceptional. Every single player on their list can come in and play their role. You can't help but tip your hat to them, they have raised the bar
  10. Not a lot of high end talent in that list because we haven’t had high draft picks. The ball winning directive for recruitment really costs us dearly. The game seems to move in one direction just as we commit to the opposite. Of the list above, a very low percentage of players actually play in our side. Richmond has a habit of turning VFL players into fantastic AFL role players while we create fringe players at best. I’ve mentioned it before, but we would not be industry leading in one single area of our club. It seems our ladder position probably is an accurate reflection on how we operate.
  11. Lloyd’s point is correct though, our mids are all cut from the same mould. Just don’t expect anyone to cough up something useful for Brayshaw. Same with Viney, he’s a warrior and bled red and blue from day dot, but he’s not bringing too much value back our way due to his limitations.
  12. He's certainly playing a lot heavier than I remember. I thought it may have been a directive for him to get bigger so he can be a stay at home forward. Or am I imagining that? If it was a ploy, it was ridiculous considering he isn't a crash and bash type
  13. Wonder what to expect from T-Mac for the rest of the year, given some seem to indicate he sooks a bit when things are not as he wants.
  14. One of my pet peeves is that other clubs have young guys come in and have an immediate impact. We have a crop now that were all high draft picks, but we are talking 5-7 years into their careers to actually contribute in a meaningful fashion. Power are a great example - Rozee, Duursma, Butters have been important players in the Powers rise, despite being 1st or 2nd year players and then Georgiades pops up as a first year player and contributes also. We seem to pick a lot of project players and by the time they are ready, it might be too late
  15. I'm not sure it's an overreaction, the midfield as a whole group has not fired in a long time. We've been carried by good performance from Max, Viney, Trac or Clayton individually or as a pair. I can't remember a game where the whole group was up and about. Even when we are winning, supporters, commentators and opposition fans are asking what's happened to Harmesy or Gus. You simply cannot afford to carry blokes who are out of form/position/favour anymore. One thing that infuriated me against Brisbane was how many touches Lachie Neale got from sweeping round the back of a stoppage. His fellow mids work to create so much space for him to gather and burst away from stoppages while there was a pile up of our guys lying on the ground or running in the wrong direction.
  16. I'm sure everyone has seen the Nic Nat and Josh Kennedy set play from the weekend, wouldn't it be great if our midfield coaches and players could engineer that sort of play. We are not disciplined enough or team orientated enough to create those chances for another player. This isn't strictly midfield related, but with Gawny's dominance it should be a real power of ours
  17. That is a ripping example of exactly what we lack. Richmond have a host of mids (As do West Coast/GWS/Port) that can all play multiple positions. Vast majority of our list is one-dimensional, we can't rotate the mids through HFF because our flankers can't play anywhere else, similar with our forward pocket players. West Coast have a great and complementary group also - Yeo, Shuey, Kelly, Cripps, Gaff, Sheed all have no issues running through the centre square and there would be a couple of younger guys i'm not familiar with also.
  18. I think Oliver and Trac pick themselves, after that it's a raffle depending on form. None of the rest are very confidence inspiring and highlight our lack of depth and lack of A-grade talent. Edit: Even though there are differences in their respective game styles, our whole group is quite similar. At the moment we are very easy to defend because of the sameness through the midfield group. That becomes a lot more difficult if you had 3 very different players at Gawn's feet. We lack leg speed and breakaway running ability. What about a Langdon or a Bennell every now and again to mix it up, in much the same way that Hogan used to go in and create a very different dynamic. Guarantee an opposition mid wiould change their mentality enormously if they were stood next to Bennell at a centre bounce 2nd Edit: I think the stubborness is the real issue. We keep fronting up with the same thing and teams are ready for it.
  19. Voss has a lot more C@&! in him, I’d take him. Don’t care how highly rated Yze is.
  20. Beating Adelaide will be the clubs aim, but they’ll likely get comfortable after that and go down in the next couple
  21. Why would we want to recruit another bloke who is dropped for attitude issues (Polec). We have a list full of them. We don’t have elite facilities, don’t have elite standards and wonder why we can’t produce consistent, elite effort. We can’t develop an elite culture, can’t develop kids and can’t develop a game plan to work with the cattle we have. I’d be keen to deal on some of the young swans players, they seem to have plenty that can come in and do well.
  22. Anyone know what’s happening with Bedford? He looked good and then vanished
  23. The Dees have definitely turned me away from football over the last 10 years and I think this could be it. Since I’ve been old enough to understand the game, this type of performance has always been lurking, often far too regularly. I can’t support this [censored] any longer, it’s not a once a season thing, it’s a once a month affair. As @Leoncelli_36 has alluded to on numerous occasions, there must be some big issues behind the scenes. Even without any knowledge of what goes on inside the club, there’s clearly been issues with T-Mac for the past 2 years. Viney has been bringing plenty of rage and aggression, but it was not doing anything to help until the last week or two. Jones has been playing for himself almost his whole career, just a little bit of effort gets him a pat on the back when everyone around him has been putrid, it has to be over. I saw the behind the scenes snippet of Goody in the rooms from last weeks game, I am beginning to think he might be trying to ramp up his directness and frustration and the players have gone to water. The supporter group can see plenty of things that need addressing, so are they being addressed honestly, or are they just being ignored - I think it’s the latter. The players don’t care if we win or lose, the club doesn’t care that the players don’t care and we continue going round in circles on this roller coaster from hell. Getting close to Brisbane seems to have been good enough. Someone needs to make a statement and it needs to be very big and very loud. I’m not sure anyone has the stones to do it right now.
  24. No doubt the Power will come at us physically, so it will be a case of who can get settled first and revert to playing footy. Brisbane and the Power seem to have a similar arrogance around the ball, we need to just crush that from the get-go
  25. BW511


    There was multiple times where Brisbane players rolled across the top of our guys to get up. It was clearly a tactic they had decided on to get our guys minds off the job
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