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Everything posted by BDA

  1. You always rise to the bait Nev. Every. Single. Time.
  2. Look what happened to Jesse Hogan!
  3. There are some good small forward options here that are worth a punt. Ebinger at Williamstown and James Rowe in SANFL. Pity list sizes probably rule them out as an option as I’d like to see the club take a chance on one of them with a later pick perhaps.
  4. We’ve tried the square peg, round hole option. He’s just not that versatile. I get we have to try different pieces in different places but Harmesy, like most players, has a best position/role. That’s patently obvious now. Play him through the middle to negate the oppositions best player, resting forward.
  5. A warrior and great servant to the club. Not sure about the extra year but if anyone deserves a contract for sentimental reasons then its Jonesy. He’ll have to earn the right to play next season though. 6 games is too much to gift anyone. If he does reach the 300 game milestone i'll be delighted for him.
  6. Superb season. Unlucky to miss out on AA selection. Never beaten by direct opponent. Defensive lynchpin. Genuine heartfelt B&F speech. A leader. I love this bloke.
  7. I know I’m a heretic but I preferred the shorter quarters. Some games were interminable under the normal format the result known long before the final siren.
  8. You're a hard marker! Agree his goal kicking was much improved this year.
  9. I think the opposite is true. What’s the point in locking in a full fixture when it can change at the drop of a hat? We’ve seen what happened in Adelaide this week. If that happens in season any fixtures with SA teams and their opponents are up in the air and need to be re-scheduled etc. throwing the remaining fixture into disarray. I think a full fixture at this point is a waste of time.
  10. I would normally agree except I got caught out last year booking flights and accommodation to the Gold Coast for an early season game. I have a credit with the airline which I’ll use again but trying to get the accommodation refund was a pain. Even If a full fixture was released now I certainly wouldn’t be making any firm plans. It’ll be a late decision for me this year (hoping we’re playing in Adelaide this year on a Fri night or Sat. haven’t seen Adelaide oval yet).
  11. Personally, I loved having games on every night of the week. I've never seen more footy than i did last season. The pandemic has another 12-18 months to go yet (until vaccine production can be scaled up and rolled out) and as we’ve seen in Adelaide sudden lockdowns are a distinct possibility. I think it should be kept as an option but would not be a preference if it could be avoided. Creates too many advantages and imbalances.
  12. I'll elaborate. I consider personal actions as disparaging someone's character unfairly. The comments on this thread are in the main in relation to performance and capability.
  13. Who’s taking cheap shots? I think comments have been fair and balanced overall. There will always be outliers. What do you want us to do? Suspend our critical faculties because he’s been delisted. We are allowed to criticise (as long as it’s not personal or abusive). It's not like we're speaking ill of the dead!
  14. why are we still waiting for this 4 years later. Super excited about Yze. Less so about Goodwin.
  15. Hit the nail on the head. particularly pace. if he still has it then he's a good option.
  16. Superb season. Can't speak highly enough of him and his rate of progression. He could be our Dusty and he should aim to attain Dusty's level. I reckon he has it in him.
  17. I think clubs help players prepare for post career through study training skills development etc. The end comes at a young age irrespective of whether you were 24 - 34 when you stop playing. All players have a long post career life.
  18. Jeez we better hurry the f up before all this money gets allocated. Mr Barlett. Mr Pert. Where are our plans?
  19. Wretched way to end his career. Slogged his guts out to get back to AFL level for it all to fall apart at the death. I was highly critical at the time but have more sympathy knowing the full circumstances. Hope HB can find contentment in retirement. Credit to Burgess and his team for getting him back to fitness. Alas it didn’t work out but nothing ventured nothing gained. Didn’t cost us too much. The potential upside justified the punt imv.
  20. Unless we figure out a way to free him up to play the intercept role and play to his strengths then we'll continue to get a poor return on our investment.
  21. I dislike long contracts. They make players complacent - see B Grundy Collingwood. Better to extend 2 – 3 years at a time. Keep players on their toes. Yes you’ll have to compensate for the reduced security but that’s preferable than having a dud contract like TMac’s. And I know it means the headache of more frequent renewals and the risk of losing players but at least you know they’re hunger while you have them which should lead to better, more consistent performances which should, in turn increase likelihood of success and keeping said players (I think my circular logic works).
  22. Couldn't agree more with this. Put the money into the grassroots of the game. Much better value for money and offers genuine community benefit rather than contrived justifications I've heard from Richmond (Just listened to a snippet of Brendan Gale on SEN. Talked about how the oval was becoming smaller relatively speaking because the players were fitter. Seriously. I wonder if he had a straight face as he said it)
  23. We’re a very insecure fan base. It’s an unattractive trait. LJ has never given the slightest impression that he was unhappy. He came across as a genuine enthusiastic big kid at the B&F. Let’s not fret about what may or may not happen and just watch this lad grow and develop over the next couple of years. He’s going to be special. Btw have we had 3 better youngsters than LJ, Rivers and Pickett? I can’t recall. Exciting times ahead imv.
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