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Everything posted by BDA

  1. These goal line reviews are becoming a blight on the game. Wasted time for no good reason.
  2. Genius it is. Who's you're upset tip for next weekend?
  3. Hopefully petty and trac ok. Bigger challenges to come. We bank the 4 points and move on.
  4. Couple of quick goals in that quarter and hawthorn were a different team. just want to get through this without any more injuries
  5. What kind of rubbish is that clarry
  6. Goal review out of control. Too many pointless reviews
  7. Hawks never showed us much mercy. I hope we repay them with interest today.
  8. Hawks hopeless. There’s a 100 point shellacking on for us here if we want to put the foot on their throat.
  9. Our accuracy has reverted to the mean
  10. Swans very poor. The mids are getting taken to the cleaners and they can't move the ball. Freo much the better team. They should win but they are always liable to shoot themselves in the foot so you never know.
  11. Neither of these teams will play finals thats for sure. Freo getting more of the pill but their ball movement is so predicable. Swans not very inspiring either.
  12. I like this thread because i get to laugh and cheer on another clubs' misfortune. A misfortune that we get to benefit from. It's great fun. Petty and mean-spirited fun for sure but great fun, nonetheless.
  13. Freo have beaten Hawks, Eagles and pulled one out of the fire against the Suns. Their form line is not good at all. Why do you think they'll beat the Swans at the SCG?
  14. Eagles in a world of pain. Didn't watch the game but they must have been putrid to lose by 70 points at home to the Suns. Eagles supporters are quite arrogant, and I would have thought rebellious but there doesn't seem to be any supporter angst yet. Surely Simpson is on shaky ground. I'm sure our WA brethren are enjoying it though.
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