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Everything posted by Stein9193

  1. We have to be one of the mentally weakest clubs in history. I can't take it anymore
  2. QLD and WA's measures early on did anything but prop the rest of the ecomony up. Reading this post it could be taken that Victoria just one day opened the doors and had a party when the reality was Andrews was just as conservative as the other premiers albeit a terrible quarantine mistake. The reality is that this state that usually does a fair bit of propping up the economy itself has a much more densely populated CBD and inner suburbs than WA and community transmission has spread quicker. Comparing how each state has performed during this ordeal and saying things like 'how come you couldn't be like us" doesn't really help. I'm not saying that's what you're doing but we Vics get a bit sick of the arrogant tag too.
  3. They are just the stupidest and simplistic comments and don't contribute anything. Saying we need to have full stadiums and not even suggest how to do it or why it is a good idea.
  4. You reckon social distancing is rubbish?
  5. Rules changing on the fly again? What else is new. What other sport in the world plays the whole season with 20% less game time then completely moves the 'goal posts' again come finals time? Another example of something from the AFL that is fundamentally flawed.
  6. Apart from a nice individual achievement how does it actually help the club going forward if a player makes it to 300 games? And why would it be a setback if he doesn't?
  7. This is a joke, how is this even controversial? I hope someone slugs someone else today so the lead off story from these losers is something else this week
  8. I reckon we should be trading a minimum of 2 players.
  9. Played a reasonable game tonight
  10. I don't think the MRO is smart enough for that, they're there to stamp slings.
  11. Plus he's dead. I agree the fire and brimstone thing is such a dated method. Coaches need to be rocket scientists now.
  12. What's the answer in your infinite wisdom?
  13. I'm so sick of hearing the term 'WAGS' whenever I hear it I don't get the impression of innocent family and wife I just think of spoiled idiots that have no idea that being in the hub is a privilege and not a right. Any story that contains that term is usually nothing but trouble.
  14. Just idiots those people.
  15. So mandatory vaccine is a bad thing? Not even a debatable point it's a no brainer.
  16. Jeez mate did you even at least wonder why he wasn't there on Sat? Haha
  17. Is this like the head is sacrosanct stuff? Come on it's AFL football, the game where the big men fly. Not the game where people get knocked over and we feel sorry for them. Deliberate free definitely there, not this one though.
  18. Respectfully disagree, Brayshaw was in the air trying to smother. Didn't even hit him high. Play on.
  19. That would be a huge mistake.
  20. Good player, please play him and stop making excuses.
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