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Everything posted by BenF

  1. Listen, I don't want to know about it and I don't know why that person feels the need to speculate on it. It is inappropriate to do so and is further fueling the talk on this thread that really needs to be put to bed. Don't take it out on people just because their opinion is different to yours. If someone is going to speculate however I'd rather a journo than someone who has proven not to know anything about anything.
  2. @Neil Crompton a bit more answering and less face palming would boost my respect for you.
  3. Thank you. The "I know something you don't know but I can't tell you" routine gets way too overdone here.
  4. Since when?
  5. How would you know? You haven't backed this up with anything, you can't just insert an opinion and pass it off as a fact like that.
  6. You're right, we should be extremely proud of this.
  7. More to the point: Why are you on a forum if you can't handle someone not even criticising you but simply REPLYING to your posts? If you find it super annoying that someone doesn't agree with you all the time on here then that's a you problem. You never actually talk about football on here and quite often I see you try to pick fights with other users for no reason at all. You thrive off drama and not only that but when you do disagree with someone you almost put on a show for the other people here like it's a studio audience and it's cringe. Almost like it's to make yourself feel better. To me you act like a bully and although you're very popular here haven't seen yet what other people see. It feels fake and insincere. You asked, I told you. Don't ask if you don't want to hear.
  8. You'd be the first person who thinks that!
  9. He better kick some or he's out.
  10. Has social media and even sites like made it even worse for people with anxiety and depression? Do some people feel it more than others? It seems like we had to reply on these things like group chats to get by and now it seems to have opened up a whole new world where it can amplify depression. I'd like to hear what people think on this, is there a point where there can be too much digital? The line feels blurred and it can be hard to tell who is your friend anymore I find. It is hard to develop trust through words on a screen. Keen to hear thoughts.
  11. JJ stiff
  12. Something to do with doing something to them.
  13. Some people here really need to get a grip. People are trying to discuss what means the most to them and other people are more keen on starting arguments for no reason based on a couple of words they said. I'm in this for flags, as much as I'm in this for a winning season, making the finals and so forth. I don't need to remain loyal to Jackson if he goes and I'm not interested if someone is sorry for me if I have that view. If people want to bully me or others on a message board for having that opinion then that says more about them than it does me.
  14. You said you were open to him as a forward though earlier today?
  15. I'd like a more solid approach.
  16. I'm sick of Weid, needs to be offloaded, total liability.
  17. I'm pretty shocked that people in this thread aren't more up in arms about this and some are even suggesting it's a hoax. There should be serious ramifications on this and the people responsible should serve jail time. It is beyond unacceptable what they put these players through and they have to live with it. For shame.
  18. I couldn't give a stuff what those deadbeats are saying on their site
  19. Needs to go, I'm getting sick of this.
  20. I'd like to see the source for this as well.
  21. It's really hard to forget how much they really kicked out behind last time. Mason Cox played a game for the ages, Howe was brilliant, Sidebottom and Pendles brilliant. I really worry how we are going to be able to combat all this.
  22. Dont come on here then. we may not be perfect but take the good with the bad.
  23. We will win and the effects of it will richocett into next week!
  24. I'd prefer the traditional method as well
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