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Everything posted by Kent

  1. Excatly the shortage is a myth!
  2. I will take that very very generous Need to redeem the 100 I dropped on the Hawks Close but no cigar
  3. At 8 bucks why wouldn't you be excited
  4. right so lets see how she is after 50 years of following this lot too early to tell.
  5. Yes Neil are you volunteering??☺️
  6. Kent

    Ladder Watch

    Im wit the good doctor after last night 5th for me unfortuantely
  7. I been on about this for years If he wasn't a Viney he wouldn't be playing at the Dees. Continues to be a liability Hope he is dropped next week He is a part of the problem in my opinion
  8. He been best at Casey for two weeks He will go ok Crunch time Go VDB!!
  9. Yes Mate happy to lose to win if you know what I mean?
  10. I suggest you watch him closely in my view a very limited footy player but then we all see things differently Dont we?
  11. Relax Its not abuse in my opinion It is how he plays and is on display every time I watch him You strike me as a person who is addicted to finding issues and calling them out for what ever reason Makes you feel superior I suppose. I have met Jack a few times at functions by the way and I really like him and love his tackling and pressure, Just cant play footy See you at the pub and you can see how small I am OK precious!
  12. Vanders in the best for Casey two weeks in a row will go close to recall soon
  13. Yes Its a lottery! I also managed to be behind the drip line
  14. Vineys' main problem is his footy IQ and his slow brain Takes forever to decide what to do with the ball and gets caught or disposes under real pressure and turns it over. Just not smart enough but love his tackling and pressure
  15. MCC M47 Puuurrrfec!!!! Go Demons
  16. might as well not call it footy Change the game change the name how about Nuffball!!!
  17. does any body really listen to this sad self absorbed bastard
  18. Would love to just tease them slowly over 3 games and smash them when they thought they were a chance
  19. Is the only reason to move the game to underwrite the Darwin stadium management??
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