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Everything posted by Kent

  1. Weather Sunday 18 Max 3 Min 24% Not too slippery
  2. I don't really care what game plan as long as we get a good start in first quarter kick the goals when we get the opportunity and tackle the [censored] out of the opposition
  3. How positively convenient for you!
  4. So let us in to the secret and I will shut up
  5. Yes there is a guy up in Armidale apparently gets rid of bad sprits or so im am informed
  6. So smarty inform us all !😫
  7. So why start the process,why grab Grundy when we allegedly didnt need him It looks like a f&%$ up to me
  8. But Goody has allegedly delivered over the past 6 years so with the current challenges can he do it some more He is defence first coach and cannot change as the cattle are not right. It worked for a while but will always be tested by the offensive style of teams like Sydney and CW.
  9. Couldn't agree more
  10. Low iQ coach who has no offensive game plan Current Game plan is a shambles
  11. Saints must be due
  12. We have needed another tall for years the club seems incapable of finding one Grundy should have worked for us Egos and low IQs got in the way If Schacke Fullerton Jefferson and Tomlinson are no good get them out and start again Verrel is not the answer or he would be played its a complete mess
  13. too much red ink we were thrashed at the ball Table shows how poor our on ballers were
  14. We have been at crunch time for 3 years Over confident poor list management and we really believe we are full of stars and play like it! Rebuild time in my view.
  15. Membury to kick 5 Another honourable loss
  16. Loved Chris Dawes and of course Heretier
  17. Salem better have a blinder thinking he is past it This game will tell he can't hide and no excuses he is picked he is ready Mistake in my view. Hope I'm wrong
  18. Hi Temps could cause us problems like Darwin last night 9 points seems to be close to the mark This will not be a pushover I agree with William
  19. He is way past his best No way is he auto selection in my view
  20. Salem would get smashed in the midfield better back in my view Shadow of himself before injury must prove at Casey
  21. We need another bog bodied mid urgently to allow Trac forward
  22. What else? Curl up in fetal position and hope its just a bad dream.
  23. MELBOURNE 3.3 4.7 7.11 9.17 (71) CARLTON 2.2 5.3 7.5 11.7 (73) We have to kick straight Simple really! Go Dees
  24. Love Briggs Is Boyd available?
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