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Gawndy the Great

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Everything posted by Gawndy the Great

  1. I disagree. Frosty is an athletic mobile lockdown defender. Playing under the mantra of play-on-at-all-costs doesn’t suit his skill set. However since we have dialled down the rpm’s his disposal would not have hurt us as much. He could quite easily take down 1st defender allowing May to do some major rebound damage or even switch up into the forward line as an elusive Plan B. Letting him go at the expense of O Mac is yet another mammoth of a [censored] up. Think of it this way, Clarky sees value in him - Goodwin does not. Who would you trust?
  2. He has got to go for that. Free arm or not .
  3. The GWS stoppage work was first class again. We got schooled around the contest with the well organised outfit. We have to do some major work in this area as we were shown up again despite having a dominant ruckman.
  4. Can’t see it happening but who knows. I’ll be going for them for the first time ever.
  5. Anyone notice Alistair Lynch’s noisy deep breaths between sentences. Sounds a bit laboured.
  6. I like the play. But we need to develop LJ. So if we do get Mihocek - how do we play Mihocek, LJ, Weed in the same forward line. Coz lets face it LJ is not playing ruck with Gawn in the team.
  7. 100% agree. I did comment on another thread that upon reflection, taking the captaincy away from him and awarding it to Gawn was not the right thing. I understand that it was player voted, but this playing group are too immature to know what is good for them. The Footy Dept should have re-enforced JV and maybe helped him out with his demeanor and leadership style with his team mates. This guy will/would thrive in a more mature footy club.
  8. Move him on if we need to cull lists.
  9. That’s what the mafia bosses would say right before they whacked one of their own.
  10. Geez wouldn’t it be a laugh if we stumble through to finals and Goodwin keeps his job? This is a bigger result than last night. There are a lot of similarities between us and GWS.
  11. Do we know if Richo was hired for a 1 year contract? If so, then i dont think we renew. But its hard to say whether or not he's had an impact. We dont know what happens behind the scenes.
  12. Have a good summer folks. See you in 2021 for what is probably us on the decline ready for the next rebuild. There is no promise in this team. Nothing.
  13. If I’m Bartlett I’m on the phone building a new coaching panel right now.
  14. I tend to agree. i'd give him one more and a full pre-season to see where he is at. Coming off a multi-year hiatus, need to give him the benefit of doubt that his first year was always going to be like this. Basically has been injury free, played a few games etc - we all knew he wasnt going to tear the house down.
  15. Anyone that truly believes that MFC will win the next 3 games are kidding themselves. Two things will happen tonight: 1. We either do not turn up or are not up for it from the start. 2. We give it a crack and are met with equal opposition and desire at which we are most likely to have a 'missing quarter' and lose the game. If by some miracle we win, then the other scenario's that have already been mentioned by others will play out i.e. somehow find a way to beat GWS (unlikely) and then capitulate against a 2nd rate Essendon team or we choke and lose to GWS (likely) at which point we will lament the losses against Geelong, Lions, Doggies, Swans ala 2017. On the upside, at least it will most likely mean the demise of Goodwin, so there is that to look forward to.
  16. How much longer do we persist with this setup / playing group before we make wholesale changes? IMO changing your best 22 by 5-10 would constitute a mini rebuild, 10+ would be a rebuild. So at what point do we pull the trigger on a mini rebuild? Do we persist with the current mob for another year and target 2-3 key players for example Finlayson or equivalent for Tmac, Williams for Harmes / Brayshaw or Viney, Papley for a Spargo / Fritsch/ AnB during the trade period? Do we think that a coach change will translate to immediate success? Because a new coach would bring a new game style / plan , which with this mob might Struggle to implement in one pre season. My guess is as good as anyone else’s but knowing what we know, I think we will probably do very little given the uncertainty in list sizes etc.
  17. I’m not totally against him, but he doesn’t have the creds at MFC yet. He’s had one pretty good season, but it’s easy to stick out in a team full of inconsistent wannabe’s.
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