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Everything posted by 58er

  1. Didn't you read the response re the procedure as an AFL one? Or is that not true? Stop being a drama queen How much has COVID Resulted in more/less sales In the market place as a result of in many instances cash only or no cash only card. For instance where I sit in the members at the Gabba the food and drink sales would appear by numbers in the queue to have plummeted over 2020 and at the cricket last week. Method is card only!! So explain that please FITP?. BTW I have never found the membership Dept hard to contact or difficult to deal with. They are always Polite and above helpful, especially last season with the tickets for all the Qld games. i am not sure what some people expect and the criticism of Finals tickets please explain your comments?
  2. Wdee Ejo minds the opposition small players ?? You continually overlook Lockhart snd indeed place Hore in the team ( now out and Locky still not in for that role) None except Salem who I like on the wing or HFF. Are small minders and we continually get burnt by oppos smalls viz. Daniels (GWS) Rivers has the ability but Lockhart brings the pace and aggression I think we need down back to break lines. PS They May be grooming Hunt agsin but I think wing or HFF could still be his position. Reckon Spargo Will make Round1 as he further improves and have a feeling Rodman might grab a wing. For improvement we must be careful to Not start Or hold on to spots for too many 2018 heroes ie Melky Harmes and ANB Vanders who are one of the reasons we have not improved as their form or game style have plateaued. The future is about our 2019 and 2020 recruits Development plus Brown and improvement in Fritta Tommo and I believe a rejuvenated Tommy Mac. Hopefully Sparrow and Jordan taking the next step to become best 25 ers. I am desperately hoping Yze and Chocco force Goody to Realise this as the sooner the better in our development This will have a big say on whether we are just making numbers up in Finals or IMO legitimately Competing for our Much awaited 13th flag!!
  3. Lockhart should and will be BP minding smalls and Smithy a seventh defender possibly fir X factor and agile players ( fitness permitting). Thought his last 2/3 games in 2020 he started to look as if he was much more comfortable and was adjusting to the team play on the backline far more. Spargs I agree will be in Round 1 as he continues to grow his game and impact with greater involvement.
  4. There is no doubt that Fritta is one of our best players and will be even better this year with greater muscle and skills on display. Where he plays should not be a bone of contention as he could play wing or defence BUT with our forward line needing the biggest boost for theta miss out on team to go to another level He must be retained on a flank alternating occasionally in a forward pocket In bursts. His potential for 40 (plus) goals a season With greater marking and improved conversion is too much To miss out on for our team. His duel with Haynes vs GWS was a great insight to his potential as he basically defended and competed so that Haynes intercept marking was reduced and then in the end he hit the scoreboard to assist us win. With BBB Weid Kossie a resting Trac a rejuvenated Tommy Mac Jacko plus Spargo on the rise and the newbies Bowey Laurie and cameos from Rosman and even Hunt Melky and ANB in the wings add Gawny and any mids resting forward Fritsch knits up a third or fourth medium Tall spot who is so dangerous and hard for the opposition to contain. Remember he has been our best goal kicker in the last 2 years and they'd with terrible conversion rate plus awful leading patterns to the pockets. We are sitting on a "goal" mine as his development is going to peak higher this year and become a super player and fulfil the promise he has always shown. Forward for Fritsch is a no brainer in 2021 and beyond. PS Rosman I predict will by seasons end Own the opposite wing to Langers.
  5. I believe that our leadership despite Max's suitability for many of the Roles and his ability to carry out most it is the footy (onfield) which is the almost gaping hole that still eludes us. Exsmple is a great teacher but good teams are all the better fir honest and at times critical leadership where the Captain runs things on the Field in tight last quarters With words and advice at The crucial times. We have lacked this for years since Neita IMO, despite James MAC's efforts. Clearly the best leader who demands and earns the right to lead at this most critical time is Steven May. Those that say he hasn't earnt that right Are correct in many ways BUT we don't have unlimited time to waste !!! He has the standing in the group to take the role on and lead from that minute in the most critical phase on the field where we need an urgent lift in tight Finishes and also As a disciplinarian giving advice out on the ground as needed. It won't happen as Maxy will be given this year to improve that aspect of his role and May will be in the leadership group hopefully being groomed ( mostly assuming a major role driving at Team meetings and on the ground. The tome is right for Trac continue his evolution as a team player and leader and Langers also could assist. Lever I believe would benefit from an elevation to the group and Ben Brown and Clarry Could well be ready this time next year to round off the group. One bolter for the future is Trent Rivers who by 2022 should tick all the boxes despite his youth he is our potential version today of the great Joel Selwood and Represents and screams leadership and maturity beyond his years. 2021 will bring challenges again no doubts and we are getting better with players maturing but we need not to waste too many years expecting finished products or 5 year certificates earning the right if it will improve our all important culture this year as learning on the job us the best way all of us expand and develop our skills in life and sport and careers also.
  6. I suspect that by the seasons end Unfortunately All our Half back flankers/ defenders will have I MO passed Hore in talent and achievement. Hore's problem is that he is older and can't mind either talls ( not strong enough ) and smalls ( not quick enough) and mark intercepting is his main skill. Virtually a Lever clone so don't need 2 of them. Sad that he is injured never the less and he doesn't deserve this fate.
  7. Agree Salo important but he will go consistently to a next level and resign Zi believe Maxy a given to resign. Most interesting other is JJ if he is given a chance by Goody to debut in AFL. Not a lot to worry I don't think but we must sign Trac and Clarry During 2021.
  8. Yes that's the issue without options the facility will tread water. This is a huge factor and needs patience from our impatient (older statesmen supporters mainly ) Rome was not built in a day and we need locations and really very few have been suggested either formally or even by D/Ler's. We need to get this right first go! Hang in as the State Govt are on board With the Feasibility etc. and that involvement alone is huge progress on many fronts. Yes 2023 is the date but Covid has shaved off a about a year really in the progress stakes.
  9. So Burgo is lieing about Our situation with a healthy list now? Only there to give reports so positive fir membership purposes? There is no point in mis truths now So I think we have to trust the Club.
  10. Firstly if he turns out like the Ox we will have a champion ( without injuries was Wayne Careyesque) on our hands! Secondly I am not sure but also read that ANB and T Mac finished 1 and 2 in run and Fraser third. Moot point still an outstanding effort from the young man. He is seriously chasing his dream with effort and motivation and who knows how good he will be. One other thing is his physical attributes Skills and Attitude are also playing a big part in his pre season attempt to be there in Round 1 with BBB and the rest of the boys!!
  11. Completely irrelevant and uncalled for comment which could / maybe should have been Not allowed printing. This is not even necessary as one matter is not relevant to the other!!!
  12. Hope you bought tickets in your own lottery DrD. Think you may well win it!!! Letssee how your ability this year is up to your normal standards!!! Cant wait for the season to start !!!
  13. Sorry Redbeard understand you have had discussions with the Membership Dept. Maybe ask if they can create a Junior category for AFLW Juniors. Consider writing or contacting Gary Pert. Good luck.
  14. Then contact ( ring the Membership Dept) Of the Club.
  15. NC what I disagreed about with dl4e's comments was that Hawthorn only sent him to Hospital as a coverup to any action. My point was that once the Mental health issue was involved most cases are for obvious reasons Not highlighted or Are considered more respectfully. Thst was my point and In no way do I agree with any if his alleged actions as tolerable and law abiding but the WHY is the most important reason for silence as respect fir the issues that may be the reason. The "coverup " for no action that dl4e suggested in Hawthorn sending JP to hospital was completely out of Order in the circumstances. The AFL are also involved and it should be a given that the investigation is allowed to be full open Nd all embracing not putting any more pressure than he has already Been through media and public scrutiny etc. Yes you incur that if you do acts like The alleged but if agsin the mental health issue is in any Way involved it's time for the WHY to be prioritised snd investigated by relevant parties, And the perpetrator has been condemned roundly fir this act by 80% or more by D/L ers for the act.which the whole footy world is aware of also.
  16. Sorry dl4e this has moved on from the coverup or offhanded comment. When it is a possible/probable matter of mental health understanding and respect are virtues best Shown. And understanding for a fellow human being who would be feeling this tough situation searching for an Uplifting as possible outcome from a pretty much public glare.
  17. HFF When a Player reaches a standard ( elite) as Trac has displayed last season Coaches encourage Them to use their initiative and it just comes naturally with the champions and A graders of the game. "Allowed" is not the mantra but expected of these stars. When we get a dozen of our players able to do this in the team environment and instinct rather than stilted and rehearsed moves we will be a team of speed and skill and the middle tier will be dragged along on this ride like the lesser lights at the Tigers are now. Each player knows his role within the team but all are given leeway And expected to create play for the teams benefit. We will play like Hawks did and be on the move looking for opportunitues to kick goals or get out of trouble down back or breakaway on the wing with 3 bounces! Snd it will happen on the run at some speed and precision.
  18. Damo perhaps take a 2 month holiday in Oz and come back when the excitement MAY build up for you to get enthusiastic and motivated. Dont ruin others hopes and dreams with negative banter and boring text. If not a long sleep or lockdown will surely be the antidote to March madness!
  19. Fraser is leaving no stone unturned to give his chance of early Success being in the AFL team With a red hot go And not run around for Casey all year.
  20. Between you and Dr D the Club may as well close down. Such negative posts without even commenting upon the new Coaches potential for influence on all players skills etc improvement plus the all important game plan oh and the players Marking time! "only the young ones " DrD says as if Sparrow Jordan BBB and our stars and potential A and B graders From last year are sitting playing play station in the new gym inside the Magnificent new facilities. Finding it hard to motivate yourself guys then why not look at it half glass full instead of empty ?? If our stars perform up to 2020 and everyone else in between them and the youngsters goes up 10% plus the younguns take on 20 % natural improvement with our new Coaches I would place us in Finals contention with a bullet if no serious injuries. Of course there is always the chance of the false dawn again but I believe when you look for the positives they are fair dinkum screaming at your face in both natural ability and development. Can't wait to see the new Tommy Mac and even Joel Smith's footy awareness which if improved will add immeasurably to his considerable natural flair. About 25 Players hold our future in their hands and the more they improve the better our stars and match winners will be. Bring on those silly practice matches and serious match practice at training for us to see the effort and dedication that's going into our season from all in the Footy Department and players. A day at the G Is just what we all want to saviour With the fruits of the last 6/7 years hard build up come together in a wave of a Team performance That looks switched on and purposeful about it's destiny and journey in 2021.
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