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Everything posted by 58er

  1. I have always found the Membership Dept Fantastic with questions and assistance. Why not get Richo in the next podcast and have a private chat in the process?? Ir go to the Club and email a message fir a return call. Or ask Memberships help in this matter.
  2. Sorry DeeV you have lost me in this post ! From the Election Terms and conditions you have deduced that we are broke etc and that Covid is a 2 year problem. we play 6 mths from Mar/Sept is our season and the other period is pretty much preparation only. Yes players get paid for Pre Season but their wages are annual!! i am not a financial wizard or accountant but don't agree with your wild IMO assertion Of the Boards AGM report. However I do like your passion and loyalty as I similarly have barracked and supported the Mighty Dees since 1958 including the last 28 years from interstate. I also believe at 72 I will see our next premiership along with many Baby Boomers racing against time!!! Lets hope this year is one out of the Box as I do really think our list is developing nicely and us about the best balanced we have had for many a season. All the best and Go Dees!
  3. Sorry about the drive etc. but as I have posted it's about time DL made an official personal approach to the Footy Manager or CEO and explained this situation I am effort solve it. Richo might be the one!! At worst why not ring the Club and arrange to get advice about training when and where ?? Sorry to be so logical but Think about it like you would in any other capacity business or social!
  4. Still dont know whether Hunty is the real deal Was so pleased about his 4 goals and he generally kicks straight as well. He is not a set up start in the forward line like Fritta but could well be in the 22. The forward line IMO in Round1 should be : Fritta Tmac Spargo Kossie M.Brown Jacko with maybe Hunt and Laurie (or Bowey )ahead of ANB as interchange. Others to spend Time "resting " are Trac Harmes Viney Gus and Clarry maybe even Gawny for a very short change up.
  5. Turner very surprised you are not giving Tommy the benefit of the doubt now that he has done what Goody or Club agreed with him to do. Hr us much lighter and should be much more fitter and move better than the last 2, seasons. His pre season is promising along with his training yet you are bagging him as hopeless almost wishing him to fail. Far from supportive given his efforts so far.
  6. You forgot Sparrow and Jordan plus any of the newbies Laurie Bowey or Rosman.. Any if them are all candidates for early season selection if their form and consistency arevipbtibscrstch.
  7. Sympathies to Sam and the Weideman family. Thinking if you all.
  8. Hopefully Dpargo is selected either way
  9. Maybe for a surprise Change ( rest) for at most 3/5 mins in a desperate last quarter but not really a winner so needs to be done sporadically and strategically. You want him 80% forward and that just won't work plus Jacko deserves about 50% time in the forward line creating havoc as an extra midfielder and hopefully goal assist and/or scorer.
  10. LT I don't think he is going to be barred from defence if a vacancy occurs There also or his form demands a spot in the 22.
  11. Very true Nos but it is up to Paddy and his medicos plus family to determine his life wishes. We can only support them if we feel his passion and commitment to play if medically ok'd is for us as a Club.
  12. Great to see Harry Petty also but with all of them together it might still be only the rehab group albeit without bandages! Including Majak as well.
  13. Whatever your thoughts about Majak Daw's invitation to join the Dees training as a trial for a SSP spot on our list as a KP forward or back Or ruck trial there is no doubt That any one's heart would be gladdened to see that huge smile On his face on the attached photos of training today. That was the Best part of Harley's tryout in 2020 with us showing that in AFL humanity and team culture is still the greatest gift in a Club.. To see Majak out in the track just enjoying life and being considered good enough and appreciated will have given him a great boost. None of us really know the Full facts about the lows he has been through himself and with his marriage and fatherhood but we may just be able to without too much pressure contribute to his development and growth and enjoyment also adding to some games of footy which he obviously loves playing. Lets support him all the way as we did with Harley and make this ride a Win for all of us especially Majak.
  14. Yes good point DR but I still reckon that we start off from a base and the team develops strength from that logic and stability.
  15. Why Jacko at HFF? Fritsch is not a FF but good elsewhere But KP Hunt has been playing and training Down back all pre season. agree with you on Melksham Rosman will beat Baker to wing I reckon would prefer Laurie or Bowey instead of AVB Also Lockhart In to mind small forwards and give run and dare Jonesy Agee in FP if selected Spargo is also a very sure starter on training etc this pre season.
  16. But the total list joined in Jan and Under 4 years players 2 weeks prior to Xmas or about when the draft occurred in early Dec.
  17. On the weekend of 25/28 Feb We play Tigers but it hasn't been confirmed a date or venue yet. It has been advised by AFL with a website posting about 10 Days ago Listing all the games and some confirmations.
  18. AFLW Pre season started in Nov I believe but it was not in Oct I don't think. BUT it had nothing to do with the men's Club pre season timing which Was Under 4 years started about early Dec for a fortnight then on Jan 5/6 th the More than 4 years players Commenced and joined in. Boydie you are about the umpteenth D/L Er that thinks that the men trained FROM October on. If you recall our 2020 season Due to Covid Was delayed and finished about 20 th Sept and players are entitled To 6 weeks leave. Under their agreements. The lack of accuracy in posting on D/Land both staggers and disappoints me.
  19. Why Brissie ? We don't play them in Round 1 or early in the season. Might be better to change name to X only if you keep making posts like this Theo!!!
  20. Sorry Hampton 22 but your Covid radar and AFL agility really do need a tune up. Whatever are you doing during lockdown ? You maybe didn't get the email but it was headlined immediately on the MFC website that same afternoon Friday and the In email Saying registrations up to this Weekend are extended. I would be sorting out the mayonnaise so it couldn't be added to the egg on my face although during lockdown ( and I sincerely sympathise with all Victorians ) ample time permits the cleaning up of any mess accrued from the mixup. May we have a great season and successful AGM.
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