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Rab D Nesbitt

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Everything posted by Rab D Nesbitt

  1. Ha! I wasn’t sure if anyone on here would have heard of Govan’s finest waster. Never used a chip fryer myself as I’d be terrified of burning the house down. As long as I have access to good quality coffee, beer and craic during this break in proceedings I’m sure I’ll come out the other end with my sanity intact.
  2. Fair point Wellsy. Hopefully though it has all been documented on film to be edited and released at an appropriate time. It might be the last footage we get to see if the media dept has been stood down.
  3. I work as part of a team that puts together bespoke safaris in Africa and we were told that we'll be going down to a four day week. With the world in lockdown nobody will be booking anything for quite some time unfortunately so that four days could end up being much less if things don't turn around relatively soon. I had made plans to go for an early morning swim each day off but now that the local pool has been shut indefinitely I'll be out on the bike riding the capital city trail to keep the serotonin levels up. If anyone happens to be out on the track early doors I'll be donning a mint green helmet with the little Dees bumper sticker placed discreetly on the back. Happy to stop for a coffee and chat (at arms length of course) in one of my favourite hole in the wall cafes along the route if you flag me down.
  4. Perhaps I've been spoiled by the recent preseason footage but it would have been good to have documented those 13 days as another video instead of a write up I think.
  5. Rhino - Russell Richards Bobby - Mark Withers Circum - Greg Sizer Franken - Jim Stynes (supporters called him this and he hated it) Sticky Fingers - Steven Icke Sugar - Greg Healy
  6. Hollywood - David Cordner. Given to him because he smoked Peter Stuyvesant cigarettes which supposedly all the film stars did at the time.
  7. The Bermuda Triangle has become less of a mystery than our midfield - forward disconnect.
  8. Right then people. Let's all get self isolating like there's no tomorrow. The sooner we get this thing licked the sooner we get our Dees back. I was going to say let's mobilise but you know what I mean.
  9. Does this mean the Grand Final Eve public holiday will be cancelled ?
  10. So some hermetically sealed footballers will be fine? I like it. As long as they're not carrying any fruit.
  11. I wonder if there might still be time to rush through the initial four rounds before these potential new measures kick in? That would give us the foundations of a season at least so that we can shut up shop for four to eight weeks to see how things play out before picking things up again. I know we all have varying opinions on the subject but personally I'd like to be in a place where there's at least an opportunity for the season to continue later in an environment more recognisable to us all. Unlike some other codes, Australian Rules football is played for just six months of the calendar year with anticipation filling the long vacuum in between each season. I'm happy to have a little fix now (fingers crossed) to be followed by another mini build up prior to ramping things up again in earnest again later. As I've said it's just an opinion so don't shoot me down.
  12. With this indoor distancing law shutting down all the pubs maybe we'll get some real speakeasies sprouting up now.
  13. Doubt it. The Rose in Fitzroy just called me to say they're closing indefinitely until sanity returns so I'll be watching the game at a mate's place.
  14. Jesus. Thanks Sue. Even I'm starting to slip up now. Schoolboy error!
  15. He's right. It's like being told that it's ok to have morning sex but not kiss the other person goodbye before you head off to work.
  16. I think we all need to be a little mindful of how we reply to other peoples opinions. For those that are cooped up indoors online chat might be the closest thing to an interaction they're going to have in the short term so slapping them down, even if what they say is a bit kooky, may not be the best way to respond. Just make sure you spell everything properly or I really will start to lose my sh@t!
  17. You're right. I'm overthinking it.
  18. Certainly one of the all time grates.
  19. Now that Collingwood have been reduced to their constituent parts so to speak I realise that it's their fan base and Eddie that makes me loath them, not so much the guys running around in black & white stripes.
  20. Yeah, he's a life member of the club. He was also a timekeeper at the G I think and responsible for the siren. Really nice guy with some great stories to tell.
  21. I went there for the first time last year for the Adelaide game. Arrived 1am Saturday and left again 1am Sunday. Don’t know what you’ve done wrong to have Gold Coast inflicted on you for the foreseeable future.
  22. He claims to only count 'official' games Hardtack. Was that game for premiership points?
  23. Tarax Club appears to be based in Darwin by the looks of it so that would be a no.
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