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Everything posted by roy11

  1. Exactly, Melbourne Victory (A-League) traveled to New Zealand and played on the 15th. I know they're having a bad season but news broke out before kick off that they'd need to self isolate for 14 days when they returned to Australia and they put it a very ordinary performance. Need to remember that sportsmen are people too. I'm sure there are lots of us who've put in a below par day of work due to mental health/psychological effects/stress etc.
  2. also too many soft floated kicks as well
  3. I have mixed thoughts about the game. I'm not going to call them excuses but First Game of the Season Against Quality Opposition In the heat New players for the club Perhaps the uncertainty of the season did get to them at times. But at the end of the day as we've said here there were simple mistakes that cost us goals and the same issues what impacted us in 2019. Must improve the delivery into the F50. It was one of those games where the start killed us, They couldn't seem to miss, we couldn't seem to score. Just sad we need to wait a minimum of 10 weeks for more Kozzie Picket
  4. “Mandatory 14-Day self-isolation for any person entering South Australia from anywhere in Australia. ” Starts Tuesday. enjoy the footy today, imagine this puts it on hold for a while
  5. always enjoyed watching behind closed door soccer games for this very reason, it's interesting hearing the players communicate with each other. Reckon they'll eventually add some sort of noise on the broadcast tho
  6. the English Football Association recognize it as the oldest club in the world. Either way they play in the =8th level in England in the football pyramid (with Premier League being 1st)
  7. Premier League suspended until 30 April and we're carrying on here like it's business as usual (just sans fans), i really don't get it lol
  8. we should be testing, testing, testing, but there aren't enough tests. I had a sore throat and some fatigue and what not during this week, and if i wanted to get tasted i'd have been told i'm not eligble to receive one. But yes it is crazy that a lot of sport is being suspended and we're seemingly happy to go for it.
  9. Irish Demons duo return home in wake of corona crisis https://womens.afl/news/49367/irish-demons-duo-return-home-in-wake-of-corona-crisis Not ideal given the injury list.
  10. roy11


    There are a few people willing to draw a line through him and i sort of understand when you're looking at it in terms of 'games played' etc. We can only go off what they tell us and they've said this is an unfortunate injury with no relation to his previous problems. We'll have to wait if there are any lingering issues as a result but a fit AVb is important to the team. Who knows how many games will be played in 3 months anyway.
  11. Very happy for Kossie/Bedford - sad they don't get a crowd tho.
  12. Greg O’Rourke - Head of the ALeague ‘We’re looking to compress the season.’ Six rounds of football trying to be crammed into 3/4 weeks. Guess it is easier for them at the tail end of the season
  13. The Friday 5pm presser, the great mic drop timezone
  14. Seems that the NRL will be behind closed door from Round 2. No crowds allowed at AFLW from tomorrow onwards. Surely we'll get an update about AFL shortly.
  15. "BREAKING: The Prime Minister has announced non-essential, organised events of 500 people or more will be banned from Monday. That does not include schools or universities." Dang
  16. sport around the world is being suspended. Premier League having a meeting after Arsenal Coach confirmed positive. F1 cancelled, cricket behind closed doors. Based on this it doesn't look too good for attending the footy anytime soon. Serves me right for being quietly optimistic for this season.
  17. La liga in Spain on a minimum 2 week suspension. Champions league ties look problematic now. meanwhile in Victoria, Mclaren have pulled out of the f1 this weekend as a crew member has been diagnosed with corona. curious times for the decision makers
  18. "At a press conference Monday, Gobert attempted to make a point about overreaction and fear by touching everything in sight before he left. He leaned over and touched all of the microphones and recorders." Bit of a Lol
  19. NBA Just suspended the season. Wonder what the AFL will do.
  20. roy11


    Too logical for the AFL to implement but would be a good idea!. with KK and Nietzsche likely LTI what are the options for the club
  21. Wonder how many MCC members pay their dual membership promptly. For the last few years (and this year no different) I just sign up a week or so before the season starts. Already have my entry - so no real rush for me
  22. roy11


    We've let inconsistent players go and kept some risks. Hopefully Burgess can keep the rest of the cattle on the pitch. Pardon my ignorance but what provisions can we make for long term injury replacements?
  23. Where does Kent fit in at St Kilda these days anyway?
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